I guess now is as good a time as any to get back into the blogging world, right? I miss it so much, but life is crazy...well, it WAS crazy. Actually, it's still crazy but just in a different kind of way. Our schedules are clear but everything else around us is in chaos. Of course, that's another story for another day. All things considered, I'm happy for the reprieve in our schedule and hope to take advantage of the slower pace. Like most everyone else, we are experiencing the effects of the coronavirus. We're living in a parallel world where we alternate between gratitude for the opportunity to breathe in the slower pace, while balancing the concern of so many unknowns. It's a delicate dance, but we are making the most of it. We are choosing (or trying to choose) joy in the middle of a really, flat out, weird season of life. Being the history dork I am, I know that those who follow behind us will want to study how we are survivin...