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Showing posts from July, 2013

Party Planning

I can hardly believe that my baby boy will be turning FOUR in less than two weeks. In fear of being too cliche, let me ask you this....  Where did the time go?  Really, where?!?! Anyway, with another birthday upon us, I have exhausted pinterest looking for party ideas.  This years he's wanted the following themes: Dinosaurs, Monster Trucks, Hot Wheels, Louisville Cardinals, Angels In The Outfield, Rookie Of The Year, and Super Heroes.  It literally changes every two days.  I finally made him stick with one idea, and he settled on....drum roll please...SUPER HEROES!!! With a theme in place I started planning the perfect party.  Through this process I realized that (at least for me) the planning was becoming more about me, and less about him.  I wanted a party my friends would enjoy, my friends would talk about, and my friends would pin to their boards. That's when I decided it was time to scale back.  I don't want to throw a party that wou...

And So It Begins

Ya'll know that we are a house divided.  I'm from Lexington, so I naturally cheer for the Kentucky Wildcats.  Meanwhile, Eric went to University Of Louisville before transferring to WKU.  This makes him a Cardinals Fan.  The trouble is, this can be problematic at times. Ha! Eric has succeeded in brainwashing our son into becoming a Cardinals Fan.  So much so that he sings songs like, "Jesus Loves The Little Cardinals," and he named our Elf On The Self, Peyton Siva.  It's sad, ya'll!!   Well, I'm trying to raise Ellie up right as a Cats fan.  Ha!  My family has joined my efforts, and they're keeping me well stocked with plenty of UK gear.  It makes Eli madder than an ole wet hen to see Ellie dolled up in blue.  This is a picture of them on Sunday representing their teams.  As you can tell, the family rivalry continues, at least for now.  I'm sure my boys will somehow end up convincing her to wear red. ...

Sweet Sunday

Sundays at our house are very low key...that would be AFTER the morning hassle of getting two kids ready and out the door to church.  This morning I was in my usual tizzy trying to get everything together when Eric informed me that he didn't understand why I was in such a rush (a.k.a. bad mood.)  I looked at the clock and realized that we had plenty of extra time. Seeing this as a photo op, I rounded up my dressed kiddos and started snapping pictures which you are now can thank me later. Ha! After church we hit the grocery store, and when we got home Eric made tacos.  Goodness, I love that man!  He also took care of the kids while I napped, and he cleaned up the kitchen.  After nearly five years of marriage he has learned that that fastest way to my heart is through a clean house. After my nap, I did about a billion loads of laundry while Eric entertained the kids and played Superheros with Eli.  Please be advis...


Eric woke up early this morning and headed to Nashville with a friend from work to hit up a flee market.  I stayed home with this kiddos and pretty much lounged around in pjs all day.  I also got a wild hair and spent a large chunk of the morning in the kitchen making homemade salsa and homemade spinach dip.  This is following our yummy cookies I made last night for Family Movie Night.   By the way, we have family movie night every Friday.  I think I've mentioned this before, but I've never taken pictures.  Here in a few weeks I'll try to dedicate a full post to Eli's favorite tradition.  Anyway, Eric took a nap when he got back home.  Then we all got dressed and headed to SOKY Fair.  This is my attempt at a "selfie" picture with Ellie.  I know she looks slightly terrified, but it was decent of me.  Haha...sorry, girl.  When you're a mommy with your own blog, you can choose the pictures.  What ya'll n...

Wet & Wild

In an effort to check another item off of our Summer Bucket List and to spend more time with the Adkins gang, we decided to hit up the local "slash pad." I use the term lightly because it's actually a community park, Circus Square Park.  Lucky for us, we live in a very family friendly town where it it perfectly acceptable to utilize downtown fountains! After work I met Eric for lunch, then we swung my the Dollar Tree where we nabbed Eli a Spiderman shield.  He's very into superheros, so I knew it would be the perfect companion for the slash pad since he hates water in his face.  I was right.  Whenever he would run close to a fountain, he would hold it up over his face. I was surprised how quickly he gained confidence and started running around with Owen.  I really thought we would be there 30 minutes tops, but these two cuties had the time of their lives! I love that they have literally grown up together.  There...

A Roller Coaster

I have decided that parenting is a roller coaster journey.  There are moments when Eli shines, when he obeys in public, uses his manners, holds open doors for women, and is generally a delight.  Then there are days that I wonder if he might be displaying early signs of terroristic tendencies.  Ha!  Just when I think I'm getting the hang of shepherding his little heart he goes and has a meltdown at Wal Mart. This used to discourage me, but I'm learning that it's all part of the ride.  There will be days when he makes me so proud I burst with joy, and then there are days I want to hide behind the display of Cokes in the grocery aisle.  And you know what?  That's ok.  I have to take the moments as they come, relishing in small victories and keeping perspective in the less than amusing parenting moments.   Basically, I'm learning that prayer and laughter are essential to survival on this coaster of motherhood which is funny considering the...

Motivation Monday

I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that I didn't gain any weight this week.  The bad news is I didn't lose any either.  Oh well, after traveling this weekend I'll take it! I haven't really used my super-awesome lose it app because, well, I can't really eat much right now.  I'm still having severe stomach pain which makes things difficult.  I do well with dairy and pretzels.  You can forget exercise too.  Any time I start to do anything that "jostles" my stomach, I'm in trouble. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy next Monday, so hopefully we'll get this little problem taken care of so that I can get back in the gym.  I'm ready to shed some more pounds which is likely considering the amount of laxatives I'll be taking prior to my proceedure.  HAHAHA! One more thing.  Ellie would like William and Catherine (Kate) to know that she is already very comfortable in a crown, and ready to become a royal as soon as t...

Sweet Home Alabama

Ok, Alabama is not "home," but it is sweet...especially where you're there to visit family! After work on Friday we loaded up the kids and  headed to Florence, Alabama where we had a wonderful weekend with Eric's cousins.  The drive ended up being less than three hours, and both kids slept pretty much the entire way.  We may or may not have pretended that it was a date. Ha!  When we finally got there, we let Eli and Paisley play for a bit before heading to Eric's aunt's house for dinner.   Ya'll they grilled up the most amazing steaks.  It was southern hospitality at its best.  After dinner Eric and Jeremy headed out to fish while Jessica and I took the kids back home to go to bed.  They were't too excited about the whole sleeping thing, so we had to seperate them. Ha!  Once they were in different rooms they fell right off to sleep.  Of course my two were up at the crack of dawn.  Not wanting to wake the rest of...