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Showing posts from September, 2016

Grandparent's Day Luncheon

Yesterday was the Grandparent's Luncheon at Eli's school, and we were blessed that Eric's parents were able to get off of work to make the trip.  Eli was excited all morning and told me on his way to school that he was going to share Nan and Grandad with his friends who didn't have grandparents.  How sweet is that?!  He has a tender, little heart and makes me so proud. As if it wasn't enough having Nan and Grandad there, Colby came along to surprise him.  He was so excited and told me last night, "Mom, all of my friends kept looking higher and higher until they saw how tall Colby was.  Then they said 'wow!'"   After the festivities at school, Eric's parents met us in town at the mall so that we could visit during our lunch break.  I think they enjoyed it ever bit as much as Eli did.  It means so much to us that they made the long, hard drive from Western KY to support our boy.  There's such a special bond between children...

Midweek Musings

Can you believe we are already halfway through the work week?  I love four day weeks!  Anyway, since I'm trying to jump back on the blogging train, I thought I would keep up the Midweek Musing post to dump some pictures that need somewhere to go.  When we got back from Lexington on Monday, these beauties were waiting in our mailbox.  We made a big deal of telling the kids by sitting them down for a "family meeting," which of course warranted a courses of whining, grumbling and eye rolling. Ha!  You can image their surprise when we whipped out our Magic Bands!  Ya'll the trip is getting so much closer…aahhh!!  Ellie's already got her Disney Face on. Ha!  I love this picture so much. She is such a hot mess, and to be honest, I'm slightly concerned about her Diva status.  She is going to be elated this year to meet all of her Disney princesses. And I can't leave out my boy.  This the picture above was on my Timehop...

Labor Day Weekend

We just got back from a nice, long weekend in Lexington celebrating Labor Day with my family.  I'm sure you've noticed this, but I have been slacking in the picture-taking department, so I only have a few to share. Friday as I was leaving work, I heard that a wreck had shut down the interstate, so we took our time getting ready to leave.  We got to Lexington late, but at least we weren't stuck in standstill traffic for hours upon hours with the kids. Saturday was a pretty low-key day watching lots of football.  Eli and Eric took a few bike rides around the neighborhood, which is something that we don't get to enjoy much in the country.  My mom and I took Ellie shopping, and it was so much fun.  I wish we got to do more stuff like that, but it's hard living so far away.   Ellie was so much fun modeling some outfits for us.  Ha!  She was eating it up.  Back at home, we had dinner and then Eric and I ran to town to get a ...