Last night was ROUGH!! Both kiddos were out of sorts and to add insult to injury, Eli woke up at 6:00 this morning...LOVELY!! He never does that. Lucky for me, I can now drink diet coke and gorge myself in caffeine, which is exactly how I survived. I actually sent Eric back to bed while I got the kids ready for pictures. Sabrina, Griffin and Justin came over to take some pictures for us, and I can't wait to show you! Be sure to check back tomorrow for updates! While we were in the middle of Ellie's photo session, Clay and Mandi arrived from Richmond. They treated Eric and I to lunch which we enjoyed!! Shortly after, Amy and Shannon got here! We spent the afternoon watching basketball and catching up! Since Eric has to go back to work on Monday and I still can't drive, my Dad will be staying with us for a few days. He arrived this afternoon as well. He was nice enough to watch Ellie while we took Eli t...