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Showing posts from March, 2012

March Madness

Today is a big in Kentucky and the Watson home! I mentioned yesterday that when the Cats and Cards play (in any sport) Eric and I wager what Eli will wear the following day. So, here is what's at stake. Should the Wildcats win, as I highly suspect they will, Eli will be sporting the above gear tomorrow. However, should the Cards actually full off the upset of the century, Eli will be sporting this not-so-cute ensemble . So, which do you like?

Final Four, Baby!!

I'm sure you've heard, but tomorrow is a VERY big deal in these parts. That's because for the FIRST TIME EVER the University of Louisville Cardinals will take on the University of Kentucky Wildcats in the Final Four. This truly is epic. I mean, "Kentucky is to basketball what Texas is to football." AMEN! The rivalry is getting heated around here which means lots of fun pictures are circling the internet. So, which way do I cheer? I'm glad you asked! I am first and foremost, a Western Kentucky Hilltoppers Fan. I mean it is my Alma Meter. However, I am also a UK fan. I grew up in Lexington and my momma would disown me if I was anything but. So, as long as WKU isn't in the mix... I BLEED BLUE!! Well, I happened to marry a Louisville fan which to my parents was right up there with marrying a non-Baptist. Luckily, we are of the same religious background so my family overlooked this one flaw. In fact, we have a lot of fun with the rivalry. Eric'...

Active Day

Have I ever told you how much I love my job? Haha! It's true. I'm one blessed lady, and I won't ever forget that. Well, one of my favorite things about working is public appearances. I get to go on school visits, to community events, and lots of other places. Yesterday I had the chance to go to Active Day. It's an adult daycare for the special needs population . My cousin Sarah actually goes to one in Lexington , so it has a special place in my heart. Here I am with some of my new friends who were more excited about Radar The Weather Dog than they were me...haha! I love that dose of humility!

What I'm Lovin'

Ya'll, it's time to share with you What I'm Lovin ' on this beautiful Wednesday. For starters, I'm Lovin' this awesome weather and all the backyard ball we've been playing at my house. Also, I'm Lovin' my super-clean car...thanks hubby! I'm Lovin' Pinterest for all this great find this week. Especially the Southern Traditions. I think all but the crafty ones will be carried on in the Watson home. Speaking of the Watson home, I'm Lovin' all the fun we are having with the Cards v. Cats Final Four Game...stayed tuned for much, much more! Even though it's March Madness, I'm excited for summer. This means I'm LOVIN' this sweet treat. Summer wouldn't be complete without dresses, so while a look ahead to those sultry months, I'm Lovin' this dress. Remember, all this pictures today are from pinterest where I found this master bedroom idea that, I'm Lovin' . As always, I'm lovin' my sweet b...

Sesame Street LIVE

Today has been a big, and I do mean BIG day for my sweet boy. He woke up very early around 5:00 am to come into the station to meet Elmo and Super Grover who were on the show to promote Sesame Street LIVE. He was so excited when they walked into the studio! As you can see below, our furry monsters were not only wonderful guests, they also helped do the weather! After the show, Eli got to spend the day at work with Mommy, which was an adventure for all involved. It deserves it own post, so stay tuned...ha! After work we met Daddy for lunch at which point Eli fell asleep in the booth. Then it was a quick trip to buy wipes and we were off to the show. The doors opened an hour early for kids to get pictures on the "set." Here is Eli with Oscar. Count Dracula was a little more scary...poor thing! We even got to set on the famous steps of Sesame Street! We can't forget Big Bird's Nest... and most importantly, ELMO'S WORLD!!! The little girls in front of us took ...

Motivation Monday

Do ya'll do this? Do you start, fail and restart? I do. I hate it!! However, I'm learning that no journey is perfect...especially when it comes to weight loss. There will be good days and bad days. There will be great runs and tough runs. Heck, there will even be days with no runs! The point is, fitness it a journey not a destination. You can either live on a perpetual diet, or you can live a healthy lifestyle. I choose the latter because that means I don't have to start over. I just have to understand that pizza, chips and birthday cake are part of real life. I don't have to start over when I eat them. I can just enjoy the treat and go right back to my healthy life style following the last bite. That's a good feeling.

Party Like A Two Year Old

Eli had a very busy weekend complete with TWO birthday parties. The first was on Friday night for Aiden who turned five. His parents had it at a local church gym and it was perfect!! Here is Eli with his buddy, Owen. Trying to get their picture together was nearly impossible. Eli LOVE playing ball and thought he was as big as the other boys. Cassie did such a great job organizing the party. I was so impressed with how smoothly everything went, and how all the kids played so well. Happy Birthday Aiden! Our second party for the weekend was today. Twins from daycare, Clayton and Preston also turned 5. Eli fell asleep on the way, and was cranky at first. Luckily his friends cheered him up. Here are they boys opening their gifts. Can you believe they are twins? Too cute! Their mom also had a great party with fabulous food and lots of games for the kids! She teaches, so she had all the perfect touches! The next picture is Eli with TWO sets of twins that go to his daycare. All fo...

My New Best Friend

I would like to introduce ya'll to my new best friend...Diet Mountain Dew. You see, I have a two and a half year-old that STILL does not sleep through the night. Combine that with getting to work at 5:30 am, and you have one tired Momma. I used to drink coffee, but realized one morning that I actually HATE it...weird, but true. Other diet drinks don't have enough caffeine, so Diet Mountain Dew it is. I buy it every week at the grocery. Then, each night before bed I put one in the refrigerator right next to my lunch. It's easy to grab, and has a special place on my desk every morning. And yes, the Tervis Tumbler is full of water that I drink every day...following the Diet Mountain Dew, of course! So without further hesitation, here is me with my new best friend!

Our Little Addition

And no, it's not a baby. It's a fireplace actually. A friend of ours had this unit for sale, and we bought it to use in the winter since we live way out in the country...never know when you'll need back up heat! And even though we are using this for practical purposes, the creative side of me couldn't help but imagine how I would use it in my space. Lucky for me, pinterest is full of ideas. Nothing in my house is yellow, but I love how warm it makes this space feel . Of course the more rustic look will match our style quite well. The framed TV is also an option...especially the football game on the screen. Ha! I couldn't help but let my imagination run wild when thinking about Christmas. Minus the cat, I love this idea!! Guess you have to stay tuned to see what we do with it!

What I'm Lovin'

It's been a low key week around the Watson home which explains my super boring posts. Nonetheless, I like to take time every week to our my here we go takes to pinterest. For starters, I'm LOVIN' the fabulous weather we've been having. 85 degrees in March...yes please!! Warm weather means fun clothes, and I'm LOVIN' the spring fashions this year. They are so modest and feminine. Plus the colors are beautiful. Of course shorts and skirts make me wish I could magically lose 20 lbs. Since that's not possible, I'm LOVIN' laughin' that this quote! Of course spring also means baseball and lots of it. Eli's room continues to be a work in progress, so I'm LOVIN' this wall art. I think we'll do something of the sort, but change the verse to his life verse. While we're getting crafty, I'm LOVIN' this wreath idea I found. My front porch needs some sprucing up and this just might have to do. Of course I...

Motivation Monday

If ya'll are like, and I sure you are, Monday's can be a drag. I mean there are meals to plan, clothes to wash, chores to do and so the list goes on and on. I always try to start my week with a workout. I think it sets the pace for the the days to follow. Most Mondays this isn't a problem, but after staying up late last night and caring for a sick baby this morning I wasn't feeling like a run. Well, I didn't go. However, I hiked two miles at a local park...but that's not the point. The point is, if you need a good laugh or some extra motivation today, I hope you enjoy the picture I found on pinterest. My Miss Kentucky roommate posted it, and since she still looks amazing...I used it as motivation for myself. Hope it helps you too!

St. Patty's Day

Ya'll I had magical visions for our St. Patty's Day that included eating a breakfast of Lucky Charms and green milk, going to a baseball game, and doing a green eggs and ham theme for dinner. Sadly, none of that happened when Eli got sick yesterday. Actually, that's not true. He ate all the marshmallow out of the Lucky Charms before we went to the doctor...ha! We spent our day at home watching basketball and getting ready for Spring. We did venture out to get this boy a doughnut which is when he put on his special t-shirt. Since we didn't get our lovely St. Patty's breakfast we settled for green sprinkles on an afternoon doughnut. I don't think Eli minded too much though. Just look at this sugar-coma face...ha! It might not have gone as planned, but I sure did enjoy our blessed day.


Today has been and no-good, silly, blah kinda day. Eli got sick last night with a cold which meant I had to call into work. It was sweet being able to snuggle with him all morning, but I hated cancelling lunch plans with my friends Sharese. Luckily she understood, and the doctor visit was pretty uneventful. Sadly, such was not the case this afternoon when we dropped the van off that the audio place to have the speakers fixed. Do you know what this is? Me neither. Well, now I do. It's an amp, apparently important when is comes to speaks. So, now we have to spend another $150 plus to have it fix...BLAH!! Oh well, I got lots of extra lovin' from my sweet boy!!

The Chair

I'm not a superstitious person. In fact, I just had to look up how to spell it...haha! I don't believe in luck. I believe in a good attitude and hard work, but that's not the point. The point of this post is pictured above...THE CHAIR! When the Toppers went into the Sunbelt Tournament as a seven seed, we weren't too hopeful. Nonetheless, we aren't bandwagon fans which means we were glued to the television for all the action. By chance Army Wives premiered the same night as the game, so Eric watched the first half in our bedroom where he pulled a rocking chair in front of the tv to sit. I joined him shortly after halftime when we came back to win. The next night we joked that Eric should sit in the chair for good luck...which he did. And we won. Haha! Ever since we've had a few laughs about the THE CHAIR! Well, Tuesday night we watched the first half of the game at a restaurant. By the time we made it home we were way 16 points down. I to...


It's time for What I'm LOVIN' Wednesday , and once again it has me counting my many blessings! Of an urgent nature, I'm LOVIN' the "Turn Around Tops." What a come back last night!! I'm LOVIN' this beautiful weather and early spring. Of everything in bloom, I'm LOVIN' fields of clover. They are truly tranquil! I'm LOVIN' the fun me and my sweet boy had at the park today. I'm LOVIN' my church's Women's Study group. Incredible ladies! I'm also LOVIN' the Beth Moore study we're doing. As always, I'm LOVIN' my precious boys!!