Eli had a very busy weekend complete with TWO birthday parties. The first was on Friday night for Aiden who turned five. His parents had it at a local church gym and it was perfect!!

Here is Eli with his buddy, Owen. Trying to get their picture together was nearly impossible.

Eli LOVE playing ball and thought he was as big as the other boys.

Cassie did such a great job organizing the party. I was so impressed with how smoothly everything went, and how all the kids played so well. Happy Birthday Aiden!

Our second party for the weekend was today. Twins from daycare, Clayton and Preston also turned 5. Eli fell asleep on the way, and was cranky at first. Luckily his friends cheered him up.

Here are they boys opening their gifts. Can you believe they are twins? Too cute! Their mom also had a great party with fabulous food and lots of games for the kids! She teaches, so she had all the perfect touches!

The next picture is Eli with TWO sets of twins that go to his daycare. All four of them are in the same class and just turned five.

As you can see, all the partying was detrimental in getting a good group shot...haha! At least they are happy with tummies full of cake!
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