Well, I've found myself in the midst another unintended blogging hiatus. I very much go back-and-forth on my vision for this little space of mine. Some days I want to throw in the towel because I am so far behind that I'll never catch up. Other days, I have grand plans for a complete redesign and more narrowly focused content areas. Maybe I'll be a lifestyle blogger, or a Disney blogger, or a home decorating blogger. I write these posts, delete them, change the topic and ultimately end up with a lot of "drafts" sitting in my box. The thing is, nothing quite feels right. I'm just not comfortable marketing myself or my family. I love all things Disney and have no doubt that it will be a regular topic for content, but that's not all there is to me or my family. Same goes for home decor blogs. I read them daily, but there's so much more that I want to write about. Some days I want a big blog with lots of followers that brings in a little extra...