If you follow me on social media, you know that I love to post pictures of my babies all dolled up and ready for church or whatever outing that we are attending. Because I like to keep it real, I want to disclose that my children are not always as charming as the photos imply. In fact, we usually have to threaten, bribe, and take about a half dozen pictures before we get one that's usable. This particular Sunday, Eli was feeling a photoshoot, but Ellie not so much. By the time we got her to look at the camera, Eli was distracted. And with the next click, it was Ellie who wasn't looking. It's a vicious cycle, I tell you. And after all the bribing, and flashing, sometimes you get a gem like the one below. You know, when your three-year-old looks like she's trying to go for the cover of Vogue, but ends up looking like Zoolander. Ha! I'm just relieved that we don't do Christmas Cards....you're welcome! ...