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Showing posts from August, 2013

Boundaries And A Story

I'm still playing catch up on the blog, and I always post date everything so that it's in order of how it actually happened.  If you follow me on blogger this won't be a problem, but if you clicked the Facebook link, some older post might not show up in your newsfeed.  Not that you care what's going on in our boring lives, but if you do, be sure to hit the "older posts" button on the bottom right of the page.  Tonight at church we're starting a new series.  Actually, last Wednesday was the first lesson, but I spoke to a group of kids at another church here in town. (one of those things that I need to blog about)  As always I'm looking forward to diving into The Word with this amazing group of ladies I have come to love so much! Of course Eli and Ellie were excited to go see their friends.  If you read my post from a few weeks ago, you know that Wednesdays are busy but at least it gives me an excuse to put these two in matching outfits ...

Ten On Tuesday

1. I'm way behind (once again) on blogging.  I did a couple of posts yesterday, and I'll probably do a few more tomorrow to get caught up on the month of August.  I doubt you care, but if you do, stay tuned.... 2. The kids were up SIX times last night!!  I'm not even lying.  Eli is having charlie-horses from growing, and Ellie is cutting teeth...yay! 3.  Surprisingly, I'm not exhausted.  I think at this point my body has just become accustom to it.  Then again, I did have a large coffee and a diet coke this morning. 4. I totally could have headed home for a nap after work, but I've decided to skip out in an effort to get some much needed exercise.  If we have a repeat night tonight, I may not make it to the gym tomorrow. 5. I'm halfway through this random list...lucky you! 6. Eli counted to 100 yesterday.  He might not have mastered sleep, but by-golly, he can count! 7.  Ellie's biggest accomplishment these days is rolling ov...

Motivation Monday: Setting Goals

Well, I did a trial run with the gym schedule, I think it's going to work.  I may have to tweak my home routine a little and change the day I work late, but we'll play it by ear.  The good news is that the we're making progress (and not excuses) here.   The next part of this whole process is setting goals.  I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I HATE the idea of having a goal weight.  Sometimes you lose inches and not pounds, and to be honest- I don't want to be governed by a scale.   However, just like my resistance with the schedule, I'm gonna have to get over it.  Today I'm going to share with you a few goals I've set more myself, and next week I'll get into the details.  Overall Goal : Lose 50 lbs by my 28th birthday (June 21st) Daily Goal: Record all food consumption on Lose It App & Exercise  Weekly Goal: Workout A Minimum of 5 Days & Lose 1.5 lbs. Other Small Goals / Milestone...

Weekend Recap

Eric had a company golf tournament this past weekend, and Emily played on his team.  This meant that both Emily and Nan came to town on Friday night to spend some time with the kiddos. Eli opened a few birthday presents, hit golf balls, and played before bedtime. Eric and Emily had to be at the golf course early on Saturday, but I got to sleep in since Dixie got up with the kids.  It was heaven, I tell you!  After everyone was up and dressed, we took the kids shopping while we waited for the golf scramble to end. We had a quick lunch at Jimmy John's before heading to the mall.  Then Nan and Emily had to hit the road.  We lounged around the house the rest of the day and pretty much relaxed.   Eric got up super early on Sunday with the kiddos and told me to sleep as late as I wanted.  I took total advantage of this little treat and didn't wake up until 10:00.  I can't tell you the last time I slept that late.  It's been a f...

Until We Meet Again

Today was the last day for my co-host Emily Goodman.  She was at the station for two years, but has only worked on the morning show since my maternity leave. We really had a nice chemistry on air, and I'm gonna miss our totally random morning topics.  We had a little farewell party today complete with an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.  It was delicious.  We laughed about some of our on air bloopers, and got slightly sentimental about the next chapter.   Emily is moving to the Eastern part of the state where he husband accepted a new job.   I'll miss my morning buddy, but I'm sure she's going to enjoy her new adventure!

Better Late Than Never

Thanks to this unseasonably cool summer and the wetter than normal conditions, we haven't been able to use  the pool very much at all.  It was difficult early on because I always had to hold Ellie which meant that Eli  got bored. Blah, Blah,'s not been the summer for swimming! Well, this past week it finally warmed up here again.  Honestly, I had moved on from summer and was in the fall mindset, but hey, we'll take it.  To my surprise, Eli actually wanted to swim when I asked him. So we lathered our pale skin up in sun screen and jumped in the pool.  I still had to hold Ellie, but she's big enough now that I can use one hand to play with Eli.  She also spent a little time chewing on my phone and sun bathing.  I hate that we're just now getting to enjoy summer months, but it's better late than never!!  

Motivation Monday: More On Schedules

Last week I talked about schedules and my love/hate relationship with them.  As luck would have it, I came across this little gem on Pinterested a few days afterward. I can totally relate.  Nonetheless, I have committed to making a workout schedule for myself.  I've mentioned in the past that I'm giving myself grace, and time, and blah blah blah.  That's true to an extent, but aside from circumstances beyond my control (like a sick kid) I will not let lack of planning interfere with my goals anymore.  I have now set aside a time each day to workout, and below is my tentative plan: Monday: Elliptical & Weights Tuesday: Spinning & Abs Wednesday: Running & Weights Thursday: Spinning & Abs Friday: Ellptical & Weights Saturday: Abs Sunday: NONE I'm gonna give it a trial run next week to make sure that it works as well in real life as is does in theory.  I'm going to give myself until the second week of October to ...

The American Drive In

Did you know the American drive-in tradition is dying because most theaters can't afford to go digital?  It's really sad.  Especially when you have a great one right in your back yard. Luckily, Honda is doing a campaign to help save the drive-ins.  I don't have the link handy, but you can look it up.   We headed to Franklin tonight to meet the Adkins family and to watch the new Pixar movie, Planes.  We had some monoploy pieces from McDonald's so we redeemed them for dinner.  Basically we fed three people for $5.  Heck ya!! We ended up getting there super early and had to wait in the car for the gates to open.  It was well worth it though because we got a great spot.  The boys ran around and played while we waited for the movie to start.  Meanwhile, Ellie and Parker where getting to know each other better.  Ha! The boys did pretty well through the showing, but for us, the ride home was stressful.  We brought p...

Story Time With Eli

Yesterday Eli came home from daycare singing a Barney song.  I happened to know it, so I started humming along. The lyrics at one point say something like, "your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends, the more we stick together the happier we'll be." Now that you have that little ditty stuck in your head, we can move on.  Eli and I sang this little tune for much of the day.  On the way to church we continued singing once again, only this time I heard my duet partner start to taper off and eventually stop singing altogether. At this point I looked in the review mirror to discover that he was crying. CRYING!!!  Of course I thought something terrible had happened, so I started questioning him. The following conversation ensued. Me:  Eli, honey, what's wrong? Eli: (through snuffling) Barney is mean? Me:  Barney's not mean. Eli:   (more hysterical now) YES HE IS!! Me:  Tell Mommy why you think Barney...

Making Wednesdays Work

Wednesday's are hands down the craziest day of the week for us, but I kinda enjoy it since it shakes up the monotony of the daily routine a little.  Until this past January, I had gone to church alone on Wednesday nights because I go to the woman's ministry and Eric didn't want to do the couple's thing alone.  This meant that he and Eli always had a boys night while I was gone Well, this past winter the meeting time changed for my class, so I was able to take Eli along to play with Griffin in the nursery.  It really didn't take a lot of pre-planning with just one kid.  Then Ellie came along. HA!  Initially, I was going to leave her with Eric and let Eli tag along with me.  However, everyone wanted to know where the newest baby was, so I started bringing her too.  As a result Wednesdays have become Eric's night to mow, garden or work on one of the billion projects we always have going on.  All of that to say that this is a super boring...

The Kentucky Traveler

One of the perks of working in television is the opportunity to meet some famous faces. I had the chance to do just that tonight.  Grammy Award winning Bluegrass and Country Music artist, Ricky Skaggs, was in Bowling Green to promote his new book, Kentucky Traveler.   I interviewed him before the lecture and book signing.  He was truly a humble man who was eager to share his faith.  I sorta felt like I had been to church after hearing his speak.  He actually said something that will stick with me forever. He said: The Apostle Paul didn't make Christian tents.  He was a Christian who made tents." I loved that reminder - you don't have to work in the ministry in order to minister to someone.  You can be a witness no matter what your occupation.  God has given us all different talents, and he has a calling on all our lives.  We simply have to be obedient and give him glory no matter what type of work he calls us to do. ...

Motivation Monday:Schedules

We need to talk, really.  I'm stuck in such a rut these days. I'm not gaining weight, but I'm not losing it either...does that sound vaguely familiar to last week?  Ugh!! I've thought long and hard about how to fit a regular exercise program into my routine, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to live by a schedule.  If you've read this blog for long, you know that I HATE schedules .  I thrive on a routine, but I HATE schedules .   However, being a working mom of two kids, a schedule is sorta imperative. As Focus On The Family says, "working moms must delegate their time."  So I'm delegating.  You may call it scheduling if you wish, but for me, "delegating" is a much better word. No matter what you call it, I HATE it.  I'm such an all or nothing kinda gal, so I'm just a mess if my schedule is outta whack.  I do much better with a "routine" because (to me) it seems less concrete.  Are y...

I Heard My Mother Call My Name In Prayer

My Sweet Boy, Today you are four years old.  As I predictably ask every year, where has the time gone?   When did that no-sleeping baby turn into an independent preschooler?  When did we trade teething rings for baseball bats and sippy cups for monster trucks? This has been a big year for you.  You've had many interests from Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks to Superheros and Dinosaurs.  Of course nothing could ever replace your love of sports.  I predict that baseball will always be your passion.  Call it maternal instinct if you will, but I would venture to guess that when I write this last letter to you on your eighteenth birthday, we will still be talking about baseball! I'm so proud of your many accomplishments this past year.  You can count as high as you wish.  You can spell your name, you know pretty much every species of dinosaurs known to man. You know the Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, and all the military branch...

Daycare Birthday Party

My birthday is smack dab in the middle of the summer, so I never got to take treats for all of my friends at school.  I think my mom and dad secretly planned to birth all of us in the summer so that they would never have to buy cupcakes for classmates.  Actually, back in the day parents made cupcakes.  You can't do that now.  There are too many weird allergies, anxious parents, sue-crazy people and general sickos out there that it's not safe.  Of course you still want to lavish your kids with attention on his/her birthday, so you have to hightail it to Wal-Mart to buy something pre-packaged.  I'm sure in ten years that will be outlawed too because we'll have dicovered that all of the preservatives in prepackaged food can kill you...oh wait.... Anyway, Eli wanted Oreos.  That's what he got.  It was fast, cheap and easy.  He loved all the attention, and I'm pretty sure he moved up a few notches on the popularity bar at dayca...

A Sappy Post About... Baseball?

Eric had tickets to the Hot Rod's game tonight, so after dinner he and Eli had a little boy's night out while I stayed home with Ellie.  I was able to do some laundry and work on birthday party stuff..  Of course all this talk about turning four had me overly sentimental.    I kept thinking about how baseball has always been a favorite past time for my boys, and how we'll (Lord willing) make a lifetime of precious memories. This was Eli's first trip to see the Atlanta Braves.  It was in June 2010, and became what we now call  "the beginning of the end."  Hahaha!  He has been obsessed with the sport ever since.  He plays all day, every day.  This picture is proof that a little dirt won't hurt!  In fact, I'm pretty sure that getting dirty is what makes you a good player.  At least that's what I hear from the preschoolers.  You can find my sweet boy getting dirty in the backyard from sliding, hitting rocks wit...

Behind The Scenes

You know that quote about not comparing your behind the scenes to everyone else's highlight reel?  If not you should, because I have shared it on here before. Ha! I just love that reminder, and since I work in TV I can totally relate.  The picture below was taken earlier today while I was recording a station promo.  What you see on TV (the highlight reel) is an anchor standing beside a monitor.  What's really going on (behind the scenes) is a temporary set and shoe-less anchor standing on a step stool because she's too short! Of course this is just TV, but sometimes in life we feel like our behind the scenes isn't good enough.  I can relate to that feeling from time to time, but if you've read my blog for long you know that my personal motto has become "Embrace The Chaos."   I came across the cutest Facebook post the other day and just had to share.  I love that this author is keeping it real when it comes to her behind the scenes. ...

Tuesday Thoughts

It's Tuesday (you can thank me for this revelation later, ha!.)  Ok, back on track.  It's Tuesday and there's not a lot going on around here.  VBS is over, wedding festivities are over, Eli's birthday isn't here yet, and things are just....normal.  So, I thought I would make little list of what is running through my head today.  I have pictures that I want to share but that don't really warrant their own post.  I'll throw them in here with little captions to explain. (Eli and Ellie getting solids for the first time.)  1. This has been the coolest/wettest summer I can remember.  Don't get me wrong, after last year's drought I am thankful for the provision this year. 2.  I'm using the lack of swimming and outdoor fun as an opportunity let go of my addiction to sunbathing.  Yep!  I love a tan, but let's face it...when I'm 40 and look 80, I'll wish I had slowed down a bit. 3. I'm very melancholy today.  Just to be sure, ...

Motivation Monday

Well, I don't have a lot to report today.  I've sorta fallen off the weight loss in I've gained five pounds. BLAH!!! The silver lining....I'm still down one pound from when I originally started.  Not exactly the best, but I will take it!  I just need this as a friendly reminder.... I also need an accountability partner.  Any takers?!?!  I'm not sure if this is necessarily someone to workout with or just a person to ask me the tough questions like: Did you go to the gym today? Did you eat your veggies? How many Twinkies have you had today? Haha! Either way, I need someone to help me out.  If you think you're up for the job, let me know!

Here Comes The Bride

We went to Lexington this past weekend for my sister's wedding.  Amy and Shannon had decided to have a very small wedding party with one attendant each, so there was no need for a rehearsal dinner.  Instead, we had a little get together at my mom and dad's new house where we grilled out and celebrated a few birthdays too!  (See yesterday's post for all that) My mom, sister, and I got up yesterday morning and went to get our hair done for the ceremony.  Then we had lunch at Texas Road House before heading to the hotel to get ready for the wedding.  I wanted Ellie to be one of the "girls" so she tagged along with us.  Eric kept Eli and brought him up a little closer to picture time.  Between trying to keep him obedient and wrinkle free, we decided that it would be best if Eli came last minute.  After we got all of our pictures done, it was time to for the waiting game.  Ugh, I hate waiting.  Everyone is so excite...