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Showing posts from December, 2018

All Is Calm

For some reason, this Christmas season has been more focused on being together as a family and less about our annual traditions.  We didn't do Cave Sing this year, and we've yet to go to Nashville to see the lights.  It's not something we planned, but it's been wonderful.   I thought we would fit in a few things this weekend, but instead, we have watched movies, played games, and just relaxed.  I didn't realize how much we all needed it, but I am so grateful for the rest. Sunday was more church and more relaxing, and it all leading up to an exciting trip to the Great Wolf Lodge!

Holly Jolly Week

Ya'll know I love a good theme day or party, so this week was super fun with all the dress up days at school.  To make things even better, Eli wanted to participate.  When the tween still wants to get in on the fun, it does a momma's heart some good. Monday was "Green and Red Day," which was an easy way to kick off the week.  Of course Ellie has all kinds of festive gear, and we happened to have a green and red hockey jersey for Eli.   Tuesday was "Dr. Seuss/Grinch Day."  Eric and I spent our lunch breaks on Monday looking everywhere to find something Grinch themed.  We came home emptied handed, so Eli chose not to participate.  Ellie on the other, had this shirt from Eric's aunt, so we paired it with a tutu and called it a win.  I meant to add whiskers to her face but forgot.  Oh well. Wednesday was interesting.  For starters, look at Eli's face.  Guess you can guess which Watson is NOT a morning per...

Christmas Caroling

Each year, the primary grade students at our school take a walking field trip around the community spreading holiday cheer by singing Christmas carols for neighbors.  The kids look so forward to this tradition and take it very seriously.  Eli was too old to go this year, but I was so happy my schedule allowed me the opportunity to go with Ellie. I took a late lunch and headed to the school.  The kids were supposed to stop at five houses, so I had to prepare Ellie that I would need to leave early to make it to my next meeting.  Luckily, they decided to cut it short, so I was able to stay for each of the performances. Two of the stops took us to the homes of families from church, which only added to Ellie's enthusiasm.  It was precious because it sounded like the kids were singing in rounds when they were actually just all over the place.  Ha! How many schools get the opportunity to give back to their community in this way?  It is suc...

Friendly Rivalry

Tuesday night we had a big game against our baseball buddies.  It's always so fun, and yet so hard playing against your friends.  Eric and I actually ended up sitting with friends whose sons play on the opposing team. This basketball season has been a lot of fun because I keep catching myself cheering for our team (the Spurs) AND whoever we happen to be playing against. I just know so many of the kids this year.  Of course my sudden surge in sportsmanship is likely due to the fact that I understand nothing about basketball.  NOTHING!!  I know that each team has a goal and you want to get the basket in that goal, but beyond that, I'm lost.  This little shortcoming does make for quite an enjoyable experience.  Ha! It won't be long until we are back in the field again as teammates, but until then, it's fun meeting up against so many friends.  Go Spurs!

Festive Fun

I love the holidays.  Even the most routine weekends feel so much more magical!  We started our Saturday off with a little basketball!  After the game, Eli went with his buddy for a sleepover while Eric, Ellie and I headed to town for a little shopping and lunch. After hitting up Sam's Club, the three of us treated ourselves to some sushi, and Ellie did surprisingly well with the chopsticks.  She was so proud of herself, as she should be.  I'm still an embarrassment to western civilization.  After lunch, we took a quick nap before Eric went bird hunting.  While he was gone, Ellie and I had a lazy afternoon watching Christmas movies and enjoying new bath bombs.  I love having a prissy sissy in the house who appreciates the art of pampering. Sunday was our church potluck and I snagged this picture of Ellie's Sunday School class. Are they not the sweetest, sassiest group of girls you've ever seen?  While we were in church, we g...

Smiths Grove Christmas Parade

One of the very best things about living in our little town is the sense of community it brings out in everyone.  I know I've written about this before, but it is such a special place and perhaps no time is better than Christmas. Every year the kids wait patiently for the town to hang the lights.  There are angels, Christmas trees, snowflakes, reindeer and every festive feature you can imagine.  It all makes for the perfect backdrop at the annual Christmas parade.  Every year we bundle up in layers of coats, blankets and scarves and take our seat on the curb waiting for the church floats, scouting groups, and firetrucks to pass through town. Of course the best part is running into good friends who help you fill your bag full of broken candy.   It's always cold, and chaotic, and like a scene out of Steel Magnolia's, although, there is no Miss Mistletoe Pageant.  Ha!  After an evening well spent, we warmed up with Mexic...