How Far Along: 25 Weeks Size of baby: Ellie is the size of Cauliflower. Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm still about 3lbs under pre-pregnancy weight, which is surprising after I ate everything but the kitchen table on Thanksgiving ! Maternity Clothes: I still hate maternity pants, so I'm trying to stick with leggings and/or dresses. This leaves me about four outfits. The good news it that I'm relearning the art of accessorizing. Gender: It's a girl...Elizabeth Victoria Watson!!! Movement: Ellie is still very consistent with her activity times. She's also getting much stronger, which is such a relief since I can't seem to gain weight. At least I know she's growing! Sleep: I really don't know how well I sleep thanks to Eli. One thing is for sure, I will NOT complain. Even if I wake up 60 times a night, it still beats the first two and a half years of Eli's life. ...