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Showing posts from May, 2018

Memorial Day

Following a busy week and a crazy few days at the ballpark, we enjoyed a much needed low-key Memorial Day.  After sleeping in, Eric and Ellie enjoyed some quality time in the pool while I caught up on a few things. Ellie has clearly perfected the art of "Rest and Relaxation!"   The weather took an abrupt turn for the worse, so we headed inside just before a large storm popped up.  Still too tired and lazy to cook, I convinced Eric that we needed Mexican...because, ya'll, what is more American than that? Meanwhile, Eli enjoyed a fun day with his buddy.  They played in the creek and went swimming at the waterpark.  Every time I texted to see if he was ready to come home, the answer was "NO!" In fact, he requested to stay until 9:00, bless his heart!  I think he's made a good, good buddy. I would be remiss is I didn't take a moment to acknowledge the men and women who made our relaxing day possible.  Each soldie...

Beast Weekend: Greensburg

We just rounded out another fun weekend of baseball with our Beast boys! Saturday was rough and we lost both games, which put us as the last seed going into Sunday.  But we turned it around and battled back in extra innings to take third place overall!! One of the things we enjoy most about playing on a travel team is seeing parts of the state and region that we would otherwise never visit.  We were in Greensburg over the weekend and enjoyed lunch at Snappy Tomato along with a little bargain shopping between games. \ Of course the best part is making friendships that will last a lifetime.  As if we don't see each other enough at practice and games, we still hang out at birthday parties, sleep overs, and camping weekends! While the boys keep our stomachs in knots on the field, the siblings provide plenty of entertainment in the stands.  Ellie and Emeryre are little bundles of drama who have at least one major fallout per weekend, but mak...

A Sweet Treat

We had a little, impromptu family date last night when Eric decided to take the kids out for ice cream after an evening swim.  Of course, we had to hit up a Smiths Grove favorite, Flavor Isle . Ya'll know how much I love our little "Mayberry" town and right in the heart of town is this amazing restaurant that serves a menu of old fashioned burgers, fries and the sort.  It's been featured in numerous traveling articles and is about a mile or so off I-65 for anyone just passing through. The kids each got swirl ice cream cones that made a crazy mess, of course!  Meanwhile, I enjoyed my favorite, a butterscotch shake while Eric chose a cherry shake.  Whatever you pick, you can't go wrong...especially when you're making memories with two cuties like these. 

Our Civic Duty

There are very few things in life that I'm an absolute stickler about, but voting is one of them.  I can't remember ever missing an election, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen at some no judgement if you didn't make it out. For me, voting is a privilege and right that too few people will ever have.  It's also a way to honor the men and women who fought for this and so many other freedoms that all too often I take for granted.  I try to not only vote but to take my kids with me as much as possible.  They may ask a hundred, thousand questions, and try my patience, but one day they will understand the importance of performing this civic duty.

Paradise Point

One thing you need to know about the Watson family is that we thoroughly enjoy little hole-in-the-wall diners.  We have a few local favorites, and when we travel, we have a general rule that we don't eat at chain restaurant.  Although, we will amend the rule should the need arise...for example we get stuck in traffic and use a drive-thru to make up time or we are "hangry" and need an immediate pick-me-up. One of our favorite stops locally is Paradise Point on Barren River Lake.  If you are from this area or simply passing through, you should check it out.  The owner was actually Eric's chiropractor until he retired to the lake and opened this little gem. It's funky and eclectic with crazy paintings a lots of fun artwork.  Plus,  it sales the most unique items in the gift shop along with a lot of Kentucky Proud Products. Not to mention, they have a Sunday morning church service streamed in for campers who are away from their church family.  I...

Camping Weekend

We finally had a free weekend, so we decided to take our first camping trip of the season.  We bought our little popup two years ago and have put it to good use with lots of little weekend trips to the lake.   I happened to be in Target picking up an online order for our next Disney trip when I passed these gems in the dollar section!  We sometimes make our own scavenger hunts, so I was thrilled to find white boards with items already on them.  I got four since we tend to pick up a friend or two when we travel.  The rug in the background was too cute to pass up, and the Camping Adventure Game is just an updated version of "Mad Libb" if you played that back in your school days.  By far our best find was the string of lights that look like mini-lanterns.  They are battery operated and the perfect touch to hang above our beds in the camper.  We both took off work a little early to pack and get to the campground before dark....

All-Star Sport Review

This year's trip to Disney World was booked on a whim, so we were on a quest to stay within budget. In order to take advantage of the incredible Disney offer that fit our price range, we had to stay at one of the All-Star Resorts.    I have no problem staying in a value resort on Disney property because we don't really spend a tremendous amount of time in the room.  Plus, they are always clean, impeccably themed, and come with all the perks of any other resort hotel. Even though we had stayed in a value resort before, everything we had read until that point suggested that Pop Century was still light years ahead of the AllStar Resorts, which are All Star Sport, All Star Music, and All Star Movie. One of the main complaints I read was that all three of these resorts shared a bus, making it nearly impossible to use Disney Transportation.  After much research, I determined that "bus sharing" only occurs during low tourism seasons.  Fall Break can go...

I Need Your Input

Hello again, Friends!  If you read my post yesterday you know that I have "committed" to writing on my blog again regularly to keep this little memory book alive for my family .  If you didn't read my post yesterday, just skip it because that's the gist of it. Anyway, one of the things I most enjoy doing with Eric and the kids is traveling...specifically to Disney World.  We have visited the parks six times in eight years, and I enjoy the planning process ALMOST as much as I do the actual visit. Through my research of the parks, I have noticed something interesting.  There are two kinds of "Disney Experts."  The first group is made up of people who travel often, like three or four times a year. They stay in the Deluxe Hotels, dine in the Signature Restaurants, and wear designer clothes to the hottest place on the planet! The other group of "Disney Experts" are on the opposite extreme of the spectrum.  They coupon their way to Disney, hit ...

Kindergarten Open House

 Last night was Ellie's Kindergarten Open House, and she was so very excited.  Honestly, I wanted to skip the festivities but decided at the last minute that I would regret that decision one day, so when I picked her up from daycare, we changed clothes and took a few pictures in front of the school before getting Eli. Our school is the oldest building in the district and just a staple in our little "Mayberry."  They quite literally close the street down for Fall Festival.  The entire community comes out to participate and everyone pulls together for the Back To School Bash and Grandparents Day.  It really is a precious, precious town that centers around the school (and churches).  We were super early for Open House but didn't have enough time to go home, so after getting the obligatory pictures, we picked up Eli and the kids played on the playground until time for everything to begin. The entire event was very well done from the red carpe...