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Showing posts from November, 2018

Weekend At Gigi's

We just got back from the most fun weekend with my family.  We went in to celebrate my nephew's second birthday and my grandmother also celebrated her big day while we were there.  We don't make it in as much as we used to, so it was nice getting to visit.  We left Bowling Green after work on Friday, and it seemed to take forever to get there, but we passed the time playing trivia games on our phone.  It was a blast!  Nonetheless, combine three hours in the car with two kids and a dog PLUS a time change, and you have two delirious parents.  That's probably why we enjoyed the Halloween masks so much! Saturday morning was slow and lazy, just like they should be.  After lunch, the ladies took a little shopping trip to Wal-Mart where we ran into this guy.  Ellie promptly denounced him as Santa, but was more than happy to have a little photo session before leaving.  Next was dinner with my dad's family before heading to m...