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Showing posts from July, 2010

Show Us Your Life: Testimony Story

It's Show Us Your Life Friday over on Kelly's Corner and we're sharing our testimony, so here goes mine: When I was fourteen years old, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Endometriois and told that more than likely I would never be able to have children. Ten years and five surgeries later I am the mother of an eleven month old baby boy who is happy, healthy, and hilarious. I gave the situation over to the Lord and accepted that he would be in control. I knew that if I was faithful to him, he would give me the desires of my heart. I found peace in reading Hannah's Prayer from I Samuel. I claimed the verses she pleaded to our Lord thousands of years ago, and I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that my God would be faithful. And he was! We got pregnant two months into our marriage. No drugs, no doctors, just God! We were shocked, not at God's faithfulness, but at his timing. We named our son Eli because Eli was the priest who told Hannah that God h...

Just A Thought...

A year ago I looked like this: A year later I look like this: I'm still not back to where I want to be, but it helps to know that I've lost at least my pregnancy weight even if it didn't all go back to the same place. What does all this mean you ask? It means that in 12 days my little boy will turn one..sigh..just a thought!

Wordless Wednesday: Foodie

My boy has loved food since birth. I have proof...just look at these. We may have a made a few messes along the way, but gosh, I love my little FOODIE!!

Eli- Eleven Months

Eli celebrated his eleven month birthday almost three weeks ago, but thanks to a double ear infection, sinus infection, and many sleepless nights, I'm just now getting around to this post. On that note, at eleven months Eli is still a terrible sleeper. Any disturbance in his routine and we'll be up during the night. But 85 percent of the time he goes to bed at 8:00 and sleeps until 6:00. Although Saturday and Sunday both he slept until 9:00! Yay! They key with him is consistency. As long as his schedule doesn't change..we'll sleep! He LOVES taking a bath and also enjoys swimming. He eats very well which makes up for his poor sleeping (sort of). He is on whole milk just before bed and down to one bottle a day. Otherwise it's formula or water in a sippy. He eats meats, fruits, vegetables; you name...he eats it. At daycare they tell me he eats more than the toddlers. He feeds himself with the exception of anything that has to be spooned, and his favorites thi...

In Hind Sight

I know I have yet to complete the list of blog subjects from last week, but first I have to document my disastrous weekend... This past weekend a million and one things went wrong. At the time they were very frustrating situations, but in hind sight I can laugh. As any busy mother will tell you, it is a very dangerous situation when you are trying to fight a baby while holding the diaper-bag, keys, sippy cup, and pacifier. Add a camera and I-phone to the equation and it only gets worse. You can see where this is going. After finally getting Eli situated in the car on Friday evening, I was hot, sweaty mess and ready to get in myself. Only I forgot my cell phone and camera on top of the hood. About a half mile down the road something falls off of the car. It's the phone. We back track and discover the cameras still in the drive over! By the grace of God both still work! Fast forward to Saturday. We load up the trusty old Mazda and drive to Birmingham, Alabama to buy...

Wordless Wenesday: EVERYTHING

Eli is into everything...And I do mean EVERYTHING!! Take a look: Please note that I do correct Eli and try to deter him from his little adventures, but not before taking pictures. One day I'll look back on these and laugh. This little guy wears me out, but at least he is a happy, healthy, curious boy...even if he is into EVERYTHING!

Nan's Birthday

Because our families both live out of town, we have to get creative for birthday celebrations. Eric's mom (Nan, as her grandchildren say) celebrated her big day two two weeks ago. Since we couldn't make it all the way to Marion, we met halfway there in Owensboro and ate and world famous, Moon-Lite BBQ. After a yummy dinner we posed for some family pictures. Eli may look happy here, but don't let him fool you, he was a little terrorist while we ate. Nan didn't mind Eli's terrible behavior because she was just happy to see him. She very much liked her gift which was a picture of non other than my boy. After we ate, Eli needed to burn off some energy, so we let him climb around on the tractor before we started the long trek home. It was a delightful evening with amazing food, great conversation and a wonderful way to say, "happy birthday Nan."


So if you're wondering why I have been MIA this past week and half, I have a good reason. Eli and I have been sick. He has a sinus infection as well as fluid on both ears, and he gave it to me. Needless to say that there hasn't been much sleeping going on in the Watson home. I took Eli to Lexington to visit my family over the weekend thinking he was better, but was I wrong. Now he's at the doctor with Eric. I'm hoping for ear tubes. I know that sounds terrible to want your kid to have surgery, but it's time. He's sick, he's tire, we're exhausted and there is no point in carrying on like this. I'll update you that front when I hear something. But until then, here is a list of topics I intend blog about this week. 1. Eli at 11 months 2. Nan's Birthday 3. Ice Cream And A Moovie 4. My trip to Lexington 5. My New Goal I'll get more creative, but until then I need an outlet from all this stress....

Show Us Your Life: Favorite Bible Verse

Over on Kelly's Korner we're sharing our favorite Bible verses. Here is mine: "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their stength. They will soar on wing like eagle. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:31 I have claimed that verse many times myself, but currently pray it every day over my many loved one who continue to be in seasons of tribulation. I am faithful they will find their strength.

Here's To Three

Miss Kentucky is coming up next week and no matter how far removed I am from the pageant world, I still get excited about all the festivities. Don't get me wrong, I miss NOTHING about my competition days (except maybe my pre-baby body) but I just can't help myself. I am so proud of these girls because I know how much discipline and work goes into preparing for the pageant. So, when I had the chance to interview Miss Bowling Green, I jumped on it. In my career, I have interviewed celebrities, politicians, and a slew of well known faces, but nothing gets me as excited as a pageant interview. I have competed with and known the past six Miss Kentucky title holders, but none am I more proud of than our current Miss Bowling Green...Andrea Walker. She is a family friend and I watched her blossom from competing in Miss Jessamine County Teen, to becoming a major contender for Miss Kentucky and eventually Miss America! Here is our interview: Bowling Green TODAY: Miss KY Bound! Click Her...

July 4th Celebrations

We spent July 4th at home here in Bowling Green rather than going to Lexington as originally planned. After a week in Florida and 14 hours in the car with a whiny little boy, we didn't exactly feel like traveling. So, we stayed home and had our friends Gabe, Tina and their son Owen over for a cookout. I was very excited about my Flag Cake. I think next year I need to work on the presentation a little. At least it tasted better than my usual attempts at cooking dessert. After eating we took the boys outside for some fireworks. We didn't spend a lot of money on them this year because we weren't sure how Eli would react. He did fine with the noise, but enjoyed the cheap fountain display over the one the ones that launch in the sky. Sunday we met up with the Adkins family once again to watch the fireworks display down at the Barren River Lake. Eli wore his PJs because mommy had to work at 5:00 the next morning and didn't want to have to wake him to change him at home...

Wordless Wednesday: All American

Because I have yet to post about our July 4th Celebrations, I thought I would show you my All-American Boy: More to come on our holiday, but until then...have a wonderful day!

Family Vacation

I took a little blogging break while I was on vacation last week, so now I'm in catch-up mode. Here is a look at our trip: Friday: Eric took a half day off of work and we picked up the rental car, packed it full and headed to Macon, GA. It was a LONG car trip thanks to the many construction projects in Georgia and Tennessee. Five episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba and two detours later we FINALLY made to to the hotel. What should have been a five hour drive took nine. Saturday: We slept in. I couldn't believe it! Eli who normally wakes at six stayed asleep until 8:30. He and I hit the continental breakfast bar so that Eric could sleep a little longer. We made it to Valdosta, GA around lunchtime where we ate amazing local BBQ (no chains for us.) We then headed to my aunt and uncle's house in Florida. Sunday: We woke up and headed to Tampa to watch the Devil Rays baseball game, then we headed to Lido Key Beach for some rest and relaxation. By the time we made it to the beac...