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Showing posts from November, 2017

Our Little Bundle of Drama

My poor second child gets a little neglected on the ole Mommy Memoir.  Back when I was a regular blogger, if Eli made a good poop I wrote about it, but Ellie's major accomplishments don't get recorded as promptly.  Don't worry too much though.  She's seems to handle it pretty well by channeling her inner Disney Princess, and her current favorite is Ariel. Last year her Nanna bought her some fins that you can actually swim in and her Gigi got the matching wig.  Good times, ya'll! We've had a few meltdowns over this little ensemble a time or two, including a full-blown temper- tantrum during a high school performance of The Little Mermaid.  We were in the front row...need I explain more? On another occasion, Ellie wanted to wear this outfit to the ballpark, but as you can see from the photo above, that would have made her completely immobile. In a moment of frustration I said a four-letter word in reference to the fins.  Whe...

For What It's Worth

Have I ever told ya’ll that I love weddings…like a lot!  When my parents owned their wedding business, I would help out on the weekends that I was in town, and more often than not, I had never even met the couple.  But that didn’t stop me from crying like a fool and making a blubbering mess of myself.  There’s just something so sacred and beautiful about marriage! Of course we live in a Pinterest-crazed society where we get so busy planning a wedding that we forget to prepare for a marriage. Don’t worry…I’m not getting on that soapbox today because I am too excited about celebrating a very special couple this upcoming weekend!!! I’ve said before that you’ll never find me blogging about marriage tips cause Heaven knows I don’t have any business giving martial advice since I have the patience of a toddler waiting on milk. I actually thought about writing a sappy post about the things I wished I had known before getting married, but some things are just sweeter w...

This Is My Story

When my grandfather passed away in 2013, there was one thing my siblings and I all asked to have...his Bible.  The man was an incredible business owner with four decades of experience in real estate.  He had no shortage of possessions to leave behind for us, but the one thing we all wanted was his Bible. What a testament to his character! There is something so precious about being connected to him through the Word of God.  His greatest legacy and gift to us was his unshakable faith. As I sat in the calm, quiet stillness of my family room this morning while my family slept, my grandfather’s favorite Bible verse started to work its way into the rhythm of my thoughts, and it wasn’t long before I felt compelled to stop my own study to read the familiar verse.  Except I didn’t want to just read it in my Bible, I wanted to read it in his . So I moved from my spot on the couch and sat in the floor by our bookshelf that stores this family treasure. There...