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Showing posts from October, 2010

End Of An Era

The leaves are changing and weather is becoming much cooler which means our outdoor time is quickly drawing to an end. It's the end of an era in many ways because I know that Eli will never be exactly like this again. There will be new seasons and another fall, but it will never be like this one. Never again will my baby boy be one, never again will be play with a leaf for the first time, or need me to hold his hand on a slide. Never again will he be just the way he is right now in this moment. This reality breaks my heart but also inspires me to enjoy each moment, and that is EXACTLY what we did today, my boy and me. We went to the park and played. We watched the leaves, we threw mulch, we played catch the baby and we went down the slides again, and again. It was a perfect way spend my afternoon and remember this sweet, sweet season!! Total Cost...$0....Priceless Memories!!

More Thrifty Thursday

Keeping in the spirit of Thrifty Thursday, I went shopping today and came across a few finds... I found these old wooden golf clubs and leather golf bag. I think they will match Eli's room perfectly with the colors and sports theme, so we'll be using them for decoration. Four Clubs +One Bag= $5 I found these pillows, (which are more orange and yellow in real life,) that will soon be on my front porch, and the jars will be part of a new display in my kitchen. Pillows $3.50 + Jars $1.50 = $5.00. I found this adorable animal print dress which I will need to buy leggings for, but I couldn't turn it down. The shoes were buy one get one free, and the red sweater (my WKU sweater) was exactly what I was looking for. Total $10 I also spent about ten dollars on clothes for Eli which included four shirts, a pair of pants, socks, and a Batman outfit. My total thrifting trip...$30!!

Trifty Thursday

I think I'm going to start doing a little thing on Thursdays showing you my ideas for thrifty family fun! I would like to report that Eric and I have dramatically reduced our eating out habits and thus have a surplus this month rather than a deficit! On that note, here are my ideas for this weekend: Thursday: I like to spend some one on one with Eli on Thursdays doing something fun for him. Since it is getting sort of cold outside, I think I will take him to ride the carousel at the mall and get a cookie...Total Cost $3. Friday: WKU Homecoming Parade!! Of course parades are free, so that's always a good thing. It starts at five and I don't want Eli out in the cold after dark, so we'll head home for some Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries after it's over. Once Eli is in bed, Eric and I will likely watch a movie and drink some Apple Cider Hot Tea that I picked up earlier this week.....Total Cost $0 Saturday: Monster Mash at the Corvette Museum!! It's fre...
If you have read my blog for very long you know that we had a rough summer with Eli being so sick and not sleeping. Specifically, I had a rough summer with some sleep deprived depression issues. We serve a mighty God and those days are in the past! Today during my quiet time I couldn't help but relate to King David as he praised our Creator saying: "You will turn wailing into dancing; you will remove my sackcloth and clothe me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." -Psalm 30:11-12 If you are in a season of pain I hope you are encouraged by this verse and reminded of God's faithfulness through your situation. And ifyou are in a season of joy, may you stop and praise the God Of Hope for his deliverance!!

Happy Birthday

Eli has a new cousin, Paisley Harris. She was born at 12:39 this morning and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. Congratulations Jeremy and Jessica! We are so happy for you, and Eli can't wait to play with his cousin!

Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at Eli's daycare, so Little Man wore one of is favorite pair...Elmo! My mom picked them up for him at none other than the Dollar General...Can you believe it? Ha!! Elmo and Yo Gabba Gabba are of two favorite shows right now, and he'll be sporting a certain fury, red character for Halloween...any guesses who?

Tummy Ache, Late Nights & Cake

Ok, so we all have mommy bloopers, right? Well this is one I have to record. Last night I stayed up past my bedtime and didn't hit the hay until after ten, which is very late for me. Not getting eight full hours of sleep really stresses me out! I had been asleep for about forty minutes when low and behold, Eli starts wailing. I'm not talking a "let's let him cry it out" wimper, I am talking alarm sounding, dog scaring, WAIL. In a stupor I pick him up and rock him back to sleep. I then place him back in his bed at which point he wakes up in the same state. Thinking he clearly needed to cry it out, I went back to bed. About 15 minutes later I hear Eric up with him. Upon further investigation into the problem, my wonderful and ever so cautious husband, realized that I had given Eli an antibiotic on an empty stomach...oops! Poor guy was miserable, so we tried to feed him bread to help settle the tummy ache. It didn't work. I told Eric to go to bed, and...

It's Fall Ya'll

My most favorite time of year!! I love it. I love the cooler temperatures, I love the crisp nights, I love Eli sleeping again so that I can enjoy it. I love all the food and activities...I LOVE FALL!! So, I thought I would share a few fall favorites: I Love that my dad made me this festive wreath for only $11... I love taking Eli to the orchard in the afternoons. He likes to run around and play and thinks everything is simply amazing.... I love that the cooler weather gives me an excuse to sit and snuggle with this little guy.... I love that I get to enjoy this season with my two favorite gentlemen.... I Love that Eric and I spend our nights outside around the fire-pit, just the two of us, after Eli is asleep in bed. (please note that there is a baby monitor present) I Love that Eli now does this when we tell him to smile. Food Face and all!! Happy Fall....Ya'll!!

Geo Jack & Brobee

After a disastrous experience at church yesterday morning (more to come on that during Story Time With Eli) we decided to make the best out of our lazy Sunday by carving pumpkins. As you can see, my husband is quite talented. He free-handed Brobee who is Eli's favorite character from Yo Gabba Gabba. I decided to also free-hand my design. Sadly, I am slightly less gifted in this area than my husband. Thus, Geo Jack was birthed. Eric named him Geo Jack, short for Geometric Jack-O-Lantern. As you can see, his face is comprised of two circles, a triangle, and a crescent. I think my sophomore math teacher would have been proud...ha! Thankfully, babies don't mind simplicity. Eli is smitten with the two pumpkins and runs to the door saying, "dadda get." This translates to, "Daddy please bring those round glowy things inside so that I can play when them. Also, please beware, I may inadvertently cause a structural fire." Ha! Happy Fall!!

Let Me Hold You Longer

I came across this poem today and it stopped my in my tracks. To all the mommas out there, not matter what season of you life, my you find truth in these precious words. "Long ago you came to me, a miracle of firsts; First smiles and teeth and baby steps, a sunbeam on the burst. But one day you will move away and leave to me your past And I will be left thinking of a lifetime of your lasts. The last time that I held a bottle to your baby lips The last time that I lifted you and held you on my hip, The last night when you woke up crying, Needing to be walked, When last you crawled up with your blanket Wanting to be rocked. The last time when you ran to me still small enough to hold The last time when you said you'd marry me when you grew old. Precious simple moments and bright flashes from your past Would I have held on longer if I'd known they were your last? Our last adventure to the park, your final midday nap The last time when you wore your favorite faded baseball ...

Hats Off To Eli

As any mommy will tell you, it becomes difficult to stay fashionable after having a baby. First you have to throw out everything you owned pre-baby. Then you brave buying new and larger clothes only to sport them with large milk spots on the boobs or spit-up stains else where. Finally you decide that you are ready to spruce things up with some accessories only you have no idea what's in style. Now, I may not get out much, but I have noticed a trend in hats this fall. I'd like to show you a few examples of how they can be worn. This is the "Slacking On The Job" hat. It can be worn with any required uniform (with or without a shirt.) And is often times used by employees to protest a change in company policy. This is "What's In That Cup" Hat It is popular among college age students and is often a tell, tell sign of too much fun. When in doubt, look for dilated pupils or slurred speech (assuming your subject in question can actually speak.) This is the ...

Chaney's Dairy Barn

Today I had to judge a pageant for Spa Fabulous here in Bowling Green, so we got a late start on the orchard. By the time we made it, it was packed. Not ready to face the insane crowd, we loaded back up into the car and went to Chaney's Dairy Barn. We enjoyed Sweet Potato Ice Cream and a few other fun activities! And now just for fun...My boys!!

Hilltopper Hysteria

Tonight the WKU Men's and Women's Basketball Teams kicked off the new season, and the Watson clan was front and center (ok, more like center) but we made it. I need to interject a sidebar here and say that I feel a deep allegiance to Western Kentucky University because not only did they achieve getting $40,000 of my money, I also made wonderful friendships and met my husband...sigh! ...Moving On... Hilltopper Hysteria was fun and FREE!! Better yet, Eli absolutely loved it! He would clap his hands and yell, "go, go, go!" It was really the first time he has ever reacted to a sporting event. Of course the large crowd, lights and music also kept him entertained. We were actually able to make it through the entire night without a single meltdown. AMAZING!! The best part, we stayed on budget, Thrifty Family Fun...$0!!

Jackson's Orchard

Eli and I headed to Jackson's Orchard this afternoon for a little fall fun!! Here are a few of the highlights: We played in the pumpkins and enjoyed a cool treat; Apple Cider Slush!! We played in the Log Cabin and looked at the goats.... We played on the tractor and had a wonderful fall day for only...$1.06!!

Thifty Halloween Fun

Ya'll, I have a confession: I HATE spending money...HATE IT! Yet, I always do. Usually on food! Anyhow, Eric and I are trying to live our lives Dave Ramsey style..debt free. It's hard. So many times I want to go shopping and get a new pair of shoes, or a shirt or whatever. I went from thinking $200 was a good deal on a cocktail dress to thinking that $15 is too much. Ha! Anyhow, recently I have come across Babbling Abby and her thrifty shopping techniques, which have inspired my life and helped expand my wardrobe. So, that got me thinking, how can I have fun on a shoestring budget. Here is what I have come up: Thursday @ Jackson's Orchard: It's a hot spot here in Bowling with all of the typical fall favorites. Plus, it's FREE! So, this afternoon Eli and I are meeting up with some friends for a play-date. If my little guys plays his cards right, he'll get an Apple Cider Slush...Total Cost $1.50! Friday @ Hill Topper Hysteria: When I get off of work...