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Showing posts from June, 2012

Our Saturday

Eric's cousins and their kids came into town today for a quick visit.  Their daughter, Katie, is very gifted in science and is quite interested in meteorology, so we took her by the station today for "behind the scenes" tour. Here we are in front of the green screen where we recorded a forecast.  This is us editing a video we made for Katie to take home to show her family and friends.  I must say that she really impressed me.  Not only did she have an incredible knowledge of the science, she also was conversational and at ease in front of the camera.  I honestly think she may have a future in this. Above are a couple of pictures of us reading the computer information and getting ready for our forecast.  Ya'll know I love to talk, and it makes me feel important when people actually want to listen...ha! After the study tour we headed to Mammoth Cave.  It was really too hot to do anything else, and the kids had never been. ...

Obama Care

DISCLAIMER: Before I start this post, I want to be clear that I am in no way trying to start a debate.  In fact, I'm going to turn off the comments on this post.  I have my opinions, and you have yours.  There is a lot right with this bill, and there are some things that are wrong as well.  However you or I feel about this won't change the fact that it was a historic decision on so many levels.  For that reason, I want to record my thoughts at this moment... Today the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Obama Care Bill that will require all Americans to be have health insurance.  To be perfectly candid with you, I don't really know what a lot of this means.  I don't think any of us really do.  It will years, possibly even decades before we know the true ramifications, be they positive or negative, of this act. As I write, I feel so ill equipped to even have an opinion on this subject.  After all, a group of elite men and women who have dedic...

Commenting Challenge: Day One

Since, I am having a really hard time getting caught up on posts, I thought I would have fun and link up with Jenna's Journey for the Commeting Challenge .  So, if you are new to my we go. Hi ya'll, I'm Morgan...hints the name of this blog.  As the title also implies, I am the momma of an almost three year old boy, Eli.  I call him My Little Dennis The Menace because he looks like the kid from the movie.  Oh yeah, and trouble seems to follow the poor boy around wherever e goes.  Eli was a surprise we discovered about 8 weeks into our marriage.  He is also a true miracle considering we were told less than a month prior to getting pregnant that biological children were not in our future. Clearly God had other plans, which brings me to my faith.  That's a topic you'll likely find on here too as Christ is the center of our marriage, our family, our home and our every decision. Outside the home I am a morning talk show host in Bowling Gree...

The Driving Range

We were able to have another evening of family fun by heading out to the driving range tonight after dinner.  It was a first time experience for me and Eli, although I think he looks like a pro. It started out lots of fun, but the man beside me decided to give me "tips."  I know he was trying to be nice, but clearly I was out with my husband and son, not golfing in the stinking PGA tournament. Poor Eli got a massive blisters from trying to golf as a lefty while using right handed clubs!  He also decided that throwing the balls was more fun than driving them.  Have you ever tried to convince a two year old of something...ha!  Luckily, I improved my game a little.  I'd call that a successful night. So I saved the best part of this outing for last because it was one of my finer moments in life.  When we got to the driving range, I got out of the van and could tell immediately that my crotch up wringing wet.  We didn't...

Miss Glimmer Day

Ya'll know we are always looking for something fun to do, so when we had the chance to get free ice cream, we jumped on it!!  June is Dairy Farmer Appreciation Month, and to celebrate Chaney's Dairy Barn hosted Miss Glimmer Day and gave away one scoop of free ice cream to anyone who came in.   After a nutritious dinner of fried egg sandwhiches, we loaded up the van and drove across town to indulge in our sweet treat.  My favorite is coconut, Eric loves Jersey Brittle, and Eli like everything.   He's such a little stinker!!  After enjoying the perks of Miss Glimmer Day, we got to meet the star herself!! What a great way to start off the week!!

Weekend Recap

After our successful day of swimming yesterday, we got a good night's rest.  Of course this made for a pleasant morning getting ready for church.   In fact, Eli was quite delightful and accommodating.  He played cars on the bed while we for dressed.    He even semi-posed for a pictures as we were leaving!  His new favorite thing is eating at McDonalds after church, so we did.  As a "thank you" he fell asleep on the way home.   We spent the afternoon splashing around in the pool some more, and hoping to wear him out again for tonight...we'll see. Oh yeah, we also introduced Eli to the Slip 'n Slide.  I'd say that was a pretty nice way to end our weekend!

The Benefits Of Swimming

We all know there are many benefits to swimming, and since I'm not an expert, I'll let you figure them out on your own.  Although there reasons to swim, this often sleep deprived momma has one REALLY good one....sleep!!! Haha!  After swimming all morning, Eli came in to eat lunch, but dozed off with bread in hand!  When we woke up, we hit the pool again.  He was so tired he asked to go to bed before dinner, then he slept all night!!  I think we might have a new nightly ritual?!?!

It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

Today is my birthday, so I treated myself  to an afternoon nap and Lifetime Movie before picking Eli up from daycare.  Good thing, because he proved challenging this evening.  For starters, he bit the glass tip off a thermometer.   Luckily, it didn't contain mercury, nor did it cut him.  Nonetheless, I called our pediatrician who walked me through how to handle the situation.  No sooner had I dodged that bullet than my accident prone boy got an extremely minor carpet run.  So, in true two-year-old fashion he cried for about 45 minutes and refused to get out of my lap. By this point, we decided that a restaurant dinner would be too risky, so we cooked some delicious Hamburger Helper. Ha...what can I say, we know how to celebrate! Well, Eli's charming behavior continued after dinner when he threw a Hot Wheels cars at the TV and broke several pixels.  This resulted in a martial mishap, about 100 cars bei...

Happy Birthday

Eli and I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to a very special lady.   We love you Sarah Kay.  You're the best God Mother a boy could ask for...Sending wishes and blessings your way this year!!

Have Ya'll Missed Me??

On second thought, don't answer that!  I am so far behind on life that I can't even think straight.  This will be the first time in four weeks I've had a full five days at work thanks to a long string of events that ya'll will soon read all about.  Although I am grateful for the flexibility to take care of my family, I am way everything!! I have a new project I'm working on, plus I'm revamping my show which means I'm in and out of meetings all day everyday.  On top of this, I have my regular duties hosting, producing and reporting.  Did I tell you about all the interviews I had to record last week since my master control operator will be gone ? My iphone is dead by the end of the night for all the emails going and coming. That's just with work.  Then there have been doctor's appointments, surgeries, and hair cuts on the agenda.  Not to mention returning phone calls, cleaning a house, cooking dinner, and trying to stay caught up on lau...

Father's Day Weekend

This weekend we had to chance to take a much needed trip to Lexington.  Of course it was late by the time we made it on Friday, but Eric and I used the grandparents as babysitters and watched The Help on the portable DVD Player.  Oh how our dates have changed...ha! On Saturday we enjoyed a nice breakfast before we went to visit with my Mimi and Papaw.  Eli got a little spoiled with new toys and, of course, loved all the extra attention.  It melts my heart watching these two generations bond.  It's a precious relationship that too few families have the opportunity to experience.  After visiting for a couple of hours, we headed to Nicholasville for another cookout with my mom's family.  I have 14 aunts and uncles,  21 cousins, 20 second cousins plus spouses...CRAZY!  Even though it's a zoo, it's always to much fun getting together.  Eli and Wyatt are two of the youngest and are just six days apart. ...

Summer Bucket List

Ya'll know I love making Bucket Lists for each season.  It keeps me from feeling pressured with a schedule, but also allows me to organize my thoughts.  Of course not everything on this list will get checked off, but I promise to do the best I can to make lasting memories with my boys this summer. 1. Swim In Pool 2. Beech Bend Park 3. Splashing Lagoon 4. Holiday World 5. Ice Cream & A MOOvie 6. Flavor Isle 7. Make Snow Cones 8. Get Shaved Ice 9. French Lick Resort 10. Visit Both Families 11. Run In Sprinkler 12. Water Gun Fight 13. Water Balloon Fight 14. Fountain Square Park 15. Firework Show 16. Eli's Birthday Party 17. State Fair 18. Baseball Game Here's to a great summer...following Eric's recovery, of course!!

Best Job...Ever

I am so blessed to work in a field that I truly love.  There are of course crazy, insane, and down right stressful days.  Then there are days like this one when I get to have a fun adventure.   For the third year in a row I got to head out to the Holley Hot Rod Reunion here in Bowling Green.  Of course, what's work without a little fun?  The driver of this "funny car" let me get in a take a few pictures. This his the Tiki Warrior's driver, Ron Hugley, showing me the ins and outs of drag racing.  Let's just say that it's not a hobby this momma will be taking up any time soon.  Just look at that engine...INTENSE!! I also had the chance to interview a female racer which is of course rare in this industry. Aside from being about a billion degrees outside, I'd say it wasn't a bad day at the "office."

The Teddy Graham Lesson

Do you ever have those moments as a parent where in the midst of training your child God trains you?  Surely you know what I'm talking about; it's that precious stirring of the soul when the Holy Spirit moves through an ordinary circumstance in a mighty, yet gentle way. Perhaps it's because our hearts are tendered as mothers or perhaps it's that our Heavenly Father knows how to guide us through the eyes our children.  Whatever the reason, nothing humbles me more than motherhood and its endless teachable moments.  God knows that, and he occasionally uses that soft spot to remind me that I too am a child, His Child, and I still have many lessons to learn.  Tonight was such a blessed occasion. This evening Eli was eating a nice dessert of Teddy Grahams.  I conveniently poured several into a dish for him and sat it on the kitchen table.  He indulged in the sweet treat as I busied around the kitchen cleaning up from dinner. Not much for sw...

Eric Got A Nose Job...Sorta

It has been an interesting 24 hours.  It started yesterday morning when I met Eric at the ENT to examine the softball's handiwork.  As luck would have it, an interview ran long which left me racing around town to get to the appointment.   Upon arriving we discovered that Eric's nose had not one, but three...THREE...breaks in it!  Well, you can imagine my surprise when the doctor adjusted two of the spots right there in his office...sans medicine!  Ya'll I have a strong stomach, but let me tell you that blood, poop and puke have nothing on the sound of bone cracking.  Had I eaten that morning I would have lost my breakfast...Insert gagging sound!! The third break required "surgery."  This meant a quick race home to drop off one of the cars and a super-fast breakfast.  Oh yeah, and a billion calls back and forth with work to arrange for our unexpected afternoon.   We made it the hospital only to discover that we were in t...

Happy Birthday

Eli would like to wish a very Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily.... We hope you get showered with as many gifts as you give Eli!!

Ramdom Friday Thoughts

Ya'll this week has kicked my butt.  Eric's little incident was minor, but it has messed up our weekly routine which means I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off...I know, what else is new?  I didn't make it to the grocery on Tuesday because I had to come home to sleep from being at the hospital so late on Monday. Now we're spending way too much money eating out on some unhealthy food. There are dishes in the sink, and I'm pretty sure our playroom is in violation of every fire safety ordinance known to man. Do you know what clutter does to my sanity? It's not good ya'll! Not to mention that after taking afternoon naps to recoup, we're all up too late at night then tired again the next's a vicious cycle I tell you. I got about two hours of uninterrupted sleep last night, but I feel surprisingly refreshed. Although, you might want to check back with me this afternoon for an update...haha! This weekend looks a li...

Prayers Needed

This sweet little girl, Lucy, needs your prayers today.  I have been following her mom's blog (which I stole this picture from) for over a year.  You see in February 2011 sweet Lucy was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer.  Her mother has documented the family's triumphs and struggles, and people from across the world have been praying for this sweet child. Yesterday they received some devastating news that Lucy's time here on Earth is limited.  Soon she will be in the arms of Jesus.   When I read that this morning I cried like a baby.  I cried for this baby.  I cried for all the babies who have ever and will ever walk this road.  I cried for all the mommas who have stood where Lucy's mom is standing now.  I cried because nothing we can say or do will take away the pain this family is enduring.  Then I cried to our Heavenly Father, because He is the only one big enough for all these tears. Please joi...

Sweet Summertime

Summer is FINALLY here, and we have every intention of enjoying.  In case we are missing at any point, you need not worry.  We are probably... Eating fresh watermelon... ...swimming in the pool... ...eating popsicles... ...or riding the four-wheeler a.k.a. power-wheel. HAPPY SUMMER!!

Happy Birthday

Eli would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the coolest uncle a kid could ask for.... WE LOVE YOU, CLAY!!!

Beech Bend Park

Today Eric's work had a company picnic at Beech Bend Park.  After sleeping in a bit and doing a few chores around the house, we headed out.  The Lord blessed us with the most beautiful day and cool temperatures in the 70s.  Naturally, we opted not to swim since it would be a little chilly. We did however ride the flying school bus. The kiddy cars... The Pond Creatures The Tea Cups The Mega Slide The Elephants and The Choo Choo Funny story about the Choo Choo.  The first time Eli rode it, he waited in line patiently to be in the front cart.  Well, no sooner had he sat down than some redneck kid loaded up with him.  I know you're thinking it's harsh to call a child "redneck," but ya'll...he was wearing a wife-beater t-shirt and sporting a blue mohawk!! What made us mad about this situation was that the boy wouldn't let Eli ring the bell.  Really, his parents couldn't take that opportunity to te...

Relay For Life

Our station was a media sponsor of this year's Relay For Life.  I had to make an appearance and I decided to have Eli tag along.  Ya'll, I cried the whole time I was there.   The strength of the survivors and the hope they give is such a light in a world full of pain.  Of course the care-giver's lap was also emotional for me seeing the driving force behind these individuals. Eli doesn't understand what cancer is, and I pray he won't have to.  I pray that before his little mind can realize what this disease is, there will be cure. Of course we live in a fallen world, so until that day of ultimate healing comes, I pray Jesus will comfort all of those hurting.   The evening isn't just about remembering.  It's also about celebrating how far treatments have come, so we had some lighthearted moments like this one.   I was truly honored to be a part of this special night and to be among so many inspiring individuals.   ...