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Showing posts from August, 2011

Mission Organization

Ya'll I don't know about you, but there is something about the changing seasons that gives me this deep urge to organize. I'm pretty laid back, so total organization is sorta overwhelming to me, but I see the need in a new light. Back when I had my surgery Dad came to help with Eli, so while I was in the hospital he did all my laundry and cleaned the house. Sadly, he laid several grouping of stuff on my bed for me to put away because he couldn't find where they went. I'm talking bras mixed with undies sorta thing...not a biggie! Well, here comes the biggie: When it came time to wrap Eli's gifts later that week, we couldn't find any of the four pair of scissors I keep in house. The wrapping paper, tape, boxes, bags and bows were found in no less than three separate locations, thus something that should have taken twenty minutes turned into an hour..seriously? Still, this is a minor thing in life. It however opened my eyes to the need for some type of o...

Football Season

Well, football season is upon us. What a blessed time of year!! Eric and Eli took advantage this past weekend when the Bears took on the Titans in a preseason game in Nashville. They met up with Emily, Colby and Brittany to cheer on the bears. I had the night to myself which included watching TWO chick-flicks and pretty much lying around on the couch. It was amazing!! So, my wonderful hubby took these pictures for me! The fireworks were a little scary, but all in all it was a great experience for my little quarterback. Aunt Emily spoiled him just a bit and he came home with a super cool new football. As you can see from the picture below, he was eating it up! Oh, how I love this little guy!! I know he had a good time because yesterday at the grocery store he started yelling, "Emily" at the top of his lungs! When people started turning around to stare, I told him Emily wasn't there. So, he started yelling...

Camping: Take Two

This past weekend we had the chance to camp with our dear friends the Adkins! We made some wonderful memories and the boys had a blast. This was our second attempt at introducing our son to the Great Of Doors, and lets just say that "Camping: Take Two" didn't go so well for Eli. Friday after work we met up with Gabe, Tina and Owen at the local KOA. They had a cabin and we were excited to stay the night with them. Well, I should have known the weekend would be interesting when Eli fell off the bed, drove a Tonka Truck in the toilet, ate a chip off of the cabin floor, and fell in the fire pit...all before dinner!! Here is little Dennis! Can't you just see it in his eyes? Ha! He and "Owie" had such a great time! Gabe grilled us some AMAZING Kabobs for dinner. We let the boys play until about 11 then it was off to bed...sorta! We watched part of the Lion King on my Iphone and Eli dozed off easily...for about 20 minutes! After that, it was...

A Picture of Grace

Please watch this and then read the following post.

Picture Of Grace: Part Two

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1 How many times have we heard that verse? I for one have heard it at weddings, and funerals, and of course at church. Whenever something bad happens people always seem to say, "there is a season for everything." This statement isn't limited to just Christians. No, believers and non-believers alike use it almost automatically when they don't know what else to say. Perhaps this is because the Byrds used the phrase in their 1960s hit appropriately named "There Is A Season," turn, turn turn. I think you get might know it. Aside from John 3:16, I think Ecclesiastes 3:1 may be the most overused passage in scripture. Not that that's a bad thing. After all, ALL scripture is God-breathed and is usual for teaching rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. It just seems that some passages are a little more popular than others. You don't often ...

What I'm Lovin

I'm linking up with Jamie to play What I'm Lovin' this week. I'm lovin' that we got to visit Eric's family this past weekend. I'm lovin' that while we were there, I started on my Christmas shopping...SCORE!! I'm lovin' that tomorrow and Friday will be Pot Lucks at work. YUM! I'm lovin' that we get to hang out with one of our favorite families this weekend...the Adkins! I'm Lovin' that Eric's sister got him and Eli tickets to the Chicago v. Titans game. I'm Lovin' that means a free night to myself! And as always , I'm loving my sweet boy!!

There Is A Season

"There is a season turn, turn, turn." I have the song made famous by The Byrds stuck in my head right now. I'm a little melancholy as I hum the tune, that's because I just realized that we have the rest of this week and all of next before summer unofficially ends...can you believe it? Fall is my favorite time of year, but I'm a little sad to see this season go. It's been a whirlwind of a summer starting on Memorial Day when my dad had his accident. Then there was Beech Bend Park, Ice Cream & A MOOvie, lots of swimming, vacation, and my birthday. That was just June. July found us celebrating the Fourth, camping out, visiting Nan & Grandad, visiting my brother in the hospital, finishing the building, making-over the front porch, and going to Lexington. So far this month we have had emergency surgery, met Brobee and Foofa, had Eli's birthday party, been to see CarsII, gone to Beech Bend again, and visited family. Somewhere in the mix were...

Welcome To The World

As of just a few hours ago, Eli has a new cousin!! Congratulations Scott and Kristen on the birth of Landon Allen! Eli can't wait to play!!

If The World Had A Front Porch

Eric and I started our home thanks to the generosity of so many people who have given and continue to give us "hand-me downs." Restoring each piece of furniture has been an investment of time, but has taught us to be good stewards of our finances and to truly appreciate what we have. We are so proud that the only piece of new furniture in our home is the couch, and that was thanks to the kindness of Eric's parents. Our front porch is no exception. The wicker chairs were a blessed gift from my parents who had painted them white while using them in their own home. To better suit our style, Eric painted them black. First we had to use a steel brush to get all the white paint off. Then, we had to spray them down with water. Once they dried, Eric primed them and painted them black using his dad's paint sprayer. The topiaries were also given to us from my parents who were no longer using them. I used my birthday money from Eric's mom and dad to buy all the ...

Food For Thought

Hey All!! I have a million things swirling around in my head this morning and I wanted to document them let's get started! Our anniversary is coming up in October, so we are planning our annual get-a-way. I'm sort of torn between a fun city destination and a mountain retreat. We've thrown around the idea of St. Louis, Louisville, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Gatlinburg or Chicago. Any suggestions would be helpful...thanks!! I am on organizing kick this week! I want my house revamped, PRONTO!! So, I have a plan to focus on one room/closet a week. Things could get hairy, but if you like dumpster diving head my way. Speaking of revamping, we are starting the slow process of turning Eli's nursery into a big boy room when we pick up his dresser this weekend. No milestone has been so hard to swallow, I am super sad about it. Expect a sappy nursery post soon... Oh, on that too I am looking for Master Bedroom decorating ideas because I am so ready fo...

Beech Bend Park

We had a very low key weekend and pretty much stayed around the house until yesterday. After church we attended a new members meeting and are looking forward to joining in the near future...more on that later! After the meeting we met the Adkins family at Beech Bend Park for some fun in the sun! The water was FREEZING because it was so mild here yesterday! We did the slide, the lazy river and the wave pool all afternoon. Owen was a champ the whole time, but Eli had to get brave. After swimming we decided to take advantage of the small crowd and ride a few attractions!! We started with the Choo Choo Train..a major hit! The boys raced down the slide...The Adkins Boys won!! There was even a petting zoo, and I'm pretty sure Eli terrorized the animals. Tina and I had the honor of riding most things with the boys. Above is Eli on the Old Fashion Cars, and below are our ever so patient hubbies! I think we would all...

True Blue Friends

Last weekend my friend and college roomate, Sarah, stopped by to visit while she was passing through town. Aside from my freshman roommate, she was the VERY FIRST person I met in college. Ironically, she and I walked across the graduation stage together. It was symbolic of our friendship together... also our maiden names were both "White." Morgan White and Sarah White, roommates for two years. Graduated together, married within four months of one another, and had sons six months times!! When I started writing this post, I was going to go sappy on you. Looking through old pictures I couldn't help but get a little sentimental when I saw photos of our trip out west, our dorm rooms we so carefully decorated, and countless other memories. I got a little teary thinking about the late night talks, the time we almost died in Oklahoma, our weddings, our sons and so on. But as I looked through those old photo there was this nagging reminder of what life ...

Help You Find Your Wings

My Sweet Boy, Happy Second Birthday!! I am starting this letter to you several weeks early because there is so much I want to say, and it must be utterly perfect. Today you can't even read these words, and if you could you simply wouldn't comprehend their meaning. Years from now you will understand the message, but not the heart in which I write. It won't be until you are a father that you fully understand the depth of my love for you on this day. Two years ago today my world was rocked to its core when the doctor handed me a precious baby boy....a boy! I knew nothing about snakes, snails and puppy dog tails. I was hopelessly clueless, but I have learned a few things about little boys these past two years. For example, I now know more about sports than I ever thought possible. In fact, ESPN is our default channel (which your daddy loves.) We can't go anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE without a ball. We even carry a basketball, football and baseball in the...

Eli's Party

Ya'll I haven't complained once about this hot weather because I LOVE summer, but today's cooler air makes me ready for fall!! The highlight of the summer is now Eli's birthday and we had his party Saturday night, so I say BRING ON A NEW SEASON!! Anyway, here is a look at the big bash... After being in the hospital most of the week, we decided to have a low key celebration with family. Since my dad was in town helping, he drove me around to get the stuff I needed. Then he and my mom kept Eli so Eric and I could buy gifts. (Eric's family came in town the next day) Above are his presents and as you can see, he scored BIG TIME!! Eric is a wiz at graphic design and made Eli this super cool poster!! He also borrowed a projector so we could host our own drive-in theatre and watch "Cars" ! He even made a movie to show at the beginning...he's so awesome!! Everyone had their own bag of popcorn for the show thanks to Sam's bulk sale and D...