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Showing posts from September, 2011

Weight Watchers- Week Two

I am happy to report that week two went EXTREMELY well! In fact I have lost a grand total of 5lbs, and let me tell you what, I am giving God all the glory. This process is humbling my heart in so may ways and showing me that I can do NOTHING without Christ. He is my strength in this battle, and I am seeing a spiritual change along with a physical one! That being said, here is a look at this week's stats! Starting Weight : 1*3 lbs Current Weight : 1*8 lbs Pounds Lost This Week : 4lbs Total Pounds Lost: 5lbs Best Moment: Getting my first "accomplishment" sticker at the meeting!! Worst Moment: Figuring out that my points carry over starting on Sundays...oops! What I Miss: Not much! Weight Watcher's focuses on portion control rather than deprivation. But I have realized there are more filling foods than chips, so I've missed snacking on those. Overview: This was a good week on so many levels. Obviously because I lost four more pounds and made it over my first hur...

Sometimes We Forget

I'm in that season of life where pretty much everyone I know if having a baby. I'm also the mother of a two year old which means I get asked when I'm having another one...A LOT!! The answer is, "Not just yet." I LOVE having a toddler. I love his curiosity and his enthusiasm for life. I love that he learns something new every day. I love that he is eager to please, but not yet aware enough to be embarrassed of his mistakes. I love having a toddler. In fact, this has been my favorite age. I remember not too long ago having to carry three bottles and some formula in the diaper bag along with a change of clothes in the event of a blow out. I remember gassy babies, and up all niters (there were lots of those.) I remember the uncertainty of being a mom and the anxiety of making it all work. I remember thinking that he would be my only child because it was just too much! I am so quick to remember the bad, that I forget the good. In fact, I'm pretty sure every age has...

Happy Monday

Since it's Monday and there isn't a lot going on, I thought I'd jot down a little bit about my week. 1. Mondays seem like a long string of emails. I bet I have written/answered 50 already today. 2. Yesterday was a LAZY Sunday, but now I get to play catch-up. I need to clean, do laundry, visit my friend and her baby in the hospital, and exercise! 3. The rest of the week is equally as crazy! There is a play date on Tuesday. Weight Watchers, a school appearance and church on Wednesday, and Thursday is dinner with my parents. That doesn't include the daily stuff like work, gym, cooking and life. 4. That's ok with me, because I LOVE being busy. 5. Plus it will make the week go by faster which means the weekend comes sooner...or seems like it does. And this weekend I have my husband all to myself...CAN'T WAIT!! And because this post is boring without any pictures, I'll include a little preview of our family photo session last weekend. LOVE THAT BOY!! More to come...

At It Again

This morning was the Walk To End Alzheimer's here in Bowling Green. My station is a media sponsor so Radar The Weather Dog and I headed out to the event. It's always so nice getting out into the community! We have a school appearance this Wednesday and Radar's Birthday Party is Saturday. He's such a celebrity! After the walk, I came home to my boys. I've actually cooked two meals today if you can believe that! I also finished reorganizing my family room and dining room..whoot! Meanwhile Eric worked on the new shelf for Eli's playroom, and of course there was lots of playing in the back yard with a few game of baseball and golf!! I'm typing this while watching the Cats become Gator meat, so now I need to throw tomorrow's lunch in the crockpot and give my little guy a know, to get over this horrid loss!

Jackson's Orchard

It seems like it has rained all fall, so when the weather finally broke yesterday, we took advantage and went to Jackson's Orchard for the first time. I'll probably take Eli several more times this season, but we wanted Daddy to come along for the first trip! Good thing too, because Eli loved riding the Cider Slider with him. He also enjoyed playing on the wooden tractor and drinking an apple slush! After a taking a gander at the goats and a few more trips down the slide, we let him pick out a few treats to take home. Let me tell you, giving a two-year-old a thousand pumpkins to choose from is a bit much! But he FINALLY decided!! We got the pumpkin, apple cider, some candy and headed for home. We grilled hamburgers and pretty much lounged around for the rest of the night. In fact, my wonderful husband took baby duty and let me go to bed at 7:45!! It was the perfect ending to the perfect afternoon!!

Weight Watchers - Week One

Well ya'll, I took the plunge and joined Weight Watchers which was a mild blow to my pride. After six years of competing in pageants and some health classes in college, I am fairly well versed when it comes to healthy eating. I say mildly because my best friend is a registered dietitian, so I talk to her A LOT! Anyway, knowing and doing are two completely different things and I've been slacking. After a lot of research, I decided give Weight Watchers a whirl because it focuses on making lifestyle changes verses a quick fixes. Plus, it doesn't focus on leaving out major food groups but rather works toward a healthy balance. The main reason I went with Weight Watchers was accountability. I am HIGHLY competitive so being accountable in a group really motivates me. I'm still embarrassed of my starting weight, but it is being recorded. I'll eventually come back to add it. Until then, here is a look at at this week's stats! Starting Weight: 1*3 Current Weight : 1*2 Po...

Walk To End Alzheimer's

Last Sunday we went to Lexington to honor my grandfather in the Walk To End Alzheimer's. Eli and I walked here in Bowling last year, but we wanted to get the whole family involved this year. Oddly, it was on a Sunday so we had to miss church to make it. Nonetheless, it was very special to walk through downtown Lexington four generations strong to honor my Papaw!! The walk always makes my sentimental because I realize that my son will never truly understand how wonderful my grandfather was prior to this disease. Eli will never see determination in the eyes of the man who hitch-hiked from the mountains of eastern Kentucky to the University of Kentucky just get ahead in life. Eli will never smell my Papaw's aftershave on a crisply ironed oxford shirt. Eli never taste his stovetop fresh popcorn, or enjoy Papaw's favorite breakfast...a Honey Bun. Eli will never feel Papaw's rough whiskers when he kisses him goodbye. And mostly sadly, he will never hear my Papaw ask him t...

Game Day

I have looked forwad to today for weeks because a lot is a stake when Kentucky plays Louisville tonight at 7:00....bragging rights in a House Divided!! No local station are carrying it here in Bowling Green because apparently TN vs FL is a bigger deal...don't even get me started. Well, ESPN put the game on one of their "special" channels that we don't have. After listening to me complain for a week, my wonderful hubby called the cable company this morning and had ESPNU added to our channels...whoo hoo!! Although my hubby is WONDERFUL, his team in not...GO CATS!!

Fall Bucket List and An Announcement

Before everyone starts to scroll down to the end of this post for the announcement I want to get it out in the open that I am NOT pregnancy...sorry! But read on anyway, it's still exciting! This past summer there were so many things I wanted to do with Eli because he was just at such a fun age. Well, we got them all checked off but one, and we improvised a little it counts. I thought it would be fun to make a little list of things I would like to do this fall. We'll see what gets checked off... 1. Go Tailing at WKU 2. Go To Orchard 3. Anniversary Get-a-Way 4. Walk To End Alzheimer's 5. Hike 6. Pumpkin Carving Party 7. Home Coming Parade 8. Trick -or-Treat 9. Monster Mash @ Corvette Museum 10. Sit Around Fire Pit with Hubby 11. Make Apple Cider In my book, Fall starts on Memorial Day and runs until Thanksgiving. I realize that this is not a scientific definition , but it works for the girl who once told her husband that winter starts when it gets really cold outside....

What I'm Lovin'

I'm linking up with Jamie today for What I'm Lovin' Wednesday , and since the first things I'm lovin' is the new season I thought I would make this a fall edition! I'm lovin' the pumkin spiced candles I've started burning this week! They just make my house feel so warm and cozy. Speaking of my house, I'm lovin' that Eric and I ramdomly redecorated Eli's playroom last night. It's going to be PERFECT when we finish. ( I hope) I'm Lovin' that this weekend I will also be getting some mums and pumpkins for my front porch. Have I mentioned that I love fall? I love fall scents too, so I'm really LOVIN' that I get to pull out Amber Romance this week. I live for this time of year! Of course football completes fall and I'm lovin that this weekend is extra special because it's the Govornor's Cup between Kentucky & Louisville. I bleed blue and Eric bleeds red, so a whole year of bragging rights is wrap up in t...

Football Fever

I've already mentioned this, and I'm sure you'll read it a thousand more times before Thanksgiving...I LOVE FALL!! I also love the south neither would be complete without football! So, when I came across this old post on Kelly's Korner , I had to share: The Difference Between Football in the North and South WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES Up North : Chapstick in their back pocket and a $20 bill in their front pocket. Down South : Louis Vuitton duffel with two lipsticks, powder,mascara (waterproof), and concealer. Wallet not necessary, that's what dates are for. STADIUM SIZE Up North : College football stadiums hold 20,000. Down South : High School football stadiums hold 20,000. FATHERS Up North: Expect their daughter to understand Sylvia Plath. Down South: Expect their daughters to understand pass interference. ATTIRE Up North: Male and female alike: woolly sweater or sweatshirt and jeans. Down South: Male - press khakis, oxford shirt, cap with frat logo Female – Dre...

Monday Musings

It's a beautiful Monday here in Kentucky with lots of sunshine and some awesome weather...oh how I heart fall, ya'll! I got out some of the fall decorations on Saturday. I hope to buy mums and pumpkins this weekend to finish it all out...expect pictures soon. I also finished up all of my shopping for Eli's winter guessed it...more pictures! I'm actually in the process of washing them all and getting them in the closet. Speaking of washing clothes, I did a ton of laundry this weekend and even cooked a big Sunday lunch since we had to skip church thanks to Eli's cold. Moving On...It's a very busy week for us... Wednesday starts our new Bible study at church and I am so excited!! Thursday is our stations "Premier Party." This is where we highlight all of the new shows coming up on NBC and CBS. It's a big shindig with all our clients complete with amazing food, great drinks and a night out for me and Eric....yay! Friday is the last Ice C...

When You Know, You Know

If you've read my blog for very long you know that Eric and I do life at sonic speed. Really. We graduated college, got married, started our careers, bought a house and had a baby all within an 18 month time span. In fact, we only dated five months before getting engaged and were married less than eight months later. I can't even begin to tell you how many people asked how I could be so sure that Eric was "the one," in such a short amount of time. Well... when you know you know! I have never doubted my decision and feel like a newlywed nearly three years later!! Anyway, tonight we went to a wedding for some friends from church. Let me tell you...THEY KNOW!! They both glowed with the joy and hope that only love can bring. It was precious and contagious and so refreshing. Eli fell asleep on the way, so he was in a great mood for the ceremony. Here are Sabrina, Eli and I with the bride. She looked beautiful!! I had to post this because Eli has the biggest crush on Hav...