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Showing posts from April, 2012

Just A Little Boy

I know I just had a baseball post the other day, so please bear with me on another.  A friend of mine posted this on facebook, and I had to share.   I don't know about you, but I think this should be posted in every ball park across the country. 

Weekend Recap

I don't know about ya'll, but we sure had a great weekend.  Friday after my workout, I went to pick Eli up from daycare, and we made a trip to Wendy's for sweet tea.  I know, most kids want ice cream or a frosty, but what can I say-I'm raising a true southern gentleman.  Seriously, it's what he wanted.   Anyway, after tea we went to the park to meet Eli's girlfriend, Macy.  I actually didn't get any pictures because Ashley and I talked about the entire time.  We went straight from the park to pick up Daddy, then it was dinner at Double Dogs with Uncle Clay  who was passing through town.  We ended our night with a double header softball game, so we didn't make it home until almost mid-night. Again, no pictures.  After such a late night we all slept pretty late on Saturday before Daddy cooked up a pancake breakfast.  Then Eli and I went to run some errands while he worked on the garden.  First we had a yummy lunch at Chick...

No Harm; No Foul

I had to share this video with you this morning.  I never watch the news which seems weird since I work in television, but honestly I'm too busy at that hour to pay attention.  However this story stood out to me on so many levels.  Watch the video before you read my thoughts. Crying baseball tot’s mom: ’He doesn’t get everything all the time’ 1. A toddler decked out in baseball gear is an every day occurrence at my house, so this sweet boy struck a cord with me in that department. 2. The whole scene of a crying kid at a baseball game is my life.  I mean Daddy holding, Mommy soothing, kid screaming.  That's real life. 3. Who would still a baseball from a kid?  I mean, don't we all know that we're supposed to give the kid the ball.  We're not talking about Babe Ruth's home run ball here! 4.  The thief couple supposedly didn't know that the kid was upset? Really, who couldn't hear him? 5.  The boys parents were truly graci...

My Thoughts On Parenting

Before Eli, I had this vision of what I thought parenting looked like.  Of course this picture was influenced largely from what was modeled in my home growing up.  Thus, I thought parenting meant staying home with three small children birthed EXACTLY two years apart.  I thought parenting meant home cooked meals, family dinners around the table, perfectly dressed children, and a well groomed home.  I thought parenting meant driving a mini van, living on a strict schedule, and weekends spent playing with cousins close in age. Then I woke up...ha!  I realized that being a working mom was in my future for various reasons that really have nothing to do with this post.  I realized that not only do I not want three children, I want my (two) spaced out very far apart.  I realized that home-cooked meals would be replaced by one dish creations, and family dinners would boil down to a wrestling match between me and a toddler.  I realized that driving a ...

Boys Are

"Love with dirt on their face." 

Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, the Watson boys have been very busy.  In the past two weeks they have planted SIX new trees in our yard.  They also got two new rain barrels...  ...and planned the summer garden.  I am so excited so watch it grow.  

Spring Football

Last weekend we had the chance to finally reunite with our friends, the Adkins.  The boys were so excited to finally see each other.  The hugged and laughed and played...precious! Anyway, we went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner and had an eventful time thanks to two drinks being by me!  Moving on.... After dinner we headed to WKU's spring football game. It was free, so we figured it would be a good way to keep the boys entertained.  I'm excited for the fall season.  I was hoping to get season tickets, but with all the things we have going on (including our anniversary and my brother's wedding) it wasn't worth the investment this year.  However, you can bet your socks that I'll be taking this sweet boy to a few games.  After all, he loves football and "The Boys of Fall." Plus, Owen and Big Red are super cool incentives too.   Love these boys and their many adventures!

She Said Yes

I mentioned that while we were on vacation I had the chance to meet up with my brother's girlfriend who was also on Spring Break from student teaching.  What I didn't tell you is that was the same night my brother was asking her mom's permission to marry!! That's right, I kept a BIG secret from my soon to be sister - in -law.  Luckily, I didn't have to stay tight-lipped for long. That's because three short days later he got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife. She said yes, and now I'll have a new sister - in -law.  I can't wait to hear those wedding bells!

Let Go

With Spring finally upon us life is budding all around. It's in the blooming landscape of trees, flowers, and bushes. It's stumbling in fields of farmland as precious livestock draw their first breaths and take their first steps. Life is budding in the wombs of my many close friends who await the birth of their beautiful babies, and it's in the eyes of my two year old child as he takes in the world around him with a excited awareness. This new season brings a fresh hope and offers an opportunity to reflect on the past. It perplexes me how four years have gone by since graduating college. It seems like just yesterday, I was attending classes, hanging out with girlfriends and planning a wedding. Four years ago I was full of anticipation as I dreamed about the life ahead of me; becoming a wife, starting a career, building a home. Four years ago seems so short, yet it was a lifetime ago. No longer am I that dreaming, naive college student. I have been through seasons a...

Easter 2012

With all the traveling, Easter Sunday was a little different for us this year.  In fact, we didn't even attempt to make it to church.  We knew we would be in late and were unsure about Eli's behavior at that point, so we didn't even pack fancy clothes. If you remember, Eric and I bought Eli a bunny at Build A Bear for Easter in case we didn't make it back to do the traditional celebrations.  Well, Eric's mom insisted that Eli have a few things from the Easter Bunny, so she bought some toys and filled some eggs with candy and money. Sunday morning she used flour to make "bunny prints" on the drive-way and Eli had a private little egg hunt.  Above he had just found several boats...gotta love Nan. After Eli's little egg hunt, Eric's dad got several Tonka Trucks out of the attic.  As you can tell, they were a major hit for both of my boys. We decided to take Eli fishing before lunch, but it's kinda an oxymoron to take a tod...

Vacation Day Eight

I know most people don't consider traveling days part of their vacation, but I do...for two reasons.  First, any day that is out of the norm is like a vacation when you have a toddler.  Two, I love to drive.  It is relaxing, and I get to see things that aren't part of my every day life. Saturday morning came too early.  The pizza from the night before had given me some severe heartburn which lead being awake half the night. Nonetheless, I woke up and help load the van while Emily and Dixie took a few last minute pictures on the balcony.  We ended up leaving an hour later than planned which meant we hit traffic...and lots of it.  We never went more than 30 miles without getting stopped by some sort of jam.  Luckily, we found a Chick-fil-A in Alabama where Eli was able to get out and play.  We made it back to Marion in time for a late dinner and and early know for the Easter Bunny!

Vacation Day Seven

Friday was our last day on the beach, and we were so blessed with beautiful weather.  I grew up going to the Atlantic ocean, which is not nearly as clear as the gulf.  I went to Gulf Shores with friends throughout college, Eric and I honeymooned in Mexico, and we vacation in Tampa every year.  All of that to say that I have never before seen water so clear as Fort Walton.  It was breathtaking.  Eric and his sister, Emily, had wanted to Kayak all week, but with all the dreary weather it just wasn't possible.  Friday however, things improved enough that they could go.  They were way out there, but I tried to capture the moment nonetheless. Meanwhile on the shore, Eli sported some pretty awesome goggles.  He also spent a lot of time playing ball and digging holes with Colby.  It brought me so much joy watching him come out of his comfort zone enough to wade in the ocean and ...

Vacation 2012 - Day Six

By the time Thursday rolled around, we were pretty tired of all the dreary weather.  I mean I kept reading about how beautiful it was in Kentucky...rrh!  Anyway, we decided that instead of hitting the beach we would go to the outlet malls.   Eric and I decided that since Eli wouldn't be home for the Easter Bunny to visit, we would take him to Build A Bear Workshop.  Ironically, he chose to make a rabbit.  At first he was a little nervous with all the noisy machines, but he warmed right up and was so excited. He and Daddy picked an Atlanta Braves uniform, and decided to name our new friends Chipper....after Chipper Jones who is retiring this year.  As luck would have it, the clouds broke while we were making Chipper, so we made a quick drive-thru run before heading back to hit the beach.  As you can tell, I didn't take camera along.  I will report that the water was rough, so we weren't able to spend a lot of...

Vacation 2012 - Day Five

Wednesday was probably the worst day we had weather-wise. We woke up and went straight to the beach since it looked pretty. The sun stayed out for a little bit before a big storm blew up. Eli and daddy didn't let that stop them from building sandcastles. It did, however, have us wrapped up in towels all morning. As it turned out, a big storm hit around noon. We ate, then I took a LONG nap while Eric and Emily went to get fresh seafood for our meal. We decided to head to the ballpark while Emily stayed at the condo to work on our shrimp dinner. We were seriously in long sleeves and jackets it was so chilly...really?! I seriously think Eli would have picked the ballpark over the beach if asked! Lucky for him went into extra innings, so he had lots of time to play. After the game, we headed to the grocery before making it back to the amazing meal Emily had made. It happened to be my first attempt at lobster, and it was a success. We ended the day by meeting my brother's (n...

Vacation 2012 - Day Four

Tuesday started off with another late morning and a quick trip to beach. I say quick because a storm blew up about an hour after we made it. Oh well, Eric and I were actually able to relax in what little time we had since his parents took Eli back to the pool. We decided to use the storm as a chance to grab a quick lunch, then it was off to the beach for another round of dodging showers. As you can tell, Eli enjoyed a variety of activities that included a game of football... Playing in the sand... Burying Daddy... Throwing Frisbee... Wading in the ocean... and digging giant holes! After such a fun day on the beach enjoying Eli's new bravery, we headed in to get ready for another night out. We headed to the pier and had more sea food. Colby, Eli, Landon, and Daddy took a walk on the pier while we waited for our food. This is Eli hamming in up for the camera! After dinner it was another fun night back at the condo. Sadly, my new found rest was interrupted thanks to a littl...