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Showing posts from July, 2015

Midweek Musings

The kids are gone this week visiting Eric's parent's so I don't have a lot to dish on this week...lucky you. I did have to share this picture of Eli I took last week.  He said, "Mom, watch me fly." Haha.  It's never good hearing those words then looking up to see your kid standing on the table. I'm a horrible, horrible cook, but I branched out this week and fried some pork chops.  Eric made the gravy, and we threw some corn and green beans on the stove as sides.  Ya'll it was amazing!!  My kids were thrilled and loved it.  I may just be on to something. Last, but not least, today was United Way's Day of Caring.  We signed up to paint, but I basically stink at it.  I ended up mulching in 97 degree heat, but it was so worth it to help the kids.  I'm just glad my babies are gone so that I can recoup tonight.  Ha!

Summer Lovin'

Ya’ll, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve blogged or at least published a post.   I have a few things that I will back date to keep them in order, but long story short, I’ve been preoccupied. Even though we still have two full weeks until school is back in session, it really feels like summer has already wrapped up in a lot of ways.   Eric’s mom and dad may watch the kids later this week, and we have a couple of fun things planned this weekend.   Then it’s Eli’s birthday celebration the following weekend and back to school on August 11 th .   Good gracious, it was a fast two months.   One thing this summer has taught me is how to be present in the moment.   I sometimes have a tendency to think along the lines of “when I get things together then….”   the truth is that we will never have it all together.   I’m slowly but surely learning how to let it all go.   It’s so beautiful to truly enjoy each moment for what it is instead of ...

Griffin Turns Four

Our super, awesome weekend continued today as we got to celebrate Griffin's fourth birthday.  Seriously, wasn't I just visiting him in the hospital? After church and a quick lunch, I took the kids to the party while Eric worked on his boat.  The theme was "Dance Party," and ya'll, it was awesome.  Sabrina seriously throws the best parties.  I mean, what kid wouldn't love to decorate their own guitar while jamming to the best, most child friendly pop songs on the radio. I appreciated the photobooth because I actually got to pose with the kids for a fun change.  Oh, and please ignore Ellie's huge diaper.  I forgot to bring an extra. Happy Birthday, rock!!

Wet and Wild

I deemed today, "Wet and Wild Day" at the Watson home.  It's a billion degrees, so why not have a little fun in the sun?  After a morning of cleaning and laundry, we inflates some water balloons and let them have fun. Of course that lasted all of five minutes before they had popped all of them, so we turned our attention to the water cannon I bought.  I got it at the Dollar Store, so you can image how well it worked.  Ha!  Two minutes in, it popped. So we improvised yet again, and ran through the sprinkler we use for the garden.  What could be better than that? Apparently nothing.  Next time I'll save my money and stick with the water hose. We spent a few more hours swimming in the pool and just being together.  It was so much fun! Saturdays in the summer are the best!  After dinners and baths we ended our day with family movie night, which is never as peaceful as it sounds. 

Lord of the Harvest

I just have to brag on my man for a second.  He grows a small garden each year, and this has been the most successful harvest yet.  We have green beans, corn, peppers, squash, tomatoes and watermelon. There's more, but I can't think of it all right now.  Ellie is loving all the fresh food, and I appreciate the lost skills her is instilling in our children.    " He told them, ' The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" - Luke 10:2 Just as few people are gardening these days, there are also few workers ready to harvest the spiritual field.  I pray we will willingly gather the harvest and lead them to Christ.

Playdate With Griffin

Guess who came to play last night?  Griffin...and Grady.  We swam and then let the kids play.  It was nice to catch up with Sabrina, and the boys were thrilled to be reunited. Yes, Ellie is wearing a holiday dress.  What can I say?  My kids love to celebrate Christmas in July. We have the Pates so much, but we get to play with them again this weekend when we celebrate Griffin's birthday!

Midweek Musings

This little lady took up swimming this weekend, and can float around the pool all by herself, and I can't get over the cuteness of these pictures.   I mean, is that  not adorable?   In other news, my kids think it's December and want to wear their flannel Santa pjs.   Oh, and with all the swimming, we are tuckered out every morning. 

Sweet Sunday

I thought that pictures would get easier to take as the kids got older...boy was I wrong.  It think it's getting even more challenging, but I had to try nonetheless.  Eli won't cooperate with the coordinating for too much longer. After church was lunch and an afternoon of swimming, which was just what the doctor ordered.  I love summer!

Family Fun

After a few weekends of travel and business, it was wonderful to be able to be together as a family this weekend.  We started with a trip to Krispy Kreme Donuts on Friday night for our basically free dozen.  It was an insanely long line, but so worth it to get this sweet treat! Yesterday we swam...imagine that.  Haha!!  The kids are getting so much more independent and brave which makes the whole experience more enjoyable for me and Eric. After an afternoon in the pool, we went grocery shopping and rounded out the night with Family Movie Night. It was a low-key weekend at home, and just what we needed.

Singing In The Rain

As much I love planning fun experiences with the kids, I cannot deny the joy of an impromptu activity.  Last night we were swimming when a HUGE rainstorm popped up.  There was not thunder or lightening, just buckets of rain falling from the sky.  In fact, there was so much that we had to drain our pool while it was still coming down.  Eli belly laughed at the audacity of swimming in the rain.  I mean his whole face lit up, and he would moan every time it started to let up even a little bit.  Ellie was not of fan of getting pelted by the huge drops, but Eric saved her by putting up the table umbrella so that part of the pool was shield.  As long as I live, I will never forget their reaction and the pure joy of playing in the rain.  It may just be my favorite memory of this summer!  One of those small moments that is just so big in my heart! Oh, and I must not forget to mention to resulting mud puddle that pro...

A Party In My Tummy

We knocked another item off of our Summer Bucket List...eating watermelon!  Actually, we have indulged in this summertime favorite several times already this year, but I finally got pictures. I bought a mini watermelon on a whim, and I didn't love it.  The kids, however, were fans. After dinner I stripped them down and let them have at it.  Since it's so messy, the only acceptable way to eat watermelon is outside, one the front porch, half naked.   Since the kids needed hosed down, we made the most of it and had an impromptu sprinkler party.  Actually, I just held my thumb over the water.  They ran around the yard laughing and playing, and it was just wonderful! Nights like this are what summer is all about.  It wasn't forced or contrived.  I just grabbed my camera and snapped a few photos of our real, everyday life.  What a blessing it is to raise these babies.

Midweek Musing

This is my first week back to a somewhat normal routine since school let out for summer, and it is wearing me out!  Granted, I am working longer hours so that I can take off early on Friday, but I'm still adjusting to a five day work week.  HA! There's really not a lot to report this week.  The rain has pretty much forced us inside, but I have managed to cook every night and say caught up on the laundry, so that's good.  Last night Ellie sat still and let me play with her hair.  The above picture is the end result.  She and I were both thrilled!  I may post more pictures soon because your first set of pigtails are a big deal. Your first chore chart is also a big deal.  I designed this one for Eli.  If you can actually read the small print, you'll see that there are things like "Dress Myself" and "Brush Teeth."  I am well aware that these are not chores, but they are things that would make my life much easier if there was...

Weekend In Marion

With all the birthdays and the return to our normal routine, I'm a little behind on the updates.  So without further delay, here is a recap of our wonderful weekend in Marion visiting Eric's family. On Friday morning, Eli and Grandad went to Cave In Rock, IL with most of the cousins while Nan and I ran to the store I for PJs since I forgot to pack Eli some.  We had a fish fry for dinner and spent a lot of time letting the kids play. On Saturday we woke up ready to celebrate July 4th!  We went back to the "home place" for the kids to play some more with their cousins.  After a quick swim, it was time for a late lunch / early dinner.  I love that the kids are blessed to grow up knowing and playing with their second cousins. I have such wonderful memories of summers with my cousins, so I'm glad Eli and Ellie have the same opportunity. So I have a confession, the pictures below were a battle to take.  The kids were wired, and ...