It's Miss Kentucky week, and I would be remiss if I didn't take a little trip down memory lane. It's been nine years since I hung up the acrylics, threw away the fake lashes, and pushed the dresses into the back of the closet. So incredibly much has happened in those nine years. I met Eric, got engaged, graduated college, got married, started a career, had a baby, bought a house, changed careers, had another baby, drove a mini-van, changed careers again, and walked through a million other seasons of life. I get asked often about my pageant days, and my typical response is "That was sixty pounds and a lifetime ago." It's so true. I am nothing like I was nine years ago, and I have pageants to thank for that. Sometimes in the midst of whining kids, a dirty house, piles of laundry, my career, crazy schedules, and failed diet attempts, I forget about the smiley, little 21 year old. But every now and then, I get a glimpse of her again