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Showing posts from September, 2014

Prissy Sissy

Eli has gotten quite a bit of attention on the blog lately with all of the school activities, and I didn't want ya'll to think that I had forgotten about Ellie, so here is a post dedicated to our "Prissy Sissy."  Please excuse the photo quality. With a toddler, you can't wait to find the camera, and a iPhone is always right at hand.  Eli is well rounded.  She goes from wrestling and playing with Monster Trucks and Hot Wheels to wearing necklaces and playing dress up.  In fact, she almost always wears a necklace at home, and recently she has found the wonder of sunglasses. Despite having them on upside down, she was looking adorable when she came strolling her baby down  the hall…and then she turned around.  Haha!  Ya'll, I just about died laughing!!  I posted this on Instagram: Mommy in the front; Daddy in the back!  This girl is one of kind! While Nan and Gradad were here today, Nan wanted to go show shopping for Ellie...

Fall Festival

Tonight was Fall Festival at school, and it was one of those events that I have always daydreamed about doing as a parent, and I must say that it did not disappoint!  The day started a bit rushed because Ellie was up ALL. NIGHT. LONG.  Really, 11:00 -3:45!  Needless to say, I skipped the shower and slept as long as possible. I didn't get the game we donated delivered nor did I get my bake sale or cake walk items finished.  It was a crazy lunch hour, but it was well worth it to see Eli so excited when I picked him up from school! Griffin was there, and that was just icing on the cake for Eli!  They had a great time, but both of them were being extra bashful the entire night.  Expect, of course, when they were in disguise.  This is what you call "hiding behind a mask."  One of the things I love about our school is that is truly a part of the community.  There were families there from church and daycare who don't even have kids ...

Oops…I Did It Again

If you’ve been around this blog for long, you may recall that several years ago I laid out a costume for Eric to dress Eli in for daycare. At that time I was working early hours, and Eric had Daddy Duty every morning, so I would try to help by laying out clothes the night before. Anyway, a few hours after leaving for work, a confused hubby called me to inquire why I had sent Eli to daycare dressed up like Elmo (or maybe it was Batman, I can’t remember) when it was NOT, in fact, Halloween!!! Oops.   Ya’lll the poor kid showed up all decked out and was the only child wearing a costume.   Thankfully he has no recollection of this event or else he would probably go through life with trust issues.   It turns out that in the Watson home, history sometimes repeats itself. Yesterday afternoon there was a note in Eli’s folder that it was Mid-Evil Dress Up Day at school.   In true “Kindergarten Parent” fashion, I panicked because we didn’t have a costume...

Reading Mastery

  Ever since starting school, Eli has been eager to read.  He wants to sound out words constantly and asks how EVERYTHING is spelled, which is a good thing.  The problem is, I never had phonics.  I am literally the worst speller in the case regular typos on this blog hadn't already tipped you off to that embarrassing fact. Lucky for me, Eli's school hosted a Reading Mastery Night to teach parents how to reinforce the curriculum at home.  I'm certain that Eric will still do the majority of homework since he can actually sound out a word, but I feel much more prepared to help.   Eli and his fellow Kindergarteners demonstrated the curriculum, and I was so impressed with what they had already learned. I am so eager to watch the kids grow throughout the school year.  I know I'm new at this whole school thing, but I'm having a lot of fun and look forward to a few upcoming and exciting events that include: Mid-Evil Dress ...

I Love Sundays

We're laid back on Sundays around the Watson home, and I'm trying to be better about staying on top of daily chores so that we can do even less work (which is already minimal) and more relaxing and family things.  Anyway, today was the church picnic, but both kids were cranky!!   We skipped the festivities and opted instead for lunch and a power nap at home.  When we woke up, we promptly headed outside to enjoy the most amazing fall day!  Eli and Ellie spent quite a bit of time cruising around the back yard in the Gator while Eric played golf and worked on a few projects.  Ellie and I ran to the grocery and I cooked dinner and did some food prep for the week.  One of my goals for the fall/winter is to grocery shop on Fridays so that we don't eat out as much during the weekend.  I am also trying to prepare a one-dish meal on Sunday nights for Eric to heat up on Monday when he gets home.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are Crock Pot meals, ...

A Hairy Subject

Ya'll, I finally had enough with my nappy head of hair and decided it was time to chop it off.  Don't get me wrong, I loved having "long" longs.  The problem is, my hair is super fine and it's just too hard to maintain it.  It was time.   I posted this to Instagram, and ya'll were so sweet…thanks! And thanks for ignoring my stupid faces.  Selfies make me super uncomfortable…in case you couldn't tell.  Anyway, here's the problem - I can't figure out how to straighten my hair like the stylist did.  Now I look like Dora The Explorer.  Ha!  I hope to mess with it more this weekend.  

My Miss America Fairytale

Once upon a time there was a young lady who was feeling kinda lucky,  S o she devised a plan to become Miss Kentucky.   She spent six long years working through sweat and tears, But her crowing moment never did get here.   Finally, she realized that the dream was not meant to be, oh but wait, A Prince Charming she would soon get to meet. Soon to follow were sweet wedding bells, And many nights of sleepless hell. Through motherhood the young lady grew day by day, And with a new perspective can easily say: That some dreams just aren’t meant to be; The sweetest moments of life are shared with family.

Weekend Recap

Today I am home following an all-nighter with Ellie girl who seemed to have eaten something that didn't agree with her.  Eric is also under the weather…poor babies!!  I think it may have been the grilled cheese.  The good news is that Ellie is on the mend, and I am getting some much needed cleaning done! Was this not the most beautiful weekend?  Gosh, we enjoyed it!  We left Friday for Marion to visit Eric's mom and Dad and for Eric play in a golf tourney.  Of course, both kids slept on the way and were up late, but it wasn't as bad as when we went to Lexington.  Saturday morning we got up and played around the house until it was time to go to the golf match.  The course had a little chipping green in front of the clubhouse that gave my kids HOURS of entertainment.  Ha! Eli thought he was on the PGA Tour,  and Ellie kept running off with the little flags.  After playing the first nine holes, the golfers came i...

Greeting Grady

Last  night our church hosted a second baby shower for the week. Actually, it was a "Sprinkle" this time, but whatever.  Haven and Sabrina are due ONE DAY apart.  I have a slight hunch that Eden and Grady may grow up and get married.  The theme was animals since that is what Mr. Grady's room will be decorated in, and it was so stinking cute!  We have such fun and creative women at our church, so celebrations are always themed to perfection.  They even went to Chewys for Sabrina's favorite chips and dip! Eli and Griffin ran around the whole time, but what else is new? Ha!  Ellie was a fan of the food and even posed for a few pictures!  It was such a great night, and I can not wait to hold little Grady…and sweet Eden!

They Are Heroes

Not too long ago Eli asked me about the bad guys.   “You know, mom.   The ones who crashed the plane into that big building.”   He was four year old.   It all started when he was looking at pictures from a family member’s recent trip to Washington D.C.   He was mesmorized by the buildings and momuments and the stories of the heroes who were honored.   It wasn’t long before his wide-eyed wonder turned into panicked curiosity as he looked through pictures of the 9/11 Memorial Exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum, and I was forced to explain to my child the events of that day. I didn’t tell him that mommies and daddies went to work and never came home.   I didn’t mention that people chose to plunge to their deaths rather than burning alive.   I  didn’t discuss the grief, the horror or the shock of that day.   Instead, he and I talked about super heroes, a subject that he is well-versed in these days.   I explained that just like ...

The Leader In Me

Ya'll know that I am a mess of a person. Professionally I am organized and thorough, but outside of the work place I walk around with my head in the breeze forgetting important dates, missing doctor's appointments, baby shower announcements, and other major things.  I try desperately to keep it all together, but just I'm not that good at it.  If you were to look at these pictures of tonight's school event, you might think I've got my act together but let's take a look behind the scenes.  Eli's school news letter has been highlighting Leader In Me Parent Night.  I know this because I added the event to the website.  Ha!  Since I work for the district and know all about the Leader In Me initiative, I decide not to attend.  Bad choice.   I always check Eli's folder in the parking lot before leaving school, but I don't sign the papers until the next morning, so I didn't see a little orange slip of paper informing Kindergarten parents tha...