Eli has gotten quite a bit of attention on the blog lately with all of the school activities, and I didn't want ya'll to think that I had forgotten about Ellie, so here is a post dedicated to our "Prissy Sissy." Please excuse the photo quality. With a toddler, you can't wait to find the camera, and a iPhone is always right at hand. Eli is well rounded. She goes from wrestling and playing with Monster Trucks and Hot Wheels to wearing necklaces and playing dress up. In fact, she almost always wears a necklace at home, and recently she has found the wonder of sunglasses. Despite having them on upside down, she was looking adorable when she came strolling her baby down the hall…and then she turned around. Haha! Ya'll, I just about died laughing!! I posted this on Instagram: Mommy in the front; Daddy in the back! This girl is one of kind! While Nan and Gradad were here today, Nan wanted to go show shopping for Ellie...