It's hard to believe but somehow we muddled our way through 2020. I think most of us are little road weary, nursing our wounds, counting our casualties and rallying what's left of our resolve as we head into the new year. I'll admit that while I have no have no room for complaint, this past year has been emotionally draining for me. My family is healthy and thriving. We're blessed to have our jobs, a new home, and so many adventures under our belts. Yet, there's been a heaviness that we can't seem to escape -fear, uncertainty, a sense of loss, a burden for those experiencing so many hardships. I once heard a saying something along the lines of, "Anyone can handle a crisis but it's every day life that's the hardest." I have found that to be true this past year. It's getting up every day and trying to explain to a tween boy why he can't hang out with his friends or why the sports season was canceled. It's watching your daughter cry...