Ya’ll last week this little gem came home in Eli’s backpack. It’s still a little unclear as to what the writing prompt actually was, but I sure did get a good laugh. Only a little boy could come up with this kind of story. I just hope that I wasn’t the inspiration with my food consumption habits. In case you can’t see it: Wons upon a time their wus a fat guy named bob he ate alot of donuts and weighed 10,000 pounds. And he was eating a big big ginormes 500 pound cake. When he ate all of it he so fat he explodtid and all of the food flyed everywhere and at peppel ran/ He was back to life aet sum mmor. He exploted ougin. He went to the hospital hospitel to put it back to gather and he was fine but he went to this con test and he said let me do it please please and he got in the contest and won and ofter words he exploded the ind. Translation: Once upon a time there was a fat guy named Bob. He ate a lot of donuts and weighed 10,000 pounds, and he was