Happy Halloween!! I'll be sure to post lots of pictures tomorrow from our activities, but I wanted to go ahead and document this week's pregnancy highlights! How far along: 21 weeks Size of baby: Ellie is the size of pomegranate . Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm still about six pounds under pre-pregnancy weight. Maternity Clothes: I HATE maternity clothes!! The pants are all baggy and it's too cold for dresses; I'm sorta of in a slump! Gender: It's a GIRL!! Elizabeth Victoria Watson Movement: Ellie has been moving a lot more. In fact I don't think it will be too much longer before others can feel it! She's been having herself a little party all morning long. Sleep: I can't get enough! I am so exhausted all.the.time! I get 8 hours a night, but could seriously use 10-12. What I miss: Diet Coke. I had to give it up thanks to the whole dilated ...