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Showing posts from October, 2012

21 Weeks

Happy Halloween!!  I'll be sure to post lots of pictures tomorrow from our activities, but I wanted to go ahead and document this week's pregnancy highlights! How far along:  21 weeks Size of baby:  Ellie is the size of  pomegranate . Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I'm still about six pounds under pre-pregnancy weight.   Maternity Clothes:  I HATE maternity clothes!!  The pants are all baggy and it's too cold for dresses; I'm sorta of in a slump! Gender:  It's a GIRL!!  Elizabeth Victoria Watson Movement:  Ellie has been moving a lot more.  In fact I don't think it will be too much longer before others can feel it!  She's been having herself a little party all morning long.  Sleep:  I can't get enough!  I am so exhausted all.the.time!  I get 8 hours a night, but could seriously use 10-12.    What I miss:  Diet Coke. I had to give it up thanks to the whole  dilated ...

One Last Hooray

I love fall, which means that Eli and I spend a lot of time enjoying outdoor activities like going to the park and pumpkin patch.  As you have probably heard, there are some major changes headed our way, so I decided to leave the housework behind to soak in one last perfect fall day with my boy! We went back to The Garden Patch.  It's just closer and more convenient  not to mention kid friendly.  Here is Eli trying to convince me to let him buy a pumpkin!  Of course we have all the pumpkins we can handle, so I stood my ground! We did, however, go through the corn maze with Eli as the leader.  He gets such a kick out of picking which way we turn, and every time he sees a scarecrow he let's me know that it didn't make it out...haha! Since we don't have trees in our yard, playing in the leaves is a BIG deal!  In a few weeks we will be going to Eric's parent's house, and I can not wait for Eli to get to jump in th...

The Monster Mash

Today Eli and I met up with one of my co-workers and her son, Charlie, for a play date.  Actually, it was more like a belated birthday celebration.  Charlie turned one last month, but Eli was home sick with the stomach bug.   First we ate lunch at Chick-fil-A, and of course that was a major hit!  Then we took the boys to the National Corvette Museum for the annual Monster Mash! It's so much fun because the kids get to Trick Or Treat from classic cars.  It is such a fun and unique atmosphere!  Only in Bowling Green, Kentucky do people not mind rambunctious toddlers around their pricey cars. As you can see, Eli was a baseball player which is actually not his "real" costume this year.  In fact, Halloween is sorta tricky at our house.  We usually have to come up with THREE for Halloween, one for daycare, and one for fun events like Monster Mash.  I just don't trust him not to ru...

Anatomy Scan

Today was my 20 week ultrasound, and for some reason I have been a nervous wreck about it.  With Eli, I was so young and stupid it never occurred to me that anything could be wrong.  Plus, we didn't know the gender at that point.  Honestly, I was so eager to find out the gender that I didn't even think about the rest of it. This time I was well aware of the risks that come with any pregnancy. Plus, I have had a really hard time gaining weight and have felt little fetal movement; not to mention that I already knew the gender...this time it was strictly business.  That being said, we had also switched doctors and had been told that this particular scan could take up to 45 minutes.  That was not the case with Eli.  In fact, the only time we had a scan lasting more than 15 minutes was the day I was induced for complications. You can imagine that I was a little on edge this morning.  Praise the Lord, Ellie looks wonderful.  We were told that sh...

20 Weeks

Today I am 20 Weeks pregnant which means that I am halfway there!!  Actually, I'm more than halfway there because of the repeat c-section I will go 7-10 days early!  Anyway, here are a few highlights from this halfway spot! How far along:  20 weeks Size of baby:  Ellie is the size of banana. Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I'm about six pounds under pre-pregnancy weight.   Maternity Clothes:  Pants only.  Tops and dresses still fit! Gender:  It's a GIRL!!  Elizabeth Victoria Watson Movement:  I am FINALLY starting to feel what I know is movement.  She tends to favor my right side, and I only feel her at night when I lay down.  I guess I'm just too busy during the day.  Sleep:  Well, Eli has made it difficult this week.    What I miss:  Not much.  I sorta of enjoy being pregnant at this stage.  Cravings:  None really.  Symptoms :   Moodiness.  I've not ...

Another One Bites The Dust

This should be called "Story Time With Eli," but I just don't think the title is strong enough. This little tale starts this evening when Eli and I are casually waiting for Eric to get home from work.  As is the norm, supper was cooking and Eli was playing, so I sat down on the couch to update my "do to" list.  No sooner had my tush hit the cushion than Eli walked in carrying a tee, bat, and ball. This is nothing out of the ordinary either, so I was assuming that we were dealing with a TOY bat, a TOY tee, and a ping pong ball.  WRONG!!  Replace the ping ball ball with a golf ball, and you have the perfect storm!! Eli swung with all his might, and WHACK!!!! The TV shattered into a million pieces.  Have you ever seen a flatscreen tv break?  It's like an iphone on steroids   I would know because Eli cracked mine...TWICE!  Oh yeah, there is one minor difference...when a tv cracks, the point of impact turns 50 different colors!! I...

Wedding Bells

Before I begin this lovely post, I would like to say that these pictures are all stolen from Facebook, because as mentioned in my last post, I forgot to get the pictures off my dad's camera.  If your pictures show up here, please consider it a lesson in "online safety."  Any sicko could steal your pictures. Granted, I'm not a sicko, but I am helping you become aware of the dangers.  Ha! Ah, Wedding Day!  I woke up and went to my sister's apartment for her to do my hair.  I must say, she did very well.  Then me she rode with Eric, Eli and I to the church.  We were supposed to be there at 10:00, but we didn't make it until 10:30...oops!  Don't worry, all the pageant and TV experience paid off, and I was dressed and ready to go in about 15 minutes.   We took about a bazillion pictures, and since I'm a good Christian lady, that's all I'll say about that.  Then it was time for my final sound-check.  I cried like a baby. ...

Rehearsal Dinner

Friday after work, I headed home to pack up for wedding weekend.  Eric took a half day at work, and then we left for Richmond. We had to pick Eli up at daycare, run through the McDonald's drive-thru and drop Louie off at Clay's house before heading to the church.  It was kind of crazy, but we made it literally just in time for the rehearsal.   When I say "just in time,"  I mean we changes clothes on the way!  I took lots of pictures, but of course left them on my dad's camera.  I guess this will have to do until the next time I'm home...which will be Thanksgiving!   Consider this "facebook" steal a nice little tease until then! My aunt Susanne ran the reheasal itself, and she's pretty awesome.  That meant we were in and out in about 35 minutes.  Of course I had to stay a little longer to practice me song for the wedding.  Think I made it through?  You'll have to tune in tomorrow to see. Ha! After my sound check we hea...

How Beautiful

Dear Clay, I can hardly believe that your wedding day is here.  I wish I could say, "it seems like just yesterday I was meeting you in the hospital," but that's not true.  I don't actually remember the day you were born, (sorry) but I do remember you getting sick and having to go back to the NICU.  Of course I was too young to understand the severity of your conditions, but I am so thankful the Lord chose to keep you with us.  Your presence has blessed our family beyond measure. I have an image of you etched into my heart.  You're sitting on the couch in the spot closest to dad's chair, sucking your thumb and rubbing your fingers across a tattered, yet loved, blanket.  Oh goodness how mad I was that you got to stay home while Amy and I had to go to school.  I love our memories of jumping on the trampoline, swimming in the creek and playing in the barn loft.  I'll never forget your inner tube and goggles at the pool, teaching you the Budget n...

I've Been Thinking

Ya'll, my baby brother is getting married tomorrow, and it has me all sappy and sentimental which is probably Eric's least favorite state for me to be in.  He's just not that way.  Of course weddings are always emotional, but being pregnant may just send me over the edge, not to mention that I'm singing.  There's a point in the song I lose it every time and just start crying. Please pray that I make it through, or at least produce a somewhat attractive cry face!  Ha! So, here is what I've been thinking about.  My parents prayed daily for not only the three of us (me, Amy, and Clay)  they also continually prayed for our future spouses.  It blows me away to think that my parents were praying for Eric before I could even sleep through the night!  I am so grateful they did.  Marriage is so sacred and so beautiful, and I can't imagine going into it without Christ.  I am blessed beyond measure to have a strong and healthy marriage.  W...

The Garden Patch

Yesterday continued our busy week.  In fact, after work I went home to clean and practice the song for my brother's wedding.  We also went to see baby Parker all before I headed to church.  Luckily, we were able to squeeze in time for a little fun with the Lindsay Sisters: Emma, Macy, and Abbie! Eli says he's going to marry Macy, and she seems fine with it. Ha!  Here they all are in front of the spider. We used to meet Ashley and the girls every Tuesday at Chick-fil-A for lunch.  Of course life happened, and we just sorta stopped.  We still play, but not as often as we would like.  Luckily, they moved to closer to our end of town, so I see many more afternoon dates! Today they all jumped around on hay caterpillar, went through the corn maze, and played in the fall beautiful fall weather.   Can someone please tell me how in only two years these sweet babies went from looking like this picture to what you see below. ...

19 Weeks And Meeting Parker

Ok, before we get into the nitty-gritty of week 19, I had to share some exciting news with you.  Our friends Tina, Gabe and Owen welcomed sweet Parker James into the world yesterday. He weighed 9lbs 3oz and was 22 inches long.  He is absolutely perfect in every way!  I can't wait to get back up to the hospital after work and get my hands on him.   How far along:  19 weeks Size of baby:  Ellie is the size of an apple, which I'm eating a lot of this week. Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I'm about seven pounds under pre-pregnancy weight. Maternity Clothes:  Pants only.  Tops and dresses still fit! Gender:  It's a GIRL!!  Elizabeth Victoria Watson Movement:  I am FINALLY starting to feel more movement, although is seems a little high.  It could be gas, but I'm going to call it baby/   Sleep:  Still peeing a lot, but sleep pretty well.  What I miss:  Nothing,   although I ke...


Thanks to this lovely title, I now the Patsy Cline song, "Crazy" running through my head.  Anyone else? It's only Tuesday, and so far the week has lived up to the title.  Let's review, shall we? If ya'll don't know by now, I like to be busy.  It's just a spice of life that keeps things interesting, which is probably a good thing since yesterday involved working, running to the grocery, picking up a dress from the post office, going to the bank, cleaning, cooking dinner and doing laundry. I know you're probably thinking to yourself, "Morgan, that's not crazy.  That's normal." You would be right, but stick with me because here comes the crazy part.  I'm singing at my brother's wedding this weekend, and as luck would have it, the practice CD got jammed in my disc player.  Nine hours and several attempts later, it finally came out, but it was too late to practice...rrh!! Fast forward to bedtime which is never ...