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Showing posts from August, 2012

Fall Bucket List

Ya'll know by now that fall is my favorite season.  Well, for me it officially begins on Labor Day.  So before we kick this whole thing off, here are some of my goals for the season. For Eli: 1. Play In Leaves 2. Chaney's Dairy Barn 3. Jackson's Orchard 4. Paint Pumpkins 5. Carve Pumpkins 6. Treat Or Treat 7. Tailgate @ WKU 8. Beech Bend Park 9. Holiday World 10. Bon Fire 11. Go Hiking 12. Go Camping 13. Garden Of The Gods 14. Make Leaf Men 15. Go Vote with Mommy To Eat: 1. Apple Pie 2. Apple Cider 3. Pumpkin Pie 4. Pumpkin Bread 5. Ghost Cookies For The House: 1. Finish Eli's Lockers 2. Put up swing set 3. Decorate Porch 4. Make Wreaths

Just An Ordinary Night

Do you ever get bored with life?  I do.  Sometimes it seems like all I do is wake up at 4:48, take a shower, go to work, pick up Eli, clean the house, do laundry, cook dinner, and press repeat...ha! But the truth is, in the midst of these sometimes boring days, are magical moments that become the memories we cherish most.  It's on ordinary nights that we let Eli throw all the out of date eggs.  He loves it, and I know he'll grow up remembering doing that in the back yard.  It's a small thing, but one day I'll just throw away old eggs like normal people do.  It's then that I'll miss how magical this ordinary event truly is.  Every time we look at Louie's house, we'll be taken back to the ordinary nights when Eli played next to Daddy while he worked.  Eventually the dog will be gone and Eli will be too big to fit inside, but we will always take the memories of those moments with us.   During the summer, eating a P...

It's A Southern Thing

Ya'll know I love me some football, which means I am pumped for this weekend to get here.  Not only does all the college action start, the big Govenor's Bowl with Louisville v. Kentucky is this weekend too. I'm not too positive that it's going to turn out in my favor.  Actually, I'm think the whole UK season is looking a little grim. Oh well, love them anyway.  Come to think of it, I love the SEC in general...minus LSU...I don't like LSU. So, even though I am a huge, HUGE Wildcat fan I probably won't be going to any games this season.  I will on the other hand be watching the WKU  Toppers in action.   That scares me a little because I just don't have anything to wear. If you're from the South you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.  Dressing up for the game is just as important as winning it!  I used to have tons of red and black dresses to wear, but my new mom body has me stuck in a rut this season.  Since I'm in...

A Proud Wife Here's a little fact ya'll might not know about me.  While I do the weather every morning for Bowling Green, my husband actually has a degree in meteorology.  Not only that, but he's good...really good. Anyway, he doesn't work in weather anymore but he hasn't let that stop him from using his gift.  He recently started a website to keep the people of his hometown informed. He's from Marion, Kentucky and the nearest news stations are 45 minutes in either direction, so getting a specified forecast is difficult.  Well, seeing the need Eric decided to help fill in the gap by starting the site. The Paducah National Weather Service officially recognizes the site as a credible source for local weather, and I am so proud of Eric's hard work and dedication to his website and his hometown. He sure to stop by and check it out.  Even if you don't live in Western Kentucky, it's worth checking out!

Family Fun Day

We have had a great Saturday here in the Watson home.  It was a pretty lazy morning, watching TV and playing in our PJs but the afternoon was busy.  First we went to Family Fun Day at WKU. It's an annual event held on WKU's football field.  The kids get to meet the players and coaches.  Plus, the dance team and cheerleaders are there.  Of course, Big Red steals most of the action! Here we are supporting our team....Tops, Tops, Tops!! Before we left, Eli had the chance to play on the inflatables.  Then it was off to Taco Bell to meet Owen and his family for dinner.  Of course the boys were too excited to play because we were headed to Chaney's for Ice Cream and a Moovie! They played on the slides until the show started....The Smurfs!  Then we enjoyed some fabulous Ice Cream while watching the movie! I'd say that's a great way to wrap up the weekend!

The Bon Fire

We were pretty worn out today after all the fun at the fair, so we decided to enjoy a low key night at home.  I fixed pasta for supper and then we just played around the house until it finally got dark.  That's when we put our fire pit to good use. I am TERRIFIED of a lot!  I was a nervous wreck the whole time we were outside, but luckily Eli did pretty well.  In fact, he was a good helper making the smore's. He also enjoyed singing pretty much every song he knew.  His idea.  I have no clue how he knew people sing around fires, but it sure was cute.   He convinced me to make and extra s'more....haha!  Oh yeah, and he wanted to include Louis in everything! Eli kept asking if Santa was coming tonight...again, not sure what that was about.  Anyway, when we came inside to watch a family movie, he picked a Christmas one.  Ha!  Love this kid! 

Kentucky State Fair

Today we headed to Louisville for the Kentucky State Fair.  My family went every year growing up, and it's something that I really look forward to doing  However, with my work schedule and so many birthdays in August, we haven't been in five years. Oddly enough, that was on a first date with Eric.  Ha! So, after work this morning I came home to pick up the boys and we were headed north!  The ride was went smoothly until Eli announced that he had to poop.  We stopped at a truck stop, and turns out he meant pee.  Ah well, better safe than sorry. Sadly, Little Man threw a MAJOR fit for a toy car.  We were tempted to turn around had head home.  I'm so glad we didn't because we had such a fun day. We met my parents at Freddy Farmer who is a giant farmer.  He's fake, but Eli thought it was Goliath. After talking with Freddy, we went to look at the cow, pigs, and sheep.  Next was my favorite, lunch at the Kentucky Pro...

"S" is for Summer

Today Eli and I had an "S" day and enjoyed our favorite summer activities that start with the letter.   We played in the S prinkler.... We ate a yummy S upper.... We went to the park to play on the S lides... Then we came home to eat S now cones... Finally, we finished our day by taking a bath with lots of S uds.  

Consignment Sale Finds

Today my co-worker and I headed out to the semi-annual Duck Duck Goose sale  to pick up some winter goodies for our boys.  I'm pretty sure we were in there at least two hours, but I do a lot of consignment shopping and I'm learning that you can't just buy odd pieces.  You  have to have an outfit or you'll end up wasting money.   I always end up spending the bulk of my money on daycare clothes.  I want him to be comfortable, but also look presentable when we run errands in the afternoon.  I tend to justify paying more for church clothes, so I LOVE finding consignment bargains on every day clothes.  All but two of these outfits are brand name with Children's Place, Old Navy, Gymboree, and Crazy Eight being the most common.   Plus, I scored several team shirts which are Eli's favorite.  We have the Dallas Cowboys, the Tennessee Titans, and of course, the Louisville Cardinals! As I mentioned, I typically buy church c...