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Showing posts from May, 2010

It's A Crazy Life...But It's Our Life

I realize that it has been quite a while since I have talked about what's going on in the Watson home, so I'll back to early April. Of course we celebrated Easter by having our families visit for the weekend, mine stayed with us at the house and Eric's in a hotel. It was wonderfully crazy... A few weeks later we went to Thunder Over Louisville with some friends. Eli saw his first air show, met Big Bird, and fell in love with the Fireworks. Then things went crazy. We bought a lawn mover, hated it, returned it, and got a new one. We made a flying trip to Marion after Eric's dad cut off part of his finger. We had concrete poured for our new building, had top soil spread for our new grass, and started preparing for our landscaping which has yet to be done thanks to the rain. We also took Eli to his first baseball game, and survived double ear infections, teething, and dehydration. We went to Lexington for Mother's Day, Bloomington to visit friends and still made ti...

Swagger Wagon

Eric and I are taking the plunge and will be buying a Mini Van later this year. We went test driving this past Saturday to see what we wanted to get, and decided on a Toyota Sienna. We came across this video during our research, and are now so proud of our choice! Check it out: