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Showing posts from May, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Part One

We are in finally in the homestretch with only today and tomorrow left in the school year.  CRAZY!  We mad Muffins with Mom this morning, the awards ceremony is tomorrow. Then we have FOUR baseball games this week plus graduation.  I'm tired already!   Lucky for me, I got a little R&R this weekend while visiting my in-laws.  We had such a wonderful time, and I took way too many pictures, which means that I will be breaking our weekend into three separate posts.  Sorry, but I just need a place to dump these pictures.  Eric was still feeling bad on Friday after his dental procedure, so he stayed home from work.  I was worried that he wouldn't feel like traveling, but he was doing better by the time we left for Marion.  So as soon as I got home with the kids, we loaded up the truck and hit the road. This was our first trip using the headphones for the DVD player, but I can assure you that it won't be the last.  Eric ...

Happy Memorial Day

Today we are grateful for the sacrifice of the men and women who have served our country and defended our freedom.   Thank you will never be enough!

Summer Bucket List

Ellie gave me another makeover, so you can thank her for these lovely pictures that I am about to share with you while I list all of the items on our Summer Bucket List! I know they have nothing to due with Summer, but I thought that I would share them instead of just a long, boring list of activities! So, Summer.  In the Watson home, it is defined as Memorial Day through Labor Day, and each year we make a list of what we hope to do.  Sometimes we get it all checked off, and sometimes we don't.  The list isn't a recipe for the "perfect summer" or something we stress out over.  It's just a list a fun things we would like to do if we can, and it holds me accountable for making the most of this brief season.  It's about being intentional with my kids.  1. Memorial Day in Marion  2. Swimming 3. Water Ballon Fight 4. Play in the Sprinkler 5. Play in the Rain 6. Catch Lightening Bugs 7. Family Movie Night Outside 10. Summer Movi...

Field Day

Yesterday was Field Day at Eli's school, but I had to work, so I wasn't able to go.  Lucky for me, his teacher is beyond wonderful and was kind enough to snap a few pictures for.  I was always HORRIBLE at field day.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that my baby box full of childhood memories has only participation ribbons.  It never bother me though.  The participation ribbons were the prettiest, a nice teal green. Ha! Eli, on the other hand, takes it a little more seriously than I did.  He's all about winning, which is way I"m glad field day is arranged a bit differently these days. He had a blast! To follow up the best day ever, they had water day in the after school program.  He was an exhausted, wet little guy when I picked him up!

The Stranger Among Us

A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed when I got a text from someone with this picture jokingly asking if Eric has a twin.  I didn't a double take, because it was so stinking freaky to see someone look so much like him. I showed Eric, and he had the same reaction.  We couldn't stop staring. Seriously, cold they not be twins? I keep asking him who the blonde chick his. Haha! I'm still not over it. Haha!  They say everyone has a twin, and I guess we found Eric's.  Although, it would be nice to know his name.

Making Headlines

So remember earlier this week when I mentioned Eric's dental procedure?  Turns out he has curved nerves in his tooth, which proved problematic for the dentist.  In fact, it ended in an emergency root canal by a specialist.  It was such a weird and crazy afternoon!  This three day weekend can't  get here soon enough, ya'll! Yesterday was Red Nose Day, and Eli's class helped their school raise fund for the charity, which brings awareness to childhood poverty.  Students were encouraged to wear red from "nose to toes" for the cause! I sent several pictures to the local paper, and they ended up using one of them with Eli in it!  How exciting is that?  These little first grade leaders are going to great things for the world.  On that note…T Minus 3 days until summer break!!

Midweek Musings

Ya'll, this week has been a doozy!  After being sick all weekend and waking up with a sick little girl on Sunday, it has continued to be crazy!  This kid as already had two ballgames this week, and we are scheduled to have one more tomorrow night.  His teacher sent me this picture of him today during the school assembly.  He apparently hates loud noises so much that he now wears headphones to block out the noise of the crowd.  Ha! Yesterday this little lady had a speech screening, and she passed with flying colors.  If you know anything about our story, you know how funny this is.  I can't understand much of what she says, nor could to preschool teacher.  Apparently she really liked the speech path at the clinic because she got all chummy with her and now we don't qualify. Bless it!  We will retest this fall.  Today I finished up the JA class I have leading at one of our schools.  They are such sweet little f...

Farewell Old Friend

If you've lurked around this blog for very long, you are probably familiar with the fact that virtually every picture of Ellie has a pacifier in it.  She calls it her "nonny," and she has no intention of giving it up.  Honestly, we haven't been too motivated either. After breaking her TWICE only to have it given back to her, we just weren't too concerned...until this week.  This week she tried to sneak into daycare two times!! On the way home from work that same day, I decided that it was time to take it away.  After picking Ellie up from daycare, I told her as much.  Naturally, she cried her eyes out.  In an effort to sooth her, I told her that we had to lock them up in a magic box with a key that would only work at bedtime. To my surprise, she accepted this and started asking for a key.  I happened to have a random key in my console that I have no clue what it goes to, so I dug it out and handed it to her.  Back at home, I put it on...

Midweek Musings

Ya'll, this has  been the dreariest, coldest week.  Fifty degrees in May is just a bit much, and don't even get me started on the non-stop rain.  I'm not complaining too much about that because I know that some parts of our country are praying for it, but if it doesn't let up soon I'm gonna have to invest in a family size canoe to get around. On top of that, there is going to be some kind of weather phenomenon coming up. We're supposed to see something in the sky tomorrow for a few hours.  I think they called it the sun? Haha! In all seriousness, it's been a slow week around here.  We had baseball on Monday evening and the election last night - that's about as spicy as it gets around here.  Since it's been so cold, Ellie and I skipped out on practice to stay at home and enjoy a girl's night.  She's just so much fun and can always talk me into something fun.  This week we did our nails! Tomorrow is a Board Meeting for w...

Because It Still Matters

Today as I was leaving work for lunch, I saw a young international couple exiting the polling location.   They had their entire family with them, everyone.   They were dressed in patriotic colors and happily chatting with their children as they left.   The were pointing to the precinct signs and enthusiastically talking amongst themselves.   It was clearly a defining moment for them, and I suspect that they are likely first time voters.   I image that they have fulfilled their citizenship requirement and were exercising their civic right, their patriotic duty to vote. I asked the election volunteer how turnout was, and she informed me that only 70 people had voted…70.   That number is heartbreaking.   Only 70 people made it a priority to vote.   The weather here is rough, 50 degrees in May.   It’s cold, windy, and rainy.   Voters don’t like the candidates.   The Republican Caucus is over.   There are a million reasons ...

Weekend Recap

We're back into the groove of things after a fun little weekend.  The kids were so tired this morning that I literally had to dress them while they were still sleeping and physically carry them both to the car.  I have no idea how they ate, but they both managed to inhale a pop tart in their sleep.  Ha!  I think it's safe to say that we are ready for summer break! Anyway, back to this weekend.  It was a good one, and we got a lot accomplished.  Friday after work, I picked up Eli and took him to a friends house for his very first "school friend sleepover."  In case you couldn't tell, I made up the name.  Ha!  Anyway, he went to a church lock-in with some friends on his baseball team. Ellie and I talked Eric into treating us to dinner, so we went to a Japanese steakhouse for sushi and hibachi!  He also put our new bikes together.  Now she and I have something to ride when we go camping.  Saturday morning we...

Midweek Musings

Well, we've made it to the halfway point in the week so there's a small victory for your Wednesday! We had another game on Monday night and lost our first district game.  It was a heartbreaker, but Eli got his first home run.  That was pretty cool!  He was nervous, so I promised him that if he pushed through and got a home run I would take him to WalMart and give him $10 to spend.  Can you guess where we went at 9:30 after the game? It was so worth it! Yesterday I went to Lexington for a meeting and was elected to the Treasurer position for my professional group.  I am a little nervous about the responsibility but thrilled to be respected by my peers!   On the way home I ran into this storm.  I could tell that is wasn't looking too good, so I called Weatherman Eric to help me out, and wouldn't you know that I was driving through a tornado warned area!  All is well that ends well, right? In other news, Ellie asked me to...

Mother's Day Memories

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I want to start by saying that my heart and prayers go out to the "Mommies in Waiting" and to those who are missing their Momma on this special day.  You are not forgotten. We started Mother's Day at church with our crew, and we were lucky enough to be in the nursery.  We let Eli tag along, and he helped facility "Derby Races" around the table while the kids were on riding toys.  It was a hoot!  We also made cards for the mommies. We had some leftovers at home for lunch and then I spent some time laying out while Eric worked on the pool.  It was almost 90 degrees and the perfect way to relax on my special day! Eric made me a shrimp boil for dinner, and we took a family trip to Dairy Queen.  They also have presents coming later this week for me.  Basically, they are awesome!

Derby Day Fun

Happy Derby Day, ya'll!  I hope you've had a good one and maybe even won a little cash if you tried your luck at the races.  My sister won a TON of money at Keenland for picking the trifecta.  She sent me a picture of the payout ticket, but I think it might be illegal to post that kind of thins.  Anyway, I don't have that much luck myself, but I did have a good day nonetheless.  Last night was Family Movie Night.  We watched The Sandlot and in an amazing turn of events, everyone fell asleep super early, which put us all in a good mood today.  Our first stop was the ball field.  My little bleacher buddy helped me cheer on her brother in good game of baseball! After the game, we went to a party for the Adkins twins.  These two had the best time playing together.  We have to reunited them more often.  It's so good for their souls and mine too.  They are just the best family! After the party, we ran by the gro...