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Showing posts from November, 2011

Mommy's Day Off

Monday was the very first day I have had off of work and been at home. Meaning, I do take off from time to time, but usually I am either travelling or sitting in a waiting room at the doctor office. Neither was the case this time, so Eli and I slept in before running a few errands. These events are in reverse order for some reason, but we'll role with it. We ended our day with a trip to Wal-Mart, and since this Momma usually grocery shops solo, it was stressful. So what did I do? I tore open the Pop Tarts and let him have it! Prior to Wal-Mart we went to the mall to see Santa Clause. Sadly, Santa was feeding his reindeer which meant we had to find something to do. Naturally I did a little shopping, but Eli started getting a little antsy, so it was off to where else but Crazy 8...thank you for letting us crash your store to watch Yo Gabba Gabba!! Finally we made it to see Santa Clause, and he did great! A littler somber, but great! I realize this is a bit early to see Jolly Ole Sa...

Black Friday

Our Black Friday started at 10pm on Thursday thanks to Wal-Mart! We weren't going for anything specific, but since all-night shopping is a big deal in our house, we went...and I am so glad! We bought TONS of DVDs and a few other presents we needed to finish up. We also stood in line for a 19" TV for our bedroom...score!! I kept seeing on Facebook where Wal-Mart slacked in organization, but the one we were at was beyond wonderful. They had vouchers for each item along with lines defined by cation tape and "manned" by two employees. If you left the line, you had to return your voucher. Big items were on the outside of aisles and smaller items were in the middle of the store with balloons indicating their price. I was impressed!! We made it home early Friday morning and pretty much slept the day away before we all loaded up and went to Paducah for dinner and more Christmas shopping. Eli carried his cars in a pencil box, but decided throwing them on the floor was more ...

Thanksgiving 2011

We sorta started our Thanksgiving on Wednesday. Not really, but when our days are anything out of the norm I call it a holiday...haha! Anyway, we needed new tires and saw where Firestone had a Black Friday sale. The manager gave us the sale price two days early, so we dropped the van off and had a quick meal together at Eric's work. Wednesday night Eli and Eric made a few ornaments for his tree and we ate homemade Sloppy Joes before meeting the Adkins at Chick-fil-A for the boys to play. When we made it home we listened to Christmas music while Eric made his Thanksgiving dessert, Eli played cars, and I did some dishes. It was one of those ordinary moments that becomes extraordinary in our memories. I had to work Thursday morning, but when I made it back home I found my loves snuggled up in bed together. So sweet. I let them sleep while I got caught up on Laundry and made my Green Bean Casserole. When they woke up, Louie wanted in on the fun too! Actually, Eli and I watched the p...

We're Still Here

I wanted to let you know that I am still alive, just super busy. We travelled for the holiday, and I was off work yesterday which means I'm playing "catch-up" today. Basically, you can expect blog overload tomorrow with the following posts: 1. Thanksgiving 2. Black Friday 3. Mommy's Day Off 4. Deck The Halls Until is a look back at Christmas past.

A Look Back

Every year I like to reflect on the blessings of where we have been in this journey of our family so far. So, today I am still thankful for this love I share with my husband and the son we created. You'll have to wait until Monday for this year's official picture, but without further adue here is our Thanksgivings past. 2008 2009 2010 Happy Black Friday Shopping!!

Happy Thanksgiving

From our family to yours. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 107:1

Weekend Recap

This past weekend did my heart so much good! I have been so homesick, and haven't been home for Thanksgiving since 2008. This year we are spending it with my in-laws (which will be delightful) but I wanted to see my family nonetheless. So, Friday night Eric, Eli and I headed up to Lexington. Saturday morning my mom, my sister, Mandi, Courtney and myself headed to Cincinnati to do a little Christmas shopping. We left a little late then got caught up in traffic, so we ended up eating a fast lunch at IHop before hitting up the outlet malls. I almost completely finished shopping, and my sister did get all hers done. We dediced to stop at Skyline Chili on our way home to enjoy the Cincinnati icon. It was actually my first time eating there, and I greatly enjoyed it! After dinner we still had about an hour before all the stores closed, so we hit up Toys R Us and Old Navy...score!! We ended up rolling back into town around 11:00. Here we are with some of our packages. Eli had a rough ni...

Weight Watchers - Week Ten

Starting Weight: 1*3 Current Weight: 1*6 Pounds Lost This Week: 3 lbs Total Weight Lost: 6lbs Best Moment: The Weigh IN!! Worst Moment: Not making it to the gym at the beginning of the week. Overview: I mentioned last week that I had really been struggling with losing weight and thought perhaps I had a thyroid problem. Well, my doctor's appointment got cancelled so I won't know until next month if that's the culprit. In the meantime however, I have had a little more success this week!! I didn't make it to the gym every day because of my endometriosis which meant extra discipline in the eating department. I've always heard that weight loss is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Guess, I'm proof of that ! Please keep me in your prayers for next week. Along with Turkey Day, I have a work Pot Luck on Monday and my gym is closed all week , so I'll be busting out the Tae Bo videos...haha!!
I have been in such a funk this week. Maybe it's the cold or maybe it's the rain, but from some reason I've just been blah! Obviously, I haven't done much blogging. So here's a recap of the week with lots of random pictures that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, but they'll spice up this boredom! Monday I was feeling pretty good and had lunch with Eric after work. Afterwards, it was home to clean and then the grocery. Eric wanted hot dogs for dinner, so that's what we ate. Tuesday I ran few errands after work including a trip a Goodwill. Then I walked at the gym instead of running since I wasn't feeling so well. I picked Eli up from daycare and we snuggled and watched Cars II. Funny story about Tuesday, Eric forgot to tell me we were meeting friends for dinner. In fact, he came home and cooked! Well, just before we ate he remembered our plans. We got dressed super fast and had a great dinner with the Adkins family at Moe's before hitting up...

Happy Anniversary

Eli would like to wish his Nan and Grandad Happy Anniversary!!

Weight Watchers - Week Nine

So, my stats are all the same from last week which is BEYOND annoying! Best I can tell, I have reduced my daily caloric intake by 200-400. Additionally, I have added weight lifting and a daily 2 mile jog to my workout routine. Plus, I did a body cleanse...none of which have produced any results! So, I spoke with my doctor who thinks I may have an under active Thyroid. I'm not surprised really. It runs on both sides of the family...yay genes! I haven't been tested since a few months before I got pregnant with Eli, so we'll have to see how it all pans out with this Friday when I go for blood work. Otherwise, I have a new theory. We always hear stories of women who try to conceive a baby for years without success. Finally, these women adopt only to get pregnant almost immediately because the stress of baby-making is lifted. I think it's similar with weight loss. The more obsessed I am with it, the less I seem to lose. I've finally had to accept that I am doing everythi...

Weekend Recap

We spent a quiet weekend here in Bowling Green for the first time in a long time. After Eli fell asleep Friday night, Eric and I watched the movie Bridesmaids and snacked on some popcorn. Saturday morning my sweet hubby let me sleep in while he took baby was Heavenly! He also surprised me with breakfast and changed the oil in my van while I caught up on laundry. That afternoon I went to Elizabethtown to see my "sister" Shonelle who was in town for her wedding reception. Shonelle and I met when we competed in Miss Richmond Area together. She became the winner and I was the teen queen. She was a wonderful mentor and incredible friend. I cherish those memories we made! Anyway, as you can see she was a beautiful bride!! I had to leave the reception a little early to get back home to my boys who were waiting for Nan & Grandad to arrive. When I made it back to town, we ate dinner at Olive Garden and hung out at the hotel. Then Eli, Eric and I fell asleep on the air ...

Story Time With Eli

On Friday I mentioned that Eli had broken a Christmas ornament while shopping, so I had to share how it all went down. Eric was off work for Veteran's Day, so he and Eli met me in town for lunch. Afterwards, we all went shopping. Fast forward six hours, when I take Eric back to his car. He needed to buy some oil for the van and rent a movie for later that night, so he went on. Meanwhile, I decided to run by Kohl's with Eli to use a coupon I had. Mistake Number One. He was a little cranky upon arrival and of course there weren't any buggies for him to ride in, so I let him walk. Mistake Number Two . I was looking for a Christmas gift, so we went straight back to the seasonal section. Mistake Number Three. Well, Eli decided that the globes were more interesting than following mommy. In fear of a meltdown, I tricked him into my aisle by telling him I'd found Louie. Mistake Number Four. Eager to see the dog, he quickly ran into my aisle at which point I handed him the puppy...

Finger Painting

Every Thursday Eli and I have a little Mommy/Son date. This week it was a too cold to do something outdoors, so we decided to finger paint a little present for the grandparents. For $8 I was able to get a sketch pad, finerpaint, and two frames...SCORE!! Next we got creative, and made a sweet gift for Nanna & Gigi! I can't show you the finished product because I don't want to ruin the surprise...stay tuned!!

Veteran's Day

Today is a special day in so many ways. It's 11-11-11, but more importantly it's Veteran's Day. This is my PawPaw, Bobby Morgan, who served in the United States Army. My other grandfather, Don White, served in the Air Force. I also have two cousins who have recently served, Nathan Ridgeway in the Marines, and Daniel Foley in the Army. Additionally, Eric's granfathers Sam Belt and Harold Watson were in the Army. His uncle, Paul Ray was an Army Ranger. Another uncle, Dion Watson served in the Marine Corp as a Tank Commander. Donald Watson was in the National Guard and Percy Belt in United States Army; both were uncles. Aside from teaching Eli to love the Lord, one of the most important things for him to learn is that Freedom is never free. I want him to know the courage, honor and sacrifice so many have given to defend our country. I want him to truly appreciate all they have done, just was we do today and every day Eric was off work because his office closed in honor o...