Ya'll, here it is two days before Thanksgiving, and I still haven't blogged about Halloween. I am such a slacker. Even right now, I don't feel like posting. The thing is, I really want to get back into the habit of writing because it is such an important keepsake to me. We do a lot of fun things throughout the holiday season, so I'm hopeful that I'll at least be inspired with new content. I had really gotten into the habit of documenting my life on Instagram, but it's just not the same as having a blog. I can't tell the whole story with one little photo or collage. I will probably do a few highlight posts in the days ahead to get everyone back up to speed on my life, but they won't be too in depth. I think the blogging absence, although sad, is indicative of the phase we are in with work, kids, and activities. I am going to make a conscience effort to document more frequently for myself. So without further adieu, here is a highlight of our...