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Showing posts from October, 2014

'Cause I Can't Get This Back

The vibrant colors, the crisp air, and the early sunsets are all evidence that seasons are changing, and I can’t help but sense that the seasons of my life are changing as well.   I’m certain that my lack of posting has been an indication of this transition, but I suppose that it’s time to fess up for myself. Ya’ll, life is busy.   I’m a working mother, and while I love the role, I have to admit that it leaves little time for the extras like blogging.   For the past few weeks I have made an asserted effort to be in the moment.   I have stopped reading most blogs, and I rarely get on Pinterest.   While I still have ambitions to lose weight, I have started to focus my efforts more on developing good habits and a strong routine. My house is messier than I care to admit.   My laundry is higher than I would like, and the disorganization in my home is almost more than I can handle.   But here’s the thing, I’m learning to let it go because there will...

Mid-Week Musings

Hey, ya'll!  I am so stinking behind in life right now.  I know that I always say that, but it's kinda true.  No worries though, it doesn't bother me one iota. What does bother me is the lack of updating taking place, so here are five random thoughts to get you up to speed. 1. Last week was crazy with a capitol "C." I was out of the office on Thursday for a field trip, Friday working on a project, Monday on vacation, and yesterday for a trip to Frankfort.  Today it's all business and a whole lot of playing catch-up.  2. I'm going to try to get back on track with blog posts this week, but don't hold your breath.  Ha!  My house is a mess from all the busyness, and that is driving BONKERS!!! Cleaning will probably top my priority list at this point.  3. Also a priority is getting ready for family pictures. We are having them made on Sunday for the FIRST TIME as a family of four.  I know, I know…that's ridiculous.  I'm thinking we...

Anniversary Trip: Day Two

I don't know if I've ever shared this with ya'll or not, but I love the mountains.  In fact, I would take the mountains over the beach any day.  My momma says it's in my blood; it's the Eastern Kentuckian in me coming out.  As you can imagine, I was in my element all weekend long, especially when we went to Lookout Mountain.  Here is a little tip for you…Skip Rock City.  I know, I know.  It's a major tourism attraction and a Chattanooga legend, but it's also expensive.  Just down the road is a National Monument/Park called Point Park.  It's supposed to be $3, but both times we've stopped in it's been free.  The views are magnificent.  I just stand in awe looking out over the landscape.  It is so humbling to see God's Masterpiece…majestic!  Point Park is also a historic site. It's where the confederate army camped during the Civil War which is why there are cannons in the picture.  I know the South...

Anniversary Trip: Day One

 Eric and I always take a little anniversary trip to celebrate our marriage.  It's something we look forward to and talk about all year long.  We have been to Atlanta, Mammoth Cave (camping), Nashville, French Lick, Cincinnati, and this year we went to Chattanooga.  It's really not about the destination.  It's about spending quality time together, having uninterrupted conversations, and SLEEPING.   Anyway, we were hoping to get an early start, but that didn't exactly pan out, so after meeting my parents to drop off the kids, rushing home to pack, and finally hitting the road, it was after 1:00 when we finally made it to our hotel.  We pretty much conked out and slept as late as we wished on Saturday morning…it was DIVINE! Eric found a restaurant on Urban Spoon called Bluegrass Cafe'.  It was local and served the most amazing homegrown foods.  I had quiche, grits and fresh fruit.  It was undoubtedly the best breakfa...

Community Walk

Today was a Mommy Milestone.  I got to chaperone Eli's class field trip which was a Community Walk around our town.   We started at the church where I got call from work and had to deal with a situation.  While the kids went ahead to the library, I took care of things and met back up with them.   After the library we walked to the park for lunch and some playtime.  I enjoyed snapping pictures of Eli and all of his classmates.  Next came the Mexican restaurant in town and the fire station.  We hit up the hardware store, dentist office, and police station before stopping at Flavor Isle for a sweet treat.  They were so gracious to donate ice cream to the kiddos! Our final stop of the day was City Hall.  Eli was selected to play "mayor."  If you look really closely in the picture below you can see his little head sticking out over the counter.  Ha!  They are all so tiny. After getting a ci...