The vibrant colors, the crisp air, and the early sunsets are all evidence that seasons are changing, and I can’t help but sense that the seasons of my life are changing as well. I’m certain that my lack of posting has been an indication of this transition, but I suppose that it’s time to fess up for myself. Ya’ll, life is busy. I’m a working mother, and while I love the role, I have to admit that it leaves little time for the extras like blogging. For the past few weeks I have made an asserted effort to be in the moment. I have stopped reading most blogs, and I rarely get on Pinterest. While I still have ambitions to lose weight, I have started to focus my efforts more on developing good habits and a strong routine. My house is messier than I care to admit. My laundry is higher than I would like, and the disorganization in my home is almost more than I can handle. But here’s the thing, I’m learning to let it go because there will...