I am blessed to work with a very Godly women who loaned me Beth Moore's book Praying God's Word. It talks a lot about praying for freedom against strongholds in our lives. I won't go into to much detail just yet, but I have been so guilty here lately of allowing Satan to reek havoc on a particular area of my life...sleep. Babies are babies, I understand that. However, I am convinced more than ever that Satan is using that as a venue to steal my joy, and rob my peace. And you know what? I have let him. Seriously?!! It's time for me to wake up and smell the roses (although I am already awake most of the time...ha!) Today as I read, the Lord sent me a LOUD and clear message, FREEDOM . In fact, here are some verses from my quite time today. "It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." -Galatians 5:1 "But this happened that we might rely not on ourselves, but on God wh...