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Showing posts from September, 2013

At It Again

Ya'll, I charged my camera over the weekend and brought it to work with me this morning with the best of intentions to blog, blog, blog.  Only I forgot one thing...the USB cord.  Honestly, I haven't a clue where it is since I thought it was on my desk.  This could get interesting.   I'll try again tomorrow, I guess.  Since I haven't been the best blogger as of late, I thought I would take a second and get you up to speed on a few things. 1. I have been the funkiest mood this whole entire month which is one reason I haven't blogged much! Sorry and you're welcome all at the same time. 2. I'm so over the whole "Motivational Monday" thing.  What a stupid idea.  The truth is, I'm trying desperately to lose weight, but it won't budge.  I'm done.  How can something so simple be so hard?  Really, please tell me.  I'm gonna keep at it, but don't expect updates. 3. Eric was sick all weekend with a stupid head cold.  I'm pretty m...

Walk For A Cure

This morning I helped co-host Walk For A Cure which benefited the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation or JDRF.  Eric's nephew, Colby, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was seven, so we walked in his honor today.  Originally we were going to walk as a family.  However, Eric came down with a cold, so that meant we were going to divide and conquer...I was going to take Eli and he was going to watch Ellie.  The problem is, he got worse and I didn't want Ellie around him, so I braved emceeing with two kids in tow.  Eli was probably the best behaved he has ever been, but Ellie wanted to be held the entire time.  She wasn't bad, just needy.  So, I did my duty with a baby on one hip and a preschooler in the times...sorta! When it finally came time to walk, we made it one lap.  Ellie fell asleep as soon as we started, and Eli got hot.  Ha!   By that point I really didn't feel like fighting eithe...

Library Days

We took a little hiatus from the library over the summer, but now that fall is here we're back in the swing of things which means a Tuesday afternoon date with the books.  Eventually Eli will be big enough for after school club, but right now we're content to just play.  For almost a year straight Eli only checked out books about dinosaurs.  There is a series about dinosaurs who play sports....his two favorite things!  Needless to say, we rotated those books and plum wore them out.  I'm happy to report that we're starting to branch out some. There is always a dinosaur book thrown into the mix, but we've added some variety too! I absolutely love this picture.  He looks like such a chubby bunny...ha!  I guess you can tell by the look on his face that he wasn't very amused about having his picture taken.  Poor guy.  Eli's very favorite thing to do at the library is climb into the tree house.  There are books and rea...

Dear Blog

Dear Blog, My poor, neglected blog.  How I've missed you- recording our memories, writing down our stories, absently documenting the fleeting thoughts that pass through my head.  The truth is, September has been a busy month for us.  Naturally, you would think this would help feed content and drive me to inspiration. Instead, I've been too busy to sit, or think, or or write.  I have started many posts, but they've ended and in a negative tone, and I just couldn't do that to you, my friend.  Keeping it real, yes. Being a Debbie Downer, no thanks.  So, I apologize for my absences the past few weeks.  You'll understand that I'm trying to manage my one billion responsibilities.  It's been a month of trial and error, but I'm finally ready to let go of the illusion that I can get it together. I'm embracing the chaos and learning to enjoy the ride. I'll be trying to be playing catch up for the next few days.  I thank you in advance for keeping...

Coffee & Jesus

No doubt about's a Monday!  Ellie was literally up all night long teething. This is of course on the heels of a sleepless weekend following her post shots fever.  Poor baby in pain.  Poor Mommy exhausted.  Poor Daddy dealing with the wrath of a sleep deprived wife.  Even Eli was awakened by this.  Not to worry, though...he fell right back to sleep! Needless to say, I was less than thrilled when my alarm sounded this morning reminding me that it as the beginnng of another week. Ugh! Then I got to work and saw where someone had posted this little reminder on Facebook.  It's just what I needed this morning.  So now I'm off to enjoy my coffee in the company of Jesus. Happy Monday!!

Matchy Match

My absolute favorite thing about having two children is attempting to coordinate their outifts.  The problem is, there is this little thing called reality.  For us it looks like this: Eli sleeps in jersey shorts and a t-shirt that can be worn to daycare the following morning.  Ellie wears a sleeper to daycare every day...nice! This means I have to take advantage of weekends when we can sometimes sneak in a cute outfit or two. Usually what I need is dirty, or Eli doesn't have a shirt to match Ellie's dress, or I'm just too darn tired to try.  Anyway, this was our attempt at a Sunday morning outfit.  They clean up pretty good...ha! As for the pictures.  Sometimes they coordinate but won't c ooperate.   Fun times!  Nonetheless candy is great bribery if you really have your heart set on a picture.  Just as Eli.

Radar's Birthday Party

In case you didn't already know, my co-host is a dog, and not just any dog.  He's been voted the best TV Personality in Bowling Green for five years straight.  He's kinda  a big deal.  So much so that he has a birthday party every year and the public is invited. It's in conjunction with Chaney Dairy Barn's birthday. Today Chaney's turned ten and Radar turned nine.  I headed out to celebrate with my co-workers and the kids tagged along for the fun. Chaney's Dairy Barn is one of Eli's top three favorite places, so he was pumped.  Throw is Radar the Weather Dog, Free Cake, and inflatable slides, and it's a preschooler's dream! Actually, it's kinda a preschooler's least when the inflatable deflates while your jumping.  That's right.  Something happened and the bouncy house came crashing down with Eli in side.  He was distract, but I couldn't stop laughing.  I mean what are the chance?  Ha!  Poor kid is ...

Ellie's Shots

Sweet Ellie girl had her six month check up today, and we are happy to report that she's a healthy little booger!  She's actually much bigger than her brother was at this age.  She's in the ninetieth percentile for height and the forty-fifth percentile for weight.  Eli is in the twelve...poor boy.  I'm still pulling for daddy's genes to kick in. Ha! Of course we had to have shots, and Ellie was such a drama queen.  Don't get me wrong, all babies cry.  She just wouldn't stop.  Every time someone new would walk by her she would cry again.  It was so cute, like she was saying, "oh my gosh, wait until you hear what just happened."  After the appointment we ran a few errands and met Eric for lunch.  Now this sweet thing is snuggled up asleep in my arms while I blog and catch up on Scandal. 

NBC/CBS Premier Party

Last night was the Premier Party at work.  Basically it's dinner party to show advertisers and potential advertisers what is coming up on our networks in the new season.   Eric I pretended it was a date since Sabrina watched the kids.  We got dressed up and enjoyed some time with my coworkers.  Really we spent all of two minutes together since it was a work function, but hey, it was still a nice break! Eli wasn't too thrilled about going to bed when we got home, so I'm thinking a few extra cups of coffee may be needed.  Ha!  I sure am glad it's a Friday!!

The Facts Of Life

I wasn't a 1980s kid, but I sure do love that show.  Anyone else?  Here's a little side story before we get into the post.  I once interview Lisa Welchel who played Blaire.  I wasn't a fan of her, and that's all I have to say about that. So, LIFE.  It's hard.  I'm not talking the deep stuff either.  I'm talking to daily grind.  You know, alarms that sound way too early, work, laundry, workouts, house cleaning, finances,  I once read a quote that said something along the lines of "any idiot can handle a crisis, it's the day to day living that kills us."  Again, paraphrasing, but you get it. Anyway, life lately has been draining.  It shouldn't be, really.  I have everything I've ever wanted -a  career in television, a loving husband whom I adore, two precious children, a home, a minivan.  I'm living the American dream.  Heck, I'm living my dream, it's just not exactly how I planned it. In my...

Motivation Monday

Ya'll, I completely fell off the fitness train this past weekend.  I'm talking I ate BBQ, Biscuits and Gravy, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Funnel Cakes, Mexican, Philly Cheese Steaks, French Toast, and Pizza. Needless to say, I didn't lose any weight.  In fact, I gained!  Ugh.  Nobody to blame but myself on this one.  I think with kids gone and all the freedom there, I just kinda went off the deep end.  Ha! Today is a new a day, so here's to getting back on track and FAST!!

Our Date Weekend

Eric and I have enjoyed the most wonderful weekend together.  I met my parents in E-town on Thursday with the kids, and of course they we're all excited (grandparents and kids alike), then I came home and vegged out with my hubby.  It was wonderful being able to go to bed when we wanted and watch non-cartoon shows on TV.  Ha!  It's the small things! Friday after work I took my sweet time getting off of work.  Then I ran some errands, stopped by Goodwill and picked Eric up from work.  We toured the St. Jude Dream Home, which is something we would not have braved with the kids.  Afterwards we picked up some BBQ for dinner.  We spent the rest of the night outside on the back porch relaxing around the fire pit.  It was heavenly getting to sleep in yesterday morning.  We weren't in a rush to eat breakfast or get anywhere.  We almost missed the UK v. Louisville Game, but we ended up watching it before heading to the Blueg...

Motivation Monday

Don't die of shock that I'm blogging today.  Ha!  Ya'll, ever since I jumped on the fitness train I have found myself running out of time to do some things.  As much as I would love to give up housekeeping, I just can't.  Lately it's been the blog. Anyway, the weight is coming off slowly but surely...about a pound a week.  I wish it would all just fall off at once, but it doesn't work that way...or at least it shouldn't if it'ls gonna last. I'm doing great on the whole exercise thing.  I haven't missed a day of cycling and only two gym days total.  I think that's pretty good considering everything we've had going on. I still tend to get off track on the weekends, but even those are better than my best days before.  There is a direct correlation between my successful days and my use of the Lose It app. Other than that, we're getting into a nice fall routine which is helping immensely. No longer am I having the above daily c...

Happy Grandparents Day

Eli and Ellie have a little message for Gigi Poppa, Nan, Grandad, Granny and Mimi: Happy Grandparent's Day. We love you!!!

Go Toppers

Today the Toppers played Tennessee, and we were expecting a good game after last week's win against Kentucky.  Yeah, not so much.  I felt more like I was watching basketball than football with all the turn overs.   And for the record, if I  have to hear Rocky Top one more time.... The kids were pretty upset about the loss too.  They couldn't keep the disappointment off their faces.  Ha!  Don't worry though, we drowned our sorrows in a wonderful dinner at Olive Garden with Nan and Grandad.  Eric's parents were passing through Bowling Green on their way back from a gold tournament in Sommerset, so we met them in town and then hit up Sams Club...good times! Can you believe how much these two have grown since we went to the Spring game?  Oh my gosh, I could just cry thinking about how time truly flies. 

Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This

This hasn't been the best of days around here.  This morning after the show I checked my phone and there were about a billion missed calls...all from Eric.  There were half as many text so once I realized that nothing too catastrophic had happened, I knew I had to make a flying trip home.   I had driven off with the car-seat.  You see, we each have our own car-seats.  You would think that this would save us a lot of time and trouble, but it does just the opposite.  Eric left his seat at daycare, and of course, I had mine with me, in my car, where it belongs. Ha!  I didn't look for Eric's when I picked the kids up yesterday.  Obviously, with my car-seat in the van and his at daycare, he had no way of getting the kids dropped off. Well, on my way home I got stuck in traffic...lovely!  To complicate things even further, my car lost power...ugh!  I had to pull over, turn off the engine, let it reset, and pray I made it home. ...