Nine years ago today Eric asked me to marry him. When I tell people this, they almost always ask why February 15 th and not February 14 th . The answer is pretty simple…we’re really not big Valentine’s Day people. We usually don’t even do presents. Instead we save our money and take a trip together, which is the best tradition ever and gives us something to look forward to every year. Enough about that, let’s get to the story. Eric and I had a bit of a whirlwind romance. We met in May, started dating in October and were already talking about marriage by Christmas. By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, I knew that a proposal was coming because we had looked at rings, talked about a date, and my parents were acting w eird, so I was pretty sure that Eric had already asked for their permission. He kept telling me that he wasn’t going to do it on Valentine’s Day, so I was sorta anticipating something the following weekend. ...