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Showing posts from January, 2018

Winter Storm 2018: Days Four & Five

We're on day five of this Winter storm, and I have a love/hate relationship with it.  Ok, those are some strong words...I like it and I don't.  The family time we've had is amazing and we've accomplished a few little organization projects, but staying home is just not one of my strong suits.  I am ready to get back into our routine and caught up again at work. Nonetheless, I have greatly enjoyed my time with the kiddos and Eric.  Yesterday morning, we were both off of work for MLK Day, so we cleaned out some closets and decided to bust out of the house and make a run to town before another round of snow came through.  After dropping some stuff at Goodwill, we went to Sam's and Kroger's for a few things, which was good because, oh my goodness ya'll, round two was a bit more than we bargained four. We woke up to about five inches of snow instead of the "dusting" they called for.  Ellie was kinda snotty last night and we were worri...

Snow Storm 2018: Day Three

Today was Day Three of Snow Storm 2018.  I'm actually kinda over it and ready to move on.  One good snow and I'm happy, so this is enough for me.  Except round two is on the way with another two inches expected.  I've already told Eric that I'll have to work on Tuesday no matter what, cause I'm ready for some structure. But for now, we are enjoying our slow, lazy days.  I wasn't feeling so great when I got up, so we didn't make it to church.  After resting most of the morning, Eric took Eli to lunch and to play basketball while Ellie and I made the most of our time at home.  I eventually got bored of my view from the couch, so I cleaned out her dresser drawers and closet. When the boys got back home, we all went out for a short sledding adventure.  It was more of the same from yesterday until Ellie got cold again.  She and I came back inside to get warm while Eli and Eric had a snowball fight.  I'm so glad my kids hav...

Snow Storm 2018: Day Two

Eli woke up at 5:20 this morning ready to go sledding.  I was not super thrilled with his enthusiasm for life at that hour, especially after he woke Ellie, the dog, and everyone else he could think of.   Ha!  Luckily, he fell back asleep and so did everyone else in the house.  Shortly after we got up, we got a text from a friend inviting us to borrow her front yard from some sledding, which was the most unexpected and sweetest surprise ever! Eric and acted like we needed to run some errands, and once the kids were dressed, we told them to get in the truck because we were going to the store.  They were bummed that they didn't get to play immediately, but it was super fun to hear their surprise when we pulled unto our friend's road. After a few runs down the hill, we developed a little system where I would stand at the top and give them a push while Eric waited for them at the bottom on the four-wheeler and then drove them back to the t...

Snow Storm 2018: Day One

This morning we were supposed to wake up to sleet, freezing rain, and ice as the first winter storm of the season rolled into the region.  When I woke up it, it was raining and there was ice on my car, so I assumed it meant the roads were slick and called into work.  Except, the roads were fine.  I felt like an idiot. The time at home hasn't been wasted though.  I've caught up on laundry, played with the kids, and sent Eric about one thousand texts to pick up stuff that I forgot.  Eli can't wait for the snow, but Ellie isn't much for winter weather.  In fact, she decided today would be a great opportunity to channel her inner mermaid.   I'm a little concerned about cabin fever setting in since the snow hasn't even arrived and we are already getting a little "batty" with each other.  Ha!  When Eric gets home we are going to make potato soup, play some games and go to bed early so that we are ready for the sledding fun to come t...


Our end of town has a new Parks and Recreation gym that is just absolutely amazing!  While the facility is super nice, I think the best part is probably running into all of our friends at the basketball games since we aren't all spread out at random elementary gyms across the county. Tonight we ran into some of our buddies from baseball, so naturally we had to take a group photo.  And despite the nearly matching uniforms, Eli is on a different team, which means we're missing our buddies. While I do enjoy watching my boy play some basketball, I'm kinda ready for spring and reuniting with all of these boys and their families. I wonder if they're ready for me and my enthusiasm?  Haha! Oh, and perhaps the most excited of all are the little sisters who run screaming toward each other every time we bump into each other despite the fact that they see each other at daycare everyday.  I guess there's just something special about being bleacher buddies...

Mid-Week Musing

In keeping with my commitment to blogging, I have decided to make Wednesdays my "dump day."  That way I have a place for all of the pictures that accumulate on my phone and I can log the random things that don't really warrant their own post. This week is pretty uneventful so far, but we are expecting "accumulating snow" this weekend, which I am super excited about!  We got spoiled with a few years of good snow and then last year left us hanging.  I hope we can get out and play in it this weekend. Of course that is contingent on how Ellie is feeling.  Poor girl was throwing up this morning. She seems to be on the mend, so I am hoping it's not the full-blown stomach bug.  While she is resting, I plan to clean every surface of our house and disinfect every doorknob, light switch, and communal toy. Tonight is bible study at church and I really don't want to miss out on this week's lesson.  We are doing Kelly Minter's "Al...


I don't even know where to start, so how about a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It has been so long since I have written a post, and I feel like I need to take a moment and bring you up to speed on everything happening in my life.  Not that it's exciting or anything, I just feel like I'm catching up with an old friend, you know? Worry not.  There's no time for that...I will back date my posts if I ever get caught up again.  Until then, let's just move forward starting with why I decided to dust off the keyboard. You see, I have really struggled for the past two years with what my blog should look like.  Simply put, should it be a memory book or a journal.  I've gone back and forth on the issue, which is sort of obvious if you look through the posts from the past eighteen months or so. I don't know if it's because of my distain for over-sharing on social media or if it's because it weirds me out when someone in "real life" (and outside my group...