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Showing posts from April, 2014

Play Ball

Tonight was Eli's very first t-ball game.  I feel like this is such a milestone because he loves baseball so much and has wanted to play for so long.  We rushed home from work and loaded up to head out.  Thankfully my parents were home and had him and Ellie all dressed and ready.  Eli had quite the cheering section.  Me, Ellie, my parents, the Pates, and Ms. Beth.  If you missed it don't worry.  I'm sure he'll sign autographs later.  Please don't think I'm too hard on my kid, I just want to document this for personal memory: Eli had a great game in the field, but he seemed a little nervous when it was time to bat.  He either missed or hit it to the pitcher.  Of course, I still think he's a rockstar!  The next pictures are of Eli and his buddy Miles.  They are best friends from daycare, so we were thrilled that they would get to play on the same team.  I have a feeling this will be the first...

Our New Normal

Hey, ya'll.  It's me again.  I don't have a ton of time, but I've been itching to give you a little update on life.  I know I've skipped over some fun family things we've been doing, but hopefully I'll have more time to blog a little later this week. As luck would have it, both of my kids have been sick in the two and a half weeks that I've had my new job.  Isn't that just so typical?  Eric's parents came and stayed the first week and my parents have stayed this week. I've been so busy that my head is spinning.  Between the sick kids, t-ball, and a few evenings of working I feel like I'm all over the place...and the truth is...I LOVE it!  I thrive on being busy.  I'm the weirdo that just has more energy when I don't stop.  Plus, with everyone finally sleeping, I feel like a new women. For the most part I've found my new groove. Of course there are still a few areas that I need to figure out. My laundry is piling up f...

Team Pictures

Usually I don't like to do two posts for one day's events, but Saturday was so full, and I took so many pictures that it just makes sense to separate them.   After the kids rested and I got spruced up for my banquet, we rushed to the other side of town for t-ball pictures.  Eric was already there helping, so it was nice to have the extra hands.  The weekend is the big kick off for the season. The older kids play a Jamboree Tournament, but the younger ones get to still come for pictures.  This was really the first time Eli has had the whole uniform on, and he thought he was tough stuff sporting the Sea Dogs look! You'll have to excuse the quality of these pictures, I couldn't get a good shot.  Of course I wasn't too worried about it since we ordered some.  I'll be sure to post those as soon as they come in.  After each kid has their picture made, they all grouped together for a team shot.  They are so stinkin...

Easter Extravaganza

This has been the most wonderful start to the weekend, although, I was a little skeptical coming in to it since both kids had been sick.  Even at bedtime last night I just wasn't sure whether or not to make plans.  Luckily, both kids woke up happy, healthy, and in good moods!  That's after they slept until 8:00...woohoo!!!  Eric was helping take league pictures for baseball, so I loaded the kids up and took them to church for the Easter Extravaganza. They had an inflatable obstacle course, but Eli was a little skittish.  I think it may have something to do with the one last fall the deflated while he was in it. ha!  Apparently it traumatized him! Anyway, after a little help he finally got brave and then he wouldn't stop going through it.  There are so many eggs and so many kids that the church does the egg hunt in "heats."  My kids were in the second group.  Honestly, I thought that Eli would be really compet...

Ellie's Daddy Day

You probably picked up on this yesterday, but it has been an insane week around here.  Not only did I start my new job, Ellie got sick and now Eli is hacking up a lung.  My kids have horrible timing bless their hearts.  Oh, and Ellie has decided that she hates sleeping...or maybe she hates me and is punishing me by keeping me up all night.    Eric ended up taking off work yesterday to take her to the doctor since this is my first week at the new job. The top picture is what she looked like Tuesday before bed.  Thankfully that was the one night she sorta slept well.  Eric is such a good daddy and made sure to make the most of his time with Ellie.  He even sent me some pictures!   Eli was still at my in-laws house at this point, so that's why he was MIA in case you're wondering. Anyway, I scheduled my lunch break so that I could meet Eric and Ellie at the doctor's office. I have to say that Eric earned some major points f...

Mid Week Musings

It’s been kinda crazy around these parts this week.   Since I never, ever blog anymore, I thought this would be a good time to get everyone up to speed with these five little points. 1. Ellie has been sick for almost a week. It started when she cut three molars at the same time.   She teeths really hard and usually ends up with a gunky eye and runny nose.   This time she got an ear infection, double eye infection, and some kind of cold.   2. The timing was really bad because I started my new job on Monday.    The good news is it’s going great.   I need to learn how to pace myself a bit because I work super fast from being on deadline for all those years in television. Ha!   I love it, and I’m enjoying meeting all the new people.    3. Eric’s parents were in town for a belated birthday celebration (he turned 30 last week) and to help watch Ellie since she’s been sick.   They took Eli home with them yeste...


I guess you noticed that despite my best efforts, I have really neglected the blog as of late.   I apologize.   Really, I do.   I have been much better about taking pictures, writing down what the kids are doing/saying, and generally documenting things, I just haven’t blogged about it. The thing is, life as been moving fast for us in the Watson home.   We’re in a season of transition and change, and that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.   If you follow me on Facebook or Insagram you already know that as of last Friday, April 4 th ,   I no longer work in television.   I am the new Communications Director for the county school district. About a year and half ago I started getting really frustrated with life.   Honestly, I chalked it up to pregnancy hormones and a few big hits to the pocket book thanks to a jacked up van. The thing is, I just couldn’t shake this feeling of impending change.   I’m pretty sure I drove all my friends,...