I guess you noticed that despite my best efforts, I have
really neglected the blog as of late.
I apologize. Really, I
do. I have been much better about
taking pictures, writing down what the kids are doing/saying, and generally
documenting things, I just haven’t blogged about it. The thing is, life as been
moving fast for us in the Watson home.
We’re in a season of transition and change, and that, my friends, is a
beautiful thing.
If you follow me on Facebook or Insagram you already know
that as of last Friday, April 4th, I no longer work in television. I am the new Communications Director for the county school
About a year and half ago I started getting really
frustrated with life. Honestly, I
chalked it up to pregnancy hormones and a few big hits to the pocket book
thanks to a jacked up van. The thing is, I just couldn’t shake this feeling of
impending change. I’m pretty sure
I drove all my friends, family, and Bible study gals insane talking about
it. Oh yeah, Eric too…ya’ll the
man is a saint for dealing with me.
At one point he sent me a sermon about Godly Frustration and
how often times it is that very emotion (frustration) that leads us on the next
road of our journey. So, Eric and
I decided to step out in faith and start knocking on doors. Our prayer was that God would only open
THE door he wanted us to walk through because when you’re really close to a
situation it’s hard to be discerning. Additionally, we prayed that my next job would be more
conducive to a family lifestyle and carry state retirement benefits. Then I started knocking…and
knocking…and knocking.
For more than six months I applied for jobs. Despite leaving it in the Lord’s hands,
I was still a mess not “knowing.” I was willing to go anywhere and do anything
I just wanted to know what it was.
Finally, he opened this door and it meets the specific things we
Many people ask if it was difficult leaving television news,
and the answer is no. Morale
personally and within the station had been very low for quite a while, so I’m
sure that played a part in my eagerness to depart. As I mentioned before, the television industry is simply not
condusive to a family lifestyle.
I am so so happy for you, Morgan! Really grateful this answer to prayer has come for you and that sweet family. You will always be a rock star and ray of sunshine wherever you are!