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Showing posts from August, 2015

Weekend Recap

We had the most wonderful weekend minus Ellie getting sick.  Yeah, two weeks into the regular routine of our lives, and I am home with a sick kid.  UGH! Back to the awesome weekend. Friday night I was too tired to cook, so I grabbed McDonald's for dinner.  After eating we bathed the kids and settled in for our weekly tradition - Family Movie Night.  Eli is on a Christmas kick, so we watched a holiday favorite.  After the kids went to bed, Eric and I attempted to watch something together, but we fell asleep.  We are just such an exciting couple. Ha! Saturday morning I took the kids with me to town so that Eric could work on his boat.  We started with breakfast at Hardee's before making a grocery run.  Back at home we played, watched the Little League World Series, and knocked some chores off of our "to do" list. Saturday evening we were finally reunited with the Adkins!!!  We had a nacho bar and dessert, and the house was so full...

Close to Home

Last night I said that I wanted to write from the heart, but I never thought I would have inspired material so soon. The story of the news correspondent killed on live television this morning struck a deep cord with me, as you might expect.   After working in the media industry for nearly a decade, I feel somehow connect to this young reporter who seemed so full of passion and drive. Like her, I know what it’s like to be in a small market starting out.   I understand exactly what it means to “pay your dues.”   I feel her body’s fatigue from having to get up well before the sun rises so that she can help wake up the rest of the word. I know what’s like. I know that nervous feeling in pit of your stomach when you see a coworker escorted from the building.   Egos and stress run high in this business, so sometimes it gets messy. (2012 Headshot) I know what it’s like to have to have a coworker walk you to your car in the early morning darkness...

One Flew Over The Cukoo's Next

You know the saying about the babies leaving the nest? "You'll be an empty nester before you know it," they say...  For me, it’s more like the title,  One Flew Over The Cukoo’s Nest  because the good, the bad, and the ugly are all part of this ride through parenthood, and I want to remember it all when the last birdie spreads its wings. I know I promised to be a better blogger, and then I went a failed you.   Working full-time hours verses half time hours is no joke, and sometimes things just have to go.   In most cases it’s blogging because by the time I wake up, get the kids dressed and fed, make the beds, drop everyone off at their proper locations, go to the gym, work a full day, make dinner, clean up dinner, play with the kids, do a load of laundry, bathe the kids, and put the kids to bed, I am just too darn tired to write. Anyone else? I was better (for the most part) about blogging throughout the summer months, as I promised that I would ...

Mid-Week Musings

I would like to introduce you to my two favorite super heroes, Batman and Robin.  My kiddos love dress-up, so we were happy to buy Little Man a few customs to add to his collection.  We gave hime one at his party and one on his actual birthday. Other than the formal introductions, there isn't much to report on my end.  I do, however, want to report that Ellie is, in fact, with us.  Haha.  She may not be in front of the camera as much as her birthday-celebrating brother, but she is a pistol who loves every last cupcake.

First Day of First Grade

This boy started First Grade today, which just seem possible.  It's so cliche, but where has the time gone, and how did we get here. School starts a little later this year, so I had some time kill after dropping Ellie off.  We celebrated the milestone at McDonalds for Biscuits and Gravy, his favorite. The sun was shining through the windows, and it was just very picturesque. I want to always remember how he looked in the moment, so innocent, so eager, so precious! I walked him to his room, and he was thrilled to see his friends and get started on his morning work.   I am so excited about this year.  I've only met his teacher twice, but I already adore her.   I was touring schools taking pictures throughout the day, so I was blessed with a few minutes to grab some photos with my boy.  The first day is always so crazy, it I was nice to turn my phone over to a six-year-old photographer. Eric had to work la...

I Hate To See It Go

This has undoubtedly been one of the best summers of my life. We have made precious memories as a family.  We have established some good habits and developed some strong routines that will help us transition into the upcoming school year.  We have been on some exciting adventures, and we have celebrated some major milestones. Starting it all off with a trip to Disney World was perfectly magical.  For six days we were together night and day, and I wouldn’t trade a second of that time for anything in this world.  Seeing their little faces light up as pure joy escaped their soul, was good for my Momma heart. Throughout the summer I was also able to take a few days off from work which meant time spent together checking off items from the “Bucket List” and visiting with family.  Our evenings were spent almost exclusively in the pool playing Little Mermaid or Ninja Warrior, and our weekends were long and lazy as they should be in the sultry months. ...

Library Days

  (2013) All summer long Eli has been begging to go to the library.  He and I used to take a trip every single Thursday without fail. After Ellie cam along, the trips become fewer and further between, and then I started working full-time.  Even then I tried to stop by at least once a month, but even than came to an end after our favorite librarian left. It's just not the same without her, so I have been avoiding it like the plague. (2015) I finally caved and too the kids today after work because this window of opportunity is small.  All too soon they will lose interest in reading, or at least interest in sitting in my lap and letting me read, so I had to go. We had a great time.  Eli navigated right back to his favorite section and was very predictable with his choices.  Ellie hasn't really been old enough to know what is going on, so it was fun for her to pick out princess books and girlie movies. (2013 & 2015) ...

Big Hero Six!

After we picked up the the kids from Ronnie and Dixie yesterday, we headed straight to Owen's birthday party.  I can hardly believe that these two cuties are six.  I mean, that just doesn't seem remotely possible.  Owen's party these was "Big Hero Six," which is appropriate considering their age.  As always, it was a lot of fun, and we had the best time hanging out with the Adkins! Ellie had a good time too and pretty much thinks she's as big as the boys are.  I think she and Parker are going to grow up to get married.  They are the perfect little match, I can't think of better in-laws.   But I'm in no rush.  NOT AT ALL.  Here's all the proof I need to enjoy this time because babies don't keep.

The Best Weekend With Him

I've been pretty MIA on the blog this week because it's been fairly uneventful around these parts.  Eric's mom and dad met us Tuesday night to take the kids for a visit before schools starts.  Eric and I were able to knock several things off of our "to do" lists, so we spent the weekend relaxing. Friday night we randomly hit up Applebees for half price appetizers and dessert.  It was so fun and we enjoyed playing their new quiz games.  We tried to watch a movie when we got back home, but we both fell asleep.   Saturday morning we hit up a few yard sales and looked and a camper store in town before finding this local gem in Scottsville.  It was amazing!   As you can see from this picture Colby sent me, I think they are having a wonderful time. I have a feeling that they won't want to come home tomorrow.