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Showing posts from November, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

It was our year to spend Thansgiving with my family, so last Thursday Wednesday night we headed to Lexington.  I was so proud of myself for making two pumpkin pies and a caramel pie.  I don't cook, but it was fun having everyone enjoy something I made! Thursday morning we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and made lunch for my dad's side of the family.  There were three new babies this year, so it was a ton of fun celebrating with them. After lunch, we ran to festivities for my Mom's side of the family, but we didn't stay too long because Eric and I needed to do some shopping! Friday was one of the best days I've had in a while.  My mom, sister, and I went shopping all day long.  It was so much fun hanging out with them, laughing, and watching Ellie with the baby.  I got 90% of my shopping done too, so that was a HUGE bonus. We met back up with our hubby's for a late dinner at Chedder's and then it was home for rest...s...

I'm Back

I’m back, ya’ll.   It has been a long time since I have posted and for numerous reasons.   I just couldn’t bring myself to write because sometimes life is hard, and it’s a delicate balance trying keep personal things personal without coming across as fake by sharing only the highlight reel.   I have a problem pretending that life is all sunshine and roses when it’s anything but that.   However, I don’t feel the need to broadcast every struggle I encounter on the world-wide web.    I love this blog and the memories that it holds.   I love seeing my babies grow as I click through the pages, and I often find great comfort in connecting with the raw emotions of my past.   However, as the years have passed, I am becoming less confortable with being so transparent in a public space.   For the past few months I have struggled with what this blog should look like and whether or not it should continue to even exist. Just when I think about shutti...

Be The Change

I've been silent on this blog for a very long time, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if I would ever start posting again.  Following the events of this week, however, I feel the need to write. My children are too young to fully understand what I want to say, but one day they will read these words, and I pray they will understand the magnitude of this election. With that being said, I just read an article that colleges across the nation cancelled classes yesterday so that students could "cope" with outcome of the election.  I am so tempted to divert on a tangent about the absurdity of this, but instead, I will keep this positive. It was only fifteen years ago that we stood together as a nation the day after a true national tragedy. On September 12, 2001, we didn't need a day to "cope" because, together, we were strong.  We figuratively and literally stood together.  We cried together.  We prayed together.  We served together. We came together to he...