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Showing posts from January, 2016


We had such an insanely busy day.  After work, I rushed to get the kids and make it back to town in time for Eli's basketball practice.  From there we left and went straight to the WKU game! Eric bought us season tickets for the rest of the games, so I'm gonna bombard you with pictures in the next few weeks. I love sharing this with the kids because WKU is so precious to Eric and I.  We have the most wonderful memories of our time on the hill, and we are blessed that our memories making didn't have to stop when we graduated.  We are building new moments and sharing it with our babies.   How cool is it that we came from opposite ends of the state, met on the hill, fell in love, built a home in Bowling Green, and now get to raise our family right here where it all began.  Ha! Back to the game.  It was an adventure.  We were late because of Eli's practice, and we liked to never have found a parking spot.  Both kids ...

Little Raiders

One of the things that I love about our little community is the school pride that it fosters in kids right from the beginning. My kiddos are so proud of Warren East and can't wait until they are Raiders, so we gladly take them to ballgames from time to time. Tonight was the Hall of Fame induction, so I needed to be there for work.  Luckily, Eli and Ellie were more than happy to tag along.  Since we had to stay for both the boys and girls games, it was a long night, so we kept them entertained with popcorn, candy, and cellphones. I think we will probably be heading to a few more games this season...go Raiders!

Snow Cream

Yesterday I blogged about how I don't want this to end...the precious family time that comes with being snowed in.  Of course, all good things must come to a close, but I just needed to soak it up a little bit longer.   School was out, but work continued at the office.  I toyed with the idea of sledding one more time this evening, but all of the melting just made for a muddy mess.  Instead, we made Snow Cream..."southern style" with all the bad stuff you can think off in it. Eli is a rule follower and was less than thrilled about eating the snow. He asked me about a billion times if it was clean or if it would make him sick.  Ha!  Looks like we have a "Safety Sam" Jr. on our hands. Ellie was quite the opposite.  She channeled her inner Snow Queen, putting on her Elsa dress and getting right down to business. I must say that the Southern Style recipe was much better than the one I found online last year.  I could actua...

Snow Day #4

The past three days have been completely magical.  There have been no schedules, no responsibilities, no distractions - just uninterrupted family time and precious memory making in the snow.  It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, and there were moments when cabin fever and too much togetherness got the best of us. But all in all, it was amazing.  And I hate to see it come to an end. Church was cancelled this morning, so we slept in...well sorta.  Eli woke us up super early asking when we could go see Mrs. Beth.  We put him back to bed and slept until almost 8:30.  After breakfast and a few morning chores, I made some chili, dressed the kids, and we ventured out into the great tundra. We took Eric's truck, so I'm still very concerned about my car navigating all of this tomorrow.  Anyway, we made it the Beckham's and spent the entire afternoon playing in the snow and sledding on their super amazing hill. After face-planting with Ellie...

Snow Day#3

Since we opted to stay inside yesterday, we woke up ready to head outside for some winter fun! Ellie was such a trooper, and she was so brave to get on the sled and let us push her down our makeshift slope.   Eric is always the super-awesome parent who has all the fun ideas like piling snow up to the patio table so that we can have a faster slope. Love this picture of my snow baby... ...and my snow "angel"! These are the memories that childhoods are made of.  We had a bathroom floor to repair, laundry to catch up on, and a million other distractions, but we needed to be with the babies. After wearing out the kids with round one, we went inside to warm up before heading back out for an evening of fun. Eric rigged up an outdoor light for us to use, and got a fire going in the pit.  We also made 'smores!  So much fun, ya'll!

Snow Day #2

Today we were supposed to get 8 inches of snow.  Instead, we got a quarter inch of ice and a FOOT of snow.  It has been the most relaxing, peaceful day watching is fall, and since we needed time to rest up,  we decided not to play outside until tomorrow. It was a great decision because it gave us some one-on-one time with the kids.  I had seen this little questionnaire on Facebook, so I decided to record the answers from Eli and Ellie and Ellie! 1. What is something I always say  to you?  Eli- I love you Ellie- give me crown 2. What makes me happy? Eli- playing with us Ellie- wearing crown  3. What makes me sad? Eli- When We don't obey Ellie- awe... 4. How do I make you laugh? Eli- tickle me Ellie - haha 5. What was I like as a child? Eli- a good kid Ellie- the beast (she's currently dresses up as Belle)  6. How old am I? Eli- 28 Ellie- 2 7. How tall am I? Eli -3" Ellie-big 8. What is my favorite thing to do?  Eli- ...

Snow Day #1

I don't know if I mentioned this yesterday or not, but Eric went to work because he has a truck.  After a morning of cleaning out my closet, I followed through with my promise to take the kids outside to play. Eli quickly declared that there wasn't enough snow, which was funny to me because it's actually a pretty large amount for this area.  I guess the past two winters have spoiled him a bit.  He also informed me that Daddy is way more fun to play with in the snow than I am.  It's true.  In my defense, however, I didn't have the proper attire to wear.   As you can see, one child likes the snow better than the other.  Ha!  Just joking.  Ellie loved it too, she was just having a "moment." She tends to thrive better in a more pampered setting. Wearing princes dresses and playing in makeup is a little more her style.  I can't argue with that one bit.  I love every single minute of our "girl ...

Mid-Week Musings

Happy snowy Wednesday!  I'm home with the kiddos because our road it looking a little hazardous.  We plan to play outside later on this afternoon, but right now I'm cleaning out my closet and getting my house somewhat back in order from the "construction" this past weekend. So...A few highlights from life lately.  Eric and I just finished watching this series on Netflix.  It is so addicting, ya'll!  Seriously.  I'm stumped.  You need to watch this if you haven't already started.  I also started planning two big parties for this spring!  The first one is Ellie's birthday in March.  I can't wait to share with you what I have up my sleeve for her.  The second party is a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Mandi.  They are decorating the baby's nursery in a circus theme, so here's a sneak peak of the inspiration for the shower!  More to come... Finally, I will leave you with this.  One of my all ...

MLK Day Fun

Eric and I were both of work yesterday for MLK Day, so we headed to town early to pick out new flooring for the bathroom. The kids were fans of Home Depot's buggies, and I was so grateful that they were content to ride while we looked around. After going to four stores in town with no luck, we decided to break for lunch a local Mexican restaurant.  Over some yummy food, we got the bright idea to go to Owensboro to look at Menards. A luck would have it, we found what we needed, returned a gift to a store we don't have, and did our weekly grocery run!  How's that for a days work? Now the goal is to get the vanity and toilet out of the family room.  Ha!