Today was busy, busy, busy for the Watson clan. We started with the final basketball game of the season and went straight to a "banquet" with the teammates. We left there a bit early and went straight to the first of our birthday parties. It was for Ellie's friend at daycare, Layla. They are exactly one week apart and are truly the best of friends. It was a Frozen party, and Elli was beside her with excitement to have met Elsa! We left the Frozen party and drove straight to Chuck E Cheeses for a Super Hero party for Eli. Again, a daycare friend. It's funny how these childhood relationships stay so intact. I love seeing their friendships grow. After the party we went home to change the kids' clothes for the WKU because the Beckhams were blessing us with a date night. They stopped by to get Eli and Ellie for the game, and Eric and I left for our date. We ate Sushi at Yuki and then went wild and ...