My alarm went off this morning just as dawn was
breaking. My bedroom was freezing, and I could hear the wind howling
outside my windows. A peak outdoors revealed freshly fallen snow and two
cars that would have to be buried out…again!
I was so tempted to grumble and complain about
braving the roads and the cold temperatures, but the Lord quickly changed my
heart reminding to "give thanks in
all circumstances." So today I am choosing to be thankful.
I am
thankful for my home, for a warm bed and for food to eat. We have students whose last full meal was
Friday at lunch. Those children probably
aren’t as thrilled about a “snow week” as mine are as they wonder when their
tummies will be full again. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head,
and I pray for those who don't. My heart truly bleeds for the ones left
outside during the harshest of conditions.
I am
thankful for two days at home with my babies. Two days
to laugh, and play, and cuddle. Two days to watch movies, to do laundry
and get my house put back together from a busy weekend.
I am
thankful to be working and able. I am thankful for a career that
is challenging and rewarding and for a career that allows me to put my family’s
needs first. I am thankful for administrators who keep my safety in mind
and allow employees to stay home without feeling guilty or torn.
I am
thankful for the meteorologists, journalists, road crew workers,
and health care providers who brave the horrid weather conditions to make it to
work, who leave their families in
order to serve our community. Let me
tell you something. Until you have been
in one of those roles, you cannot truly appreciate the sacrifices they make and
not just in bad weather. They miss
weekends, holidays, birthdays, and a whole slew of things to work. I am so thankful for these people!
I am
thankful for daycare. Yes,
daycare. All of you working Mommas know
what I’m talking about. No matter how
much we love (or in some cases, hate) our jobs, there is always a little twinge
of pain that comes when we leave our babies.
No one can take care of my kids like Eric and I do, but ya’ll, this
group of people come pretty darn close!
I am thankful that they braved this weather so that I could make it to
work today. And I am thankful that they
are loving on my babies while I am I away.
Finally, I am thankful for my
husband. I am thankful that he has
shoveled the driveway every day since Monday so that we could make it out. I am thankful that he drove to town yesterday
to buy me a new car battery and that he went out this morning to shovel a path
to the car. I am thankful that he unburied my ride and
started it so that it would be warm for the kids. I am thankful that Eric has spent time
outside every day playing with the kids, making snow ramps, sledding, and
building snow forts. These are memories
that will be with our son for the rest of his life.
Yeah, it stinks getting out in the sub-zero temperatures and putting to
work at 20 miles per hour, but it’s nothing more than an inconvenience. Today I have much for which to be thankful!
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