Today was Day Three of Snow Storm 2018. I'm actually kinda over it and ready to move on. One good snow and I'm happy, so this is enough for me. Except round two is on the way with another two inches expected. I've already told Eric that I'll have to work on Tuesday no matter what, cause I'm ready for some structure.
But for now, we are enjoying our slow, lazy days. I wasn't feeling so great when I got up, so we didn't make it to church. After resting most of the morning, Eric took Eli to lunch and to play basketball while Ellie and I made the most of our time at home. I eventually got bored of my view from the couch, so I cleaned out her dresser drawers and closet.
When the boys got back home, we all went out for a short sledding adventure. It was more of the same from yesterday until Ellie got cold again. She and I came back inside to get warm while Eli and Eric had a snowball fight. I'm so glad my kids have a daddy who will do that kind of thing with them.
We grilled burgers for dinner, bathed the kids, and settled in for a movie. Ellie fell asleep, so we're gonna hold off another night on watching Frozen...cause what else is there to watch during an ice storm?
I'm not the best at staying home for days on end, but I sure have enjoyed the past few days with my babies. Looks like tomorrow will be more sledding, more closet organizing, and if we're lucky, a trip to town for groceries before more snow makes it way into the area.
Then, let's talk "spring."
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