Tuesday started off with another late morning and a quick trip to beach. I say quick because a storm blew up about an hour after we made it. Oh well, Eric and I were actually able to relax in what little time we had since his parents took Eli back to the pool.
Playing in the sand...
Burying Daddy...
Throwing Frisbee...
Wading in the ocean...
and digging giant holes!
After such a fun day on the beach enjoying Eli's new bravery, we headed in to get ready for another night out. We headed to the pier and had more sea food.
Colby, Eli, Landon, and Daddy took a walk on the pier while we waited for our food. This is Eli hamming in up for the camera!

After dinner it was another fun night back at the condo. Sadly, my new found rest was interrupted thanks to a little blonde boy who wanted his Momma. It was a rough night, but worth it for that sweet face!!
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