Ya'll this week has kicked my butt. Eric's little incident was minor, but it has messed up our weekly routine which means I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off...I know, what else is new?
I didn't make it to the grocery on Tuesday because I had to come home to sleep from being at the hospital so late on Monday. Now we're spending way too much money eating out on some unhealthy food.
There are dishes in the sink, and I'm pretty sure our playroom is in violation of every fire safety ordinance known to man.
Do you know what clutter does to my sanity? It's not good ya'll!
Not to mention that after taking afternoon naps to recoup, we're all up too late at night then tired again the next day...it's a vicious cycle I tell you.
I got about two hours of uninterrupted sleep last night, but I feel surprisingly refreshed. Although, you might want to check back with me this afternoon for an update...haha!
This weekend looks a little dull so far, but that might be a blessing in disguise considering I have about ten loads of laundry that need tended to and a summer tan that needs some work.
It's supposed to rain on Sunday, so who knows, I may get wild and clean out a closet...but don't count on it.
The week hasn't been a total bust. I did manage make it to work every day, clean out the car, get fitted for a bridesmaid dress, run a few miles, and have a mommy/son date.
Nonetheless, yay for weekends!!
I didn't make it to the grocery on Tuesday because I had to come home to sleep from being at the hospital so late on Monday. Now we're spending way too much money eating out on some unhealthy food.
There are dishes in the sink, and I'm pretty sure our playroom is in violation of every fire safety ordinance known to man.
Do you know what clutter does to my sanity? It's not good ya'll!
Not to mention that after taking afternoon naps to recoup, we're all up too late at night then tired again the next day...it's a vicious cycle I tell you.
I got about two hours of uninterrupted sleep last night, but I feel surprisingly refreshed. Although, you might want to check back with me this afternoon for an update...haha!
This weekend looks a little dull so far, but that might be a blessing in disguise considering I have about ten loads of laundry that need tended to and a summer tan that needs some work.
It's supposed to rain on Sunday, so who knows, I may get wild and clean out a closet...but don't count on it.
The week hasn't been a total bust. I did manage make it to work every day, clean out the car, get fitted for a bridesmaid dress, run a few miles, and have a mommy/son date.
Nonetheless, yay for weekends!!
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