Eric had tickets to the Hot Rod's game tonight, so after dinner he and Eli had a little boy's night out while I stayed home with Ellie. I was able to do some laundry and work on birthday party stuff.. Of course all this talk about turning four had me overly sentimental.
I kept thinking about how baseball has always been a favorite past time for my boys, and how we'll (Lord willing) make a lifetime of precious memories. This was Eli's first trip to see the Atlanta Braves. It was in June 2010, and became what we now call "the beginning of the end." Hahaha! He has been obsessed with the sport ever since.
He plays all day, every day. This picture is proof that a little dirt won't hurt! In fact, I'm pretty sure that getting dirty is what makes you a good player. At least that's what I hear from the preschoolers. You can find my sweet boy getting dirty in the backyard from sliding, hitting rocks with his new bat, or talking Eric into playing catch. Poor Ellie has already taken a few whacks to the head with Nerf balls. Yeah, we've had to ban real baseballs....unless, of course, there is some adult supervision or a helmet for the baby.
I tell Eric all the time that poor Ellie is going to grow up at the ball park. I just don't think there will be any way around it because Big Brother is pretty serious about the sport!
He gets to play T-ball next year. He talks about it all the time, and I have to admit that I'm pretty enthused about it too. I know Eric has always dreamed of having a son to watch play.
However, life can take it's sweet time because once we start there is no going back. There will be a lifetime of baseball memories, but I think I'll always cherish the years before there were teams meetings, evening practices and tournaments. I will always remember a little blonde boy who learned to love the game with a sweaty, dirty face, who spent hours running around pretended bases in the back yard, and who would fall asleep with a bat and ball.
I will remember this little boy who is growing up so very fast.
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