Ya'll, Ellie is the best sleeper in the world! Really...last night she was only up ONE time!! Which made it nice when we had to leave the house early this morning for a doctor's appointment.
My dad drove me around town since I still can't operate machinery. Ha! First we took Eli to daycare, then we hit up McDonald's for a coffee. Next stop was the doctor's office. Eric met us there because we had to discuss Ellie's kidneys.
If you recall, an ultrasounds performed at 20 weeks indicated a slight abnormality in her kidney. We were told that the situation would more than likely clear up, but we had a follow-up ultrasound to be safe. At 28 weeks there was no change for better or for worse. We decided at that point to wait until birth to treat the condition.
When Ellie was 48 hours old we had another ultrasound performed, and it too indicated a slight obstruction in her kidney. She was placed on a preventative antibiotic to cut down on the chance of a kidney or bladder infection. Today we had our follow-up with the pediatrician, and we've been referred to a pediatric urologist at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
This is a minor medical issue that may or may not require further treatment. We know the Lord is capable of healing our daughter, and we covet your prayers as we move forward. Please know this is a minor health issue, but like any parent, we want it cleared up as quickly as possible.
On a more positive note, after we left the doctor's office we got to have some fun buying a few bows for this princess. We also ran by Wal-Mart to pick up a few things, and to the hospital to pick up Ellie's ultrasound records for the trip to Vandy tomorrow.
We came home, ate a quick lunch, took a cat nap, and picked up Eli!
I was blessed to spend the rest of my afternoon with these two sweet babies! Goodness, I am one blessed Momma!! Did I mention that my dad is spoiling me rotten doing my laundry, cleaning my house, and helping with the kiddos!
Oh yeah, our friends and church family have been pretty awesome too by bringing us meals. Poor Eric is going to think his throat has been cut when I go back to cooking...ha! I'm awful!!
Morgan, it is our privilege to pray in agreement with you for Ellie's healing from the kidney condition.