The Lord has used the blog world as a source of encouragement to joy to me over the past couple of months, and now I want to give back in the only way I praying. I know I only have a few followers, but for all fourteen of you and those of you who come across this randomly...please pray....fourteen people can change the world.
My friends Tyler and Micheal Daugherty from college have a precious baby boy who is fighting for his life. At around twenty weeks doctors discovered that Owen's kidneys were not forming correctly. After two surgeries and several weeks of monitoring, doctors decided to put Tyler in the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy.
Owen was born weighing a wopping 5 lbs & 14 oz. His parents are some of the most faithful people I know, and continue to trust God for Owen's healing. Please follow their journey and remember them when you hug your kids today...and Please Pray!
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