This week I have found some really wonderful thrifty items, but in light of everything going on, I failed to take pictures...more to come next week. Until then, here is our thifty family fun for the weekend...pending everyone's health!
(This is us back in the summer..minus Emily)
Friday: Travel to Marion to see Eric's parents. We'll leave arounf five and get there close to seven. We'll likely eat a snack on the way, but will share a meal with this family. The only thing we'll be out is gas...Total Cost $30
Saturday: We'll pretty much relax and take it easy which is one of the things I enjoy most about going to see my in-laws. I'm sort of hoping that we'll get a date night out of the trip. If we do, I'd like to eat at Flamingo Row in Paducah and to go see due date...Total Cost $30 (maybe)
(This is from last Thanksgiving)
Sunday: Of course we will wake up and go to church with the family. We are then going to celebrate Thanksgiving with my Father-in-Law's family. A lot of them have never met Eli, so it should be fun. After that we'll head home...Total Cost $30 (for gas)
P.S. I know it is Monday, but after being robbed, I don't wany anyone to know that we will be out of town. Sorry for being super catious and messing up Thrifty Thursday!!
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